

開催終了4/21(土)Vital Japan「ゲーミフィケーション - 楽しみながら社会貢献する方法」


2012年04月11日 11:41 更新

▼Vital Japan: April Monthly Session
English message after Japanese
Vital Japan 第101回勉強会: 2012年4月21日(土) 6:00pm- 【飯田橋】
◆Topic:「ゲーミフィケーション - 楽しみながら社会貢献する方法」
"Gamification: Having fun while making a better world "
使用言語:英語 Session language: English
Details & Sign-up:

勉強会 6:00-9:10pm 終了後、希望者にて懇親会
開場 5:15pm
5:15-6:00pmはnetworking time(自由な交流タイム)です。



開始前:Networking time (〜6:00pm)
6:00pm〜: Icebreaking
Speaker's self introduction
What is gamification and Case studies
NPOs presentations (presented by 2 NPOs)
1.CARE International Japan
Q&A after each NPOs presentation
Group brainstorming sessions
1)Gamification ideas for the NPOs presented
2)Gamification ideas for your own business


◆Topic:「ゲーミフィケーション - 楽しみながら社会貢献する方法」
"Gamification: Having fun while making a better world "

◆Speaker: Nhat Vuong, Founder/CEO i-kifu
ナット・ヴォン, Founder/CEO i-kifu



SpeakerはMr. Nhat Vuong。Nhatさんは、ベトナム戦争難民としてスイスで

勉強会では、Nhatさんによるプレゼンの後、CARE International Japanをはじめ

後半は、参加者によるBrainstorming session。

From your bedrooms, in the train, to social networks, to the screen of
your smartphone: it seems like everyone is playing video games these days.
Is this just a lot of time-wasting, or can these idle fingers be put to
good use for positive change?

Gamification is the use of game design techniques and game mechanics to
enhance non-game contexts. It's a strategy that increasing numbers of
charities and NGOs are employing to engage with their supporters.

Join our interactive workshop facilitated by Nhat Vuong (Founder and CEO
of innovative website ikifu.org) as we explore what gamification means and
how it can be applied to social good.

Nhat Vuong is a Vietnamese war refugee, who grew up in the French part
of Switzerland in Geneva.
He possess a Master's Degree in Management and Marketing from the
Universityof Lausanne and speaks 5 languages.
He came to Japan in 2007 and a year later started working for Wizcorp, a
web design company. While working there, he got the idea to make his
own website to support NPOs in Japan and that is how ikifu.org started.

In 2010, he received an award from NEC Corporation during a business plan
contest organized by the ICSE and in December 2011, received a 2nd award
for the Japan Global Entrepreneurship Award with the support from the
American Ambassador John V. Roos.

In February 2012, after two years of persistence, his website ikifu.org was
finally release to the public.

English Announcemnet
Vital Japan 101st Monthly Session
"Gamification: Having fun while making a better world "

*When: Saturday, April 21, 2012
6:00-9:10pm (Door open 5:15pm)
*5:15-6:00pm Networking Time
Networking Party after the session at a

*Place: Iidabashi, Tokyo

*Topic: "Gamification: Having fun while making a better world "

*Speaker: Nhat Vuong, Founder/CEO i-kifu

*Language: English

*Cost: 1,000yen

*Sign Up: http://vitaljapan.com/clipmail2/
(Max 150 people)

*Meeting Flow:
6:30pm〜: Icebreaking
Speaker's self introduction
What is gamification and Case studies
NPOs presentations (presented by 2 NPOs)
1.CARE International Japan
Q&A after each NPOs presentation
Group brainstorming sessions
1)Gamification ideas for the NPOs presented
2)Gamification ideas for your own business

From your bedrooms, in the train, to social networks, to the screen of
your smartphone: it seems like everyone is playing video games these days.
Is this just a lot of time-wasting, or can these idle fingers be put to
good use for positive change?

Gamification is the use of game design techniques and game mechanics to
enhance non-game contexts. It's a strategy that increasing numbers of
charities and NGOs are employing to engage with their supporters.

Join our interactive workshop facilitated by Nhat Vuong (Founder and CEO
of innovative website ikifu.org) as we explore what gamification means and
how it can be applied to social good.

*Speaker's Bio
Nhat Vuong is a Vietnamese war refugee, who grew up in the French part
of Switzerland in Geneva.
He possess a Master's Degree in Management and Marketing from the
Universityof Lausanne and speaks 5 languages.
He came to Japan in 2007 and a year later started working for Wizcorp, a
web design company. While working there, he got the idea to make his
own website to support NPOs in Japan and that is how ikifu.org started.

In 2010, he received an award from NEC Corporation during a business plan
contest organized by the ICSE and in December 2011, received a 2nd award
for the Japan Global Entrepreneurship Award with the support from the
American Ambassador John V. Roos.

In February 2012, after two years of persistence, his website ikifu.org was
finally release to the public.

Details & Sign-up:


  • 2012年04月21日 (土) 土・ 6:00-9:15pm
  • 東京都 飯田橋
  • 2012年04月21日 (土) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!