

開催終了10/27 Halloween at the club house


2012年10月14日 01:16 更新

OPEN 20:30

Trick or Treat!!

It's Halloween next month, and we are pleased to present "Halloween at the Club House". A dress up, have fun, meet new people and celebrate scary shit extravaganza!

Has everyone decided on their costumes yet? If it's your first time at the party, you don't have a costume or can't make one don't worry. Normal clothes are okay....ish . And feel free to invite friends, it's an open event.
There is no entry charge but there is, however, one rule. Everyone is to bring one confectionery or snack item up to the value of 100円. For those who forget there will be a harsh penalty game!

Let's enjoy Halloween, life and eating pumpkin together!


Map http://goo.gl/maps/3TmSN

-There are male and female change rooms on the first floor so you can change once you're here.
-If you're coming by train, get the Sanyo from Himeji to Tegara station. It's a fifteen minute walk from there.
-If coming by taxi, tell the driver to go to the 大室整形外科 (omuro seikeigeka) which is in front of the Tegara 陸上競技場 (rikijyokyougiba). The club house is next door.
-There are only 4-6 parking spots available. If it's full, you can park at Jeans Station nearby. Please try not to bother others while doing so.
-Payment is by cash only (You can pay in US$...but there isn't any change)
-There will be alcohol, juice, simple food and snacks.
-Physically handicapped and those in wheelchairs will be catered for and are warmly welcome.
-There are toilets on the first (ladies only) and second floor, please refrain from going outside. The jack-o-lantern is always watching!
-Because there is a hospital next door please exit and go home quietly. sh-!

If there's any new info it'll be posted on the wall here so check back in!

Trick or treat(日本語)
来月はHalloween もうみんなコスチュームは決まったかい!
パーティーが初めてや コスチュームを持ってない 作れない… そんなの気にしないで普段着でオッケー!Face bookのアカウント持ってなくても誰でもパーティーに参加できるから 友達も誘ってあげよ〜!
(ルール1.)ハロウィンパーティーに参加する人は\100くらいのお菓子を持って来て♫ 忘れたらとっても恥ずかしい罰ゲームがあるょ
一緒にハロウィンを楽しんで 人生をエンジョイしろ! カボチャ食え!

◯電車で来るなら山陽電車 姫路駅から乗り 手柄駅で降りて歩いて15分
◯支払いはキャッシュオン(ドルも使用可 但しドルのお釣りはありません)
◯コップはプラカップに自分の名前書いて使い回し エコノミーに協力を
◯トイレは1F(女性用),2Fに有り。敷地内での立ちション禁止 ジャックランタンが見てるぞ
◯となりが病院だから 帰る時は静かに シ〜〜…


  • 2012年10月27日 (土)
  • 兵庫県
  • 2012年10月27日 (土) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!