

開催終了International autumn BBQ Nagatoro maple light up [長瀞 紅葉ライトアップ]


2011年11月14日 15:15 更新



UPDATES Nov 13th[更新]:
As this event is open to guests I will move it to the social event section so they can see.
You can bring guests on this event - only at the Autumn BBQ camp, Christmas party camp and golden week camp. They will have to pay a 1,500en guest fee, in addition to the 1,000en organizer fee which everyone pays.

You must sign up here on this page by making a reply - do not email me.

We will go 100%, even if raining. All you need is an umbrella if it rains ... its a basic walk event to see colours - and they are very beautiful. Covered camping BBQ area so no problem if wet.
Hopefully we can do climbing on rocks and maybe a hike uphill or river hike - depends on the weather. But rainy or not, its a great trip. You will need hiking footwear and clothing if we do any hikes off road.

People signed up so far [人々はこれまでにサインアップ]: 15-20 expected.

OCJ has tents and 1 or 2 sleeping bags available but need collecting from Ichikawa JR station.


Photos from 2009


Title and Date [タイトル, 日付]:
Nov 19,20: Club BBQ (lodge/tent) Nagatoro red maple light up [長瀞 紅葉ライトアップ]

Location [場所]: Nagatoro, Saitama. About 1.5hrs north west of Tokyo.

Event Grade [イベント等級]: Basic camp is fitness 0, technical 0 - beginner.
Other events like hike etc will be optional and added later.

Contact Details (and sign up conditions) [連絡先詳細(と参加の条件)]
Sign up on the webpage here
Say if you will bring your tent, use OCJ tent (5 people) or will stay in a lodge.
Also say if you have a sleeping bag - OCJ has 1 or 2 available. Futons and sleeping bags can usually be rented at the campsite. If woman want 'women only' lodge then please say ... it might be possible if enough people.

Event Details [イベント詳細]
Very beautiful red maple light up festival. About 3 places in the town are lit up at night for autumn colours and nice scenery by river cliffs with autumn colours.
Autumn BBQ camp in lodge or tent.... easy easy trip and convenient access. Great chance to make special autumn food.
Nice campsite with lodges available by the river. There are hot showers on the campsite and onsen not far away.

Things to See and Do [見どころ、すること、できること]
Beautiful rock cliff scenery from tourist spot with autumn colours.
Easy hikes, river hike, night time walk for park(s) autumn colours light up festival.
Rock climbing and boldering,
Kayak or rafting if you arrange with tour operator.
BBQ and campfire by river. Big supermarket and station 15-20 minutes away.

Probably arrive early afternoon at Nagatoro station. Leave bags and walk along river path to see rocks, momiji park. Then check 2 campsites - look at lodges and see what prices we get. If no good we will go to the usual site - Nagatoro auto-campsite.
Check in, set up tents then free time ... river walk possible or climb on rocks for those interested. Lodge people must make a group and pay the bill together.
Go shopping for dinner in supermarket (group). We buy for everyone and share cooking. Usually 1,000-1,500en for snacks, dinner, breakfast, and leftovers for lunch.

Around 6-7pm we start evening walk to lit up parks ... lights go out before 10pm. We can make hot drinks in the park (hot spiced wine).
Campfire ok.

Up and cooking breakfast by 8am. Check out usually 10-11am. Decide what to do - hiking or walk around, Chichibu shrines, onsen etc.
I might take a kayak - there are schools there offering training courses.

Campsite 3 or 4 options - choose on the day for best discount/price.
There are several in or around Nagatoro and this season we should get a discount ... I will check before the weekend but final choice made when we get there - negotiate and choose the best deal. They are all within about 1-2km.
None of the sites have 1 person - 1 tent prices so we have to negotiate. Usually it costs 1,000en/person (Nagatoro auto camp 2009).
Thre times we have stayed at Nagatoro Auto-campsite. Its ok but a bit far from momiji light up park. This is the back up, if other site is not better.
There are 2 campsites near the momiji light up park - River Park and Water Park campsites. We will look at these first on Saturday. Water Park probably best for us if we can get a good price.


Nagatoro Auto-campsite (backup place)

Water Park Campsite (near momiji park)

River Park Campsite (not good impression 2009 but will check it - next to momiji park)

Route and Time [ルートと時間]
Any hikes added later but basically its a walk around town, park, and riverside.

Maps and Useful links [地図と役に立つリンク]

Previous event information

Things to Bring [持参するもの]
More later, but ...
Things for eating; plastic lunchbox, hashi, knife,fork, spoon, cup.
Warm cloths, LED light.
For camping you need sleeping bag, mat, tent. Some can be rented from OCJ if requested early. Maybe campsite rental also.
If hiking you must have outdoor footwear and clothing - no jeans.

Meeting Time and Place [集合時間と場所]
Later ... will be around 10-11am Saturday 19th.

Travel Details [旅行の詳細]
Later... can go on the Seibu line via Chichibu or by JR.

Cost [費用]
Lodge about 2,000-2,500en if a few people sharing. Camping about 1,000en.
Train about 900en each way from Ikebukuro on the Seibu line via Chichibu.
Food shopping usually shared by group and about 1,500en= snacks, dinner, breakfast, Sunday lunchbox.

(If people stay for dinner or night time maple park lightup, I will still ask for 1000en organizer fee - it is more than a normal 1 day event in this case).


To join an event just reply to the organizer's email address included in the message, or call them if there is a number. Sometime organizers ask people to sign up on the website by replying to the event message.

Organizer fee for each OUTDOOR event: 500en/day (not including Friday night departure), social events - NO fee. Pay the organizer at the beginning of the event.
Some special events may have an additional 500en attendance fee - like the Alps. Organizers can ask the management before posting.

SAFETY! (Event Grade, Safety & Insurance / イベント等級、安全&保険)
OCJ events are organized by volunteers. You are responsible for your own safety and should consider the level of the event carefully before joining. Members are urged to get insurance to cover mountain accidents. Information about event levels and safety is on the website - please read it.




  • 2011年11月19日 (土)
  • 埼玉県 長瀞
  • 2011年11月19日 (土) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!