

開催終了Honita-san 大仁山, Okutama 奥多摩 plus stopping by sake factory perhaps


2011年07月13日 01:33 更新

Location [場所]: Honita-san大仁山, Okutama 奥多摩

Event Grade: Fitness 1,Technical 1

Date and time [日程、時間]: The weather seems ok for Sunday 17th July at #### in front of Okutama station.

Duration[所要時間]:Approximately 4 hours

Contact Details (and sign up conditions) [連絡先詳細(と参加の条件)]

Yes, I do not check my PC address and the OCJ website every day. Please contact to ###########@ezweb.ne.jp for your attendance and inquires to this event. Thanks.
I also tell my contact number with 090#######

Introduction [はじめに]

I am planning this, especially for members at the beginner level or recognizing yourself as a busy person. It would also be good for members at higher levels as training.
It is quite hard to say if we can stop by the sake factory all the way to come back home until we finish off walking down to Hatonosu st in the end , but hopefully, we will. Visiting the sake factory would be interesting for anybody even if you are a non alcohol drinker.

Event Details [イベント詳細] One day trip. The route is, the Okutama st-honita san-Hatonosu st. (Please check Okutama map, page 20 if you have it.)

Route and Time [ルートと時間] See above and below.

Maps and Useful links [地図と役に立つリンク] I am going update later on.

Things to Bring [持参するもの] Clothes such as a light jacket(water proof is appreciated), a raining coat (you can get it at 100 yen shop) good hiking footwear and clothes to change after we go hiking. (I am sure we sweat, I recommend strongly to bring clothes to change.) A headlamp or a torch (this event will not be late but, if you have it please bring it for just in case), food, water.

Meeting Time and Place [集合時間と場所] As I mentioned it might be changed to 16th or 18th . But let’s say, Sunday 17th July at #### in front of Okutama st.

Cost [費用]: The round trip from Shinjuku st- Okutama, 2100 yen with a local train plus for food, what you bring and a sip of sake if we stop by the sake factory (about 400 yen for one drink I guess. )

I am going to update the time of the route below.

Shinjuku.st Chuo line, special rapid, direction to Takao.st
Tachikawa.st – Okutama. st, Ome line, direction to Okutama. st


  • 2011年07月17日 (日)
  • 東京都
  • 2011年07月17日 (日) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!