

開催終了Daves Easy Chuo Alps (Kisokomagatake) 木曽前岳


2011年07月13日 01:31 更新

UPDATE-WE ARE GOING! So far there are only 2 of us, but thus far the forecast according to Tenki.jp is sunny-please join us!

Title and Date [タイトル, 日付]: Update-Daves Easy Chuo Alps (Kisokomagatake) trip-July 16-18, 2011-WE ARE GOING!

Location [場所]: The Alps, Nagano-ken

Event Grade [イベント等級]: Fitness 1-1.5, Technical 1-2(only if advanced option, only if everyone is experienced) .

Introduction [はじめに] Kisokomagatake is an approximately 2900m mountain in the Alps near Matsumoto. I would like to climb this mountain. We will either camp or there are several yamagoyas available. The camping area is only about 1.5 hours hike from the top of the ropeway. It is a beautiful area and since we will be riding the ropeway 1000m up in 8 minutes to 2600m, will be fairly easy and not involve very much climbing.


Event Details [イベント詳細] This will be either a 1 night or 2 night trip. You can do either, but if you come back on Sunday it will be on your own. The area is easily accessible by bus and train.

1 night option-travel via my car to the base of the mountain. Ride the gondola from an elevation of 1600m to about 2600m. Hike about an hour and a half to the base of the mountain, camp or stay in Yamagoya. Sunday climb Kisokomagatake (close to campsite) and other nearby mountains and ridges-there are several, return to the Gondola and return to Tokyo on your own. There is a bus, it is easy to get back on the train-very close!

If you wish to stay in one of the yamagoyas, let me know so I can check availability. I am presently in Oregon but can check on Thursday for you.

2 night option-camp one more night in the same area. Monday climb Kisokomagatake for sunrise (optional). Climb whichever mountains we didn't do on Sunday (there are many ridges and trails). Return to the Tokyo area in the afternoon.

There is an advanced option, but I will NOT DO THIS UNLESS EVERYONE IS EXPERIENCED. Sunday it is possible after climbing Kisokomagatake, to walk along the 2500-2600m ridge about 4-6 hours, enjoy alpine scenery, and either camp or stay in a free lodge. This will require more effort and a few detours to avoid some steep areas. Water is available, if the weather is good should be an excellent views, especially at sunrise. Monday hike about 3 hours down the ridge and return to the car.

Again, If people are inexperienced we will NOT do the ridge hike, and instead will stay in the area of Kisokomagatake for 2 nights and explore the nearby ridges and mountains. ANZEN DAIICHI. It is a very pretty area with lots to see.

Please e-mail me if you are interested, aomoriski2@yahoo.com. Also please reply to the post on the OCJ page

Route and Time [ルートと時間] See above.

Maps and Useful links [地図と役に立つリンク]

1. A description of the climb-http://trace.kinokoyama.net/salps-yatu/kisokoma0508.htm

2. Ropeway link-http://www.chuo-alps.com/ropeway/howto/course.html

3. Another climbing page, in Nihongo-http://www8.shinmai.co.jp/yama/guide/00038.html

Things to See and Do [見どころ、すること、できること] Beautiful alpine scenery, flowers. Enjoy sunrises (if you want to get up!)

Things to Bring [持参するもの] Tent (if camping) warm sleeping bag (down to about 5 degrees or so), warm clothes, good hiking footwear, rainwear/Goretex (just in case), headlamp, stove, food, water (available at campsites). Hopefully you will need sunscreen and sunglasses!

Meeting Time and Place [集合時間と場所] Around 0800-0900 at Sagamiko Station, will decide later.

Contact Details (and sign up conditions) [連絡先詳細(と参加の条件)]

Travel Details [旅行の詳細] My car to the base of the mountain. If you wish to return Sunday, bus back to station and train back to Tokyo area.

Cost [費用] If round trip in my car about 4000-4500 yen per person total for gas and tolls. If returning Sunday, half of that plus about 5000 yen to get back on the train (less than 3 hours) back to Tokyo.


  • 2011年07月16日 (土) Must be a club member
  • 長野県
  • 2011年07月16日 (土) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!