

開催終了ASC - Continental drift presents ASC


2011年04月30日 00:42 更新

Continental drift presents ASC
Saturday May 28th @ Module
OPEN: 22:00
DOOR: 2500yen

ASC (Non Plus+ / Auxillary / Exit / Autonomic)
C_olvrin (Continental Drift / Mariana)
Conoley Ospovat (Continental Drift / Real Grooves)

Hiyoshi (Global Chillage)
Yusaku Shigeyasu (Basement Ltd.)
Turtle (Continental Drift)

**English version follows**

東京へ最先端、最高峰のサウンドを伝えたい。そんなシンプルな想いを込めてスタートするニューパーティーの第一弾がContinental Drift presents ASCです。


Instra:mental率いるAutonomicサウンドのホームグラウンドNonplusRecordsからリリースされ ResidentAdvisorの2010年ベスト20アルバムにも選ばれたNothingIsCertainや、2010年に立ち上げた自身のニューレーベル、Auxillaryからのリリースを通してもこの音をプッシュし続けています。


パー ティーのスタートはMarianaのレジデントも務めるContinental DriftのC_olvrinのセットです。色々なジャンルのサウンドを巧みに織り交ぜつなぎ合わせるC_olvrinのスタイルはCioD`orなどからも絶賛されています。ヒプノティックなサウンドデザインと未開の地への探索を好むC_olvrin独自のスタイルをお楽しみ下さい。

く だけたビートが飛び交う夜の締めくくりにはContinental Driftのレーベルメートで、Real Groovesのレジデントとしても定期的にElevenやUnitをはじめとする都内のクラブでプレイするConoleyOspovatの洗練された四つ打ちから展開されていくライブセットです。常に進化を続けるConoleyのサウンドですが、今回はいつもに増してダンサブルかつトリッピーに攻めてくると思うのでお見逃しなく!



"Continental Drift Presents ASC” is the first in a series of parties with one simple goal…….to bring cutting edge sounds of the highest caliber to Tokyo.

No artist was higher on our list than James Clements aka ASC, who along with fellow leaders of the “Autonomic Movement”, dBridge & Instra:mental, has redefined the possibilities of drum & bass music. With already a long career behind him with dozens of releases on esteemed labels like “720 Degrees”, “Offshore” & his own “Covert Operations", James` is certainly no stranger to “kick you in the head” bass music. But his current sound is a more minimal one, finding its power less in the tuffness of the kick drum and more through the beauty found in deep space atmospherics punctuated with razor-sharp drum programming that leans heavily to the future.

2010`s “Nothing is Certain” on Instra:mental `s popular NonPlus+ label showcased this new sound & was certainly one of the album`s of the year. James` more recent outings on his newly formed Auxillary imprint are pushing this sound even further, well into the realms of deep space.

ASC`s long awaited Japan debut will be a 3 hour dj set bridging the gap of all things ASC........This is the music of now!

Opening the night will be Continental Drift`s C_Olvrin performing one of his genre-bending mixes that find common threads in unlikely places. “Mariana” resident & hotly-tipped by the likes of Cio D`or, Craig`s sets are strongly influenced by his love for hypnosis inducing sounds design & his perpetual quest for the unexplored.

Closing will be fellow cdrift label mate & “Real Grooves” resident, Conoley Ospovat, performing one of his highly-original live sets that are designed for your head as much as your feet. Conoley`s sound is continually evolving & his current incarnation will provide some sophisticated 4/4 relief to a night of many broken beats.

Upstairs, the “Chill Room” will be an eclectic bunch featuring Hiyoshi, who`s delicate touch has made his sets an annual high-light at “the Labyrinth”, Chris from MNML SSGS, Module`s own Yusaku Shigeyasu (Basement Ltd.), along with avid record collector Turtle (Continental Drift)



  • 2011年05月28日 (土)
  • 東京都 Shibuya
  • 2011年05月28日 (土) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!