

開催終了Language Exchange!


2009年01月12日 19:09 更新

Hey Everybody!わーい(嬉しい顔)
I hope everybody had a good holiday!

Our first Tsurukawa Language Exchange meeting back in November was fun, but for the next meeting we're trying for an even more casual feeling, so the next meeting will be at my apartment (Andrew's) near Tsurukawa station.

雷The date and time: Sunday, January 18th. Meet at Tsurukawa station at 2:00pm, or just arrive at Andrew's around 3:00pm.The meeting will be around 3 hours.

雷Place: Tsurukawa station is on the Odakyu line between Shinyurigaoka and Machida. Andrew's apartment is Machidashi, Kanai. (If you plan to join us, I'll tell you the address in a message!) But if you just meet us at the station we can walk there together.

We're gonna try to create an atmosphere where people can study/practice really strictly OR just chat and relax... or a little of both! People will be able to speak Engl.half the time and Jap.half the time, OR Engl.the whole time OR Jap.the whole time... whatever you want. But we'll all be there to help each other and to have a good time..... and maybe go to カラオケカラオケ after?るんるんるんるん

If you plan to come please message me by January 17th. Also message me if you have any questions!



  • 2009年01月18日 (日) 3pm to 6pm (or later...)
  • 東京都 町田市、鶴川駅
  • 2009年01月18日 (日) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!