

開催終了#103 PCCソーシャルビジネスプレゼンテーション


2013年03月06日 16:22 更新

#103 PCC International Social Business Presentations

10年を続いているビジネスネットワーキングイベント・PCCインターナショナルソーシャルビジネスをPCCとIcon Partnersが連携して、今年の最初のイベントを再開します。


今回のトピックは「Add PUNCH to Your Marketing & Social Media Outreach」

第一部:「The Power of Video」
ゲストスピーカー:Mike DeJong
概要:「Business in Japan Television」 (http://BIJ.TV/) 企業役員にインタビューをするオンラインチャンネルのプロデューサー及び主催者でもあります。マイクは以前NHKやグローバルテレビで活躍していました。その経験や、どのようにビデオを使ってソーシャルプラットフォームで注目を浴びるかを語ります。

ゲストスピーカー:瀬戸 和信
(Professional Tech Marketing、CEO of Closed Social Networking App "Makamaka" )
Makoto Blog on IT Media (Japanese only):


MakaMaka on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Social-Networking-App-Makamaka/445890925479569

・開催日時:3月12日(火) 19時 〜 23時

・会場:The Pink Cow
東京都港区六本木 5-5-1ロアビルB1F
電話: 03-6434-5773
Eメール: cowmail@thepinkcow.com

・入場料:2000円 (ブリートビュッフェ付き)

Icon Partnersの協賛で開催致します。

Gary Wang (gyarigyari@gmail.com)
または、Traci (cowmail@thepinkcow.com)

Add PUNCH to Your Marketing & Social Media Outreach

Part 1: "The Power of Video"
Studies show more executives and marketers are using online video to build brand and reach new customers. Online video, if done well, also increases social media engagement because people share what they like on social media. Facebook's own best-practices guide says that posts with video generate 100% more engagement.

But how does a company make the most of online video and use it to its best advantage?

Guest speaker : Mike DeJong
Mike DeJong answers this question and others in his seminar for Pink Cow Connections. Mike is host and producer for Business in Japan Television (http://BIJ.TV), a brand new online video channel that features interviews with executives and thought-leaders in Japan. He offers his expertise as a former anchor at NHK and Global Television to tell us the best ways to use video to punch up our brand-building efforts.

Mike DeJong M.A. (Host & Producer)
BIJ.TV―the online bilingual video channel dedicated to successful Business in Japan
Watch our interviews online: http://bij.tv
Share your feedback with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bij.tv

Part 2: "It takes more than a lot of users to build a viable social network. They need to have strong connections."

I think twice about posting and showing pictures of my private life to work related people or to clients. I wonder if posting about dance is interesting to those who aren’t in my dance classes. Although we have preference settings on Facebook, its inevitably difficult to monitor our relationships that consistently change. I imagine what it would be like if we can communicate with our friends freely and with flexibility, changing the color of conversation like a chameleon. What is our solution? It’s said Closed Social Networking MakaMaka.

Guest speaker: Kazunobu Seto (Professional Tech Marketing)
CEO of Closed Social Networking App "Makamaka"
MakaMaka on Facebook:

Makoto Blog on IT Media (Japanese only): http://blogs.bizmakoto.jp/kazunobuseto/

Entry: \2,000 includes burrito bar.

Doors open at 7:00pm. Presentations start at 7:30pm with open networking after.

Registration is requested but not required
(Click Attending on Facebook).

For RSVP or questions please contact:
Gary Wang <gyarigyari@gmail.com>
or Traci <cowmail@thepinkcow.com>

You can also sign up for email notifications on Meet Up at:

Follow PCC on Twitter: @pcconnections

Sponsored by:
The Pink Cow &
Icon Partners K.K.
We are a contingency based recruiting company in Tokyo. Specializing in mid career search and introduction of mid-to senior management level Accounting and Finance, IT and Logistics/SCM professionals to foreign capital companies in Tokyo and the Kanto region. Feel free to contact us anytime for our services.

Join us for our presentations and follow up discussion on Tuesday, March 12, brought to you by Pink Cow Connections.

For more info and map please check http://www.thepinkcow.com


  • 2013年03月12日 (火)
  • 東京都
  • 2013年03月12日 (火) 締切
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