

開催終了淀川花火鑑賞会Yodogawa Fireworks display party


2014年08月02日 20:26 更新

開催日 :2014年8月9日(土)
集合場所:阪神電車 野田駅改札を出たところ(梅田から2つめの駅)
(kansai happy international clubと書かれた小さな旗をスタッフが持っています)
申込締切:2014年8月5日 9pm




1)ご氏名 2)出身国 3)当日連絡のつく電話番号 4)複数参加の場合は、参加者全員のご氏名と出身国 5)遅れてくる場合は到着時間 
阪神野田駅集合 ー 徒歩 − 淀川河川公園の会場到着 − パーティー開始(チーム対抗ゲーム等で交流) − 花火鑑賞(7:50−8:50pm)ー 解散



場所取りをかねて、早めの集合時間を設定しています。見物客が多い為、花火開始時間に近づくにつれ携帯がつながらなくなり、暗くて人も多いため、私たちのいる場所を探しにくくなりますので、原則4時30分に集合してください。参加申し込み者には、当日連絡のつくスタッフの電話番号をお知らせしますが、パーティーの途中でスタッフは出迎えに行けません。遅刻の場合でも、18時までには会場に到着して下さい。目印として、小さな「Kansai Happy International Club]と書かれた旗を立てたカート付かばんを置いておきますので、遅刻者は、自己責任、自力で探してください。

パーティーの詳細や昨年のパーティーの写真はこちらでチェック!! http://engei.exblog.jp/


Naniwa Yodogawa Fireworks Display Party

Date :Saturday, 9th August 2014
Meeting time:4:30 PM
Meeting place:Hanshin Railway- Noda station (2 stations from Umeda), at the ticket gate.
※You will see a member of staff holding a flag written ‘Kansai Happy International Club’.
Participation Fee: 500 yen (including picnic seats and snacks)

For Reservations - Send the following details to:kansaihappyclub@gmail.com

1)Your name 2) Your nationality 3) Your phone number 4) If you come with friends, please write their names and nationalities 5) Your arrival time if you may arrive late.

Please write Reservation for the Yodogawa fireworks as a title.

Please sign up by 9PM on 5th August 2014

Things to bring: Your own drinks and food (There are no food stands around the place where we will watch the fireworks)

We will be very happy if you bring something to share with other participants!!

Insect repellent and wet tissues will be helpful.

We will cancel this party if the firework display is cancelled. If we are not sure about the weather, we will tell you if we will have the party on this website, after we check the weather news at 10:00 AM . We will not send an individual message to each participant about this.

How to get there:

To “Noda Hanshin station”

Train: “Noda Hanshin station” is 2 stations away from Umeda station by Hanshin railway (1 station from Umeda by rapid train and 2 stations from Umeda by local train.) The underground Umeda terminal of Hanshin Railway is located south of Osaka Station, next to underground of Hanshin Department Store.


1) Meeting time and late comers
We will be there early because this event is so popular and it is OK to come late, but try to arrive there by 6pm. After 6pm, the telephone line can only be used for emergency calls and it will be difficult to find us since it will be dark and will be too many people. We will provide you a staff’s telephone number to have a contact, but we cannot come to see you to take you to the place. We suggest you come early. If you come on time, you can have more time to get to know each other and enjoy playing games, while waiting for the fireworks.

We will put a bag with a small flag which says “Kansai Happy International Club” on our picnic seat.

Please Note
Any religious or commercial activities are prohibited at the party.

See more details about this event and the last year's party photos at http://engei.exblog.jp/


  • 2014年08月09日 (土)
  • 大阪府
  • 2014年08月05日 (火) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!