

開催終了Japanese to English!! News about Japanese-English translation @ Kansai


2007年09月15日 23:18 更新

From Kansai to the World

Recently, in Kansai, a people’s interest in a visual contents business is getting larger. It will not stay in the nation; people also put their eyes on foreign market. However, in fact, language of Japanese is still a minority in the world. A translation is necessary to go into a foreign market.
As a reaction of this fact, we will invite a charismatic Japanese-English translator, Ian McDugal to Osaka. He has have translated numbers of famous Japanese films such as “Love and Honor”, “The University of Laughers”, and also a film animation “Porco Rosso”. He will invite you to the world of translation a film, talking about required skills and rules that you must know to be a translator. Also he will explain what is necessary to translate a film towards the world. You can rarely find this kind of event in Kansai. You should not miss this opportunity of your career.

■About this Event■

Date: September. 30th, 2007
Place: MYDOME Osaka (Chu-o-ku)
Seat for 50 people *in order of request

Fee: Free
*Please make sure that will make a limit for “On the day” in case of all booked by “Pre-Order”.

※Since this event is “Japanese-English Translation”, the speaker will talk in both Japanese and English. A minimum hearing skills of both languages is required.


Please send an e-mail to following address in ahead of time (ps@eigasai.com), or fill up the official registration form which will upload in middle of September. For more information, click http://eigasai.blog55.fc2.com/blog-entry-134.html

■Profile of Ian McDugel

He was born 1950 in Canada. In younger age, he spent most of the time in Canada and England. He attended West Ontario University when he was working as a writer at TV station or a news paper. He experienced a career as a publicity, copy writer and also musician. He moved to Japan in 1984. Since then he has translated more than 400 Japanese films, and a script for a play and TV contents.


A Gentle Breeze from the Village/ 天然コケッコ
Family Matters/ かぞくのひけつ
The Haunted Samurai/ 憑神
OH-OKU: The Woman of the Inner Chamber/ 大奥
Love and Honor/ 武士の1分
The Great Yokai War/ 妖怪大戦争
The Hidden Blade/隠し剣 鬼の爪
The Twilight Samurai/ たそがれ清兵衛
Tokyo Godfathers/ 東京ゴッドファーザーズ
Steam Boy/ スチームボーイ
Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald/ ラヂオの時間
The Ring (series)/ リング
Hana and Alice/ 花とアリス
Porco Rosso/ 紅の豚
From a Northern Land/ 北の国から
The University of Laughter/ 笑いの大学


  • 2007年09月30日 (日) sun
  • 大阪府
  • 2007年09月29日 (土) 締切
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