



2015年03月16日 00:27 更新


毎月 第4日曜 京都三条のPIG&WHISTLEで2001年から月に一度 風変わりな英語ディスカッションをやっています。 7時からは普通のフリートーク。
 初心 中級 英語圏帰り 有段者 ネイティブ問わず(レベルは関係なし。英語力より ひらめき、想像、創造力重視です。学校や会話教室のような堅苦しさは一切捨てて頭の中を緩緩に )、リラックスした集まりの好きな方 興味あらば お覗きください。

●「Deep Kyoto」さんで取り上げてもらえました。
英語サロン以外の説明もありますが 内容は各言語すべて同じです。

●毎月 第4日曜 夜6:00〜7:00頃まで(7時からは フリートーク )
●京都 京阪三条駅から一分 9番出口を地上に出たところのBOOK OFF横のビル2F英風パブ[Pig & Whistle]で。(? 075-761-6022   http://pigandwhistle.org.uk/access.html 一階は居酒屋 その横の階段を2階へ)
●無料 ですがパブの片隅でやってるので 一人何か一杯は飲んでください (ジュース・ビールとも400円から)
●予約等必要ありません とは言え 参加の方は「参加するかもしれません」とコメントいれて頂くと助かります。

●風変わり DIS活SSION 概要:約30分限定で 参加者の奇想天外なアイデアを募りながら (常識アイデアもOKですよ)、トピック問題の解決法を クリエイトしていきます。直感、インスピレーション、スピード感重視です (私自身にそれがないのが問題ですが…)。ゲームと割り切って参加するもよし、 無視してちょっと離れて隣の外国人客とおしゃべりしていただくもよしです。

東海道五十三次の終点 京都三条大橋のすぐ近くです。観光帰りにどうぞ。
(これは約200年前→ http://item.rakuten.co.jp/adachi-hanga/hiroshige067/ )
(これは約100年前→ http://www.asocie.jp/archives/kyoto/sanjyo/index.html )

・別メニュー (第1日曜仏語、第2日曜漢語、第3日曜アラビア語、) 時間 場所 条件全て英語に同じです

とにかくリラックスしてディス活ションを たどたどしくても斬新美!


  • [352] mixiユーザー

    2013年02月23日 10:48


    ここは一人の旅の途中。「何かいい意見を言おう」とか「絶対一言は発言しよう」とかといった 教室DISCUSSIONのような気合とかは必要ありません。

    どちらかと言うと 立派な発言よりも いつもとは違う角度や次元で思考するのを優先させるちょっと風変わりな所。

    もちろん たまたま斬新なアイデアが浮かんだら 簡潔にサバイバル英語での表現にトライ。

    気が向いたら 旅のPUBへフラッとどうぞ。 
  • [353] mixiユーザー

    2013年03月23日 00:12

    ●JOC to investigate violence in judo, other sports
       女子柔道トップ選手 暴力、パワハラ告発 

    TOKYO— The Japanese Olympic Committee says it will launch an investigation into the alleged abuse of elite female judo competitors by former national coach Ryuji Sonoda.The JOC issued a statement on Friday saying it found the “inappropriate behaviors conducted by a former Japanese national judo coach most regrettable. Violence has no place in sport and directly contradicts the values of the Olympic movement.”Sonoda, a former world gold medalist in the men’s 60-kilogram division, resigned Thursday after it was revealed that 15 top female judoka accused him and other coaching staff of harassment and physical violence during training before the London Olympics.The JOC also said it would investigate every other national sports federation, aiming to eliminate similar coaching abuses as Japan vies to bring the 2020 Games to Tokyo。
    ……, a soccer commentator from Brazil, said corporal punishment is unfortunately part of Japanese culture."The issue attracted attention when a sumo wrestler died following violence, but I do not think the sports world has changed,” said Echigo, who played soccer in Brazil and Japan.……

    「長々と喋られる立派な感想ではなく 簡潔極まる大胆な対策を」で参加願います。よろしく!
  • [354] mixiユーザー

    2013年03月24日 23:24

    What a variety of nationalities !

    3月SALONへ参加の皆さん Thank you very much for joining in SALON.
    Swedwn Russia Italia Newzealand Ireland USA England Belgium&Japan

    直感と想像力の場を超えた現実感が いつもの語スプレ感とは異質でした
  • [355] mixiユーザー

    2013年04月27日 17:30


    I can not make it tomorrow(28Apr).
    so I`ll abandon the April dis活ssion.
    I`m sorry for the inconvenience.

    4月28日のサロンですが、急な私用で 私は参加出来なくなりました。

    私が居ない時は いつもに増して盛り上がるのが このサロンです。
    もちろん変なディスカッションは取り消しで フリートークのみ。

    「英語のレベルよりも メッセージの質優先の日本語禁止コミュニケーション空間」ですよと お知らせして頂くと幸いです。

  • [356] mixiユーザー

    2013年05月25日 01:42

    5月のトピックです 5月26日

    ●Tokyo’s 2020 Olympics bid faces reprimand for Inose’s comments on Istanbul

    In what could inevitably be a big blow to its bid to host the 2020 Olympics, Tokyo could face a reprimand from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Ethics Commission after comments by Tokyo Governor Naoki Inose about Istanbul were published in The New York Times. He apparently violated Rule 14 in the conduct for bidders, which prevents bid cities from commenting on their rivals.
    Inose, who often has controversial views on issues, was quoted in the Times as saying that Istanbul is less capable of hosting the games than Tokyo. He also said that Turkey doesn’t have an advantage because of its large youth population over Japan’s relatively aging society. He said that if the Turkish people want to live longer, they should imitate Japan’s culture. “There might be a lot of young people, but if they die young, it doesn’t mean much”, he was quoted as saying. He also made some comments that might be construed as religious discrimination, when he said that the only thing Islamic countries have in common is Allah and that “they are fighting with each other, and they have classes.” In fact, Turkey is a secular nation, even if its population is mostly Muslim. The government ministers are reportedly “surprised” with Inose’s comments, given that he is a historian and social critic.
    The interview was conducted by Ken Belson, a reporter on the New York Times who speaks Japanese and was part of a team that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for their coverage of the earthquake and tsunami disaster of 2011. Also present in the interview, conducted during Inose’s recent visit to New York, was Hiroko Tabuchi, a Japanese-born writer for the New York newspaper.
    A spokesman for Tokyo 2020 said that they are reviewing the matter but fully respect the IOC guidelines for the Candidate Cities. They also have “utmost respect” for the other cities bidding for the Olympics and Paralympics Games, considering them “friendly rivals under the sublime spirit of the Olympic values, excellence, respect and friendship.”. The IOC are also putting the situation under review and is expected to send a formal letter to Tokyo 2020 asking for an explanation on the interview. Let’s hope a few statements will not unravel all the work and money invested into this bid.

    例により「長々と喋られる立派な感想ではなく 簡潔極まる大胆な対策を」で参加願います。 よろしく

  • [357] mixiユーザー

    2013年06月21日 00:12


    ● Justice minister criticizes hate speech in Japan but won't punish offenders

    例により「長々と喋られる立派な感想ではなく 簡潔極まる大胆な対策を」で参
    加願います。 よろしく

    Justice Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki denounced the spread of hate speech being used at demonstrations across Japan but stopped short of proposing any legal action against protesters.
    Tanigaki, of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, addressed the issue at an Upper House Judicial Affairs Committee on May 9.
    "I am very concerned about it. It goes completely against the nation's dignity," he said in response to a question by Yoshifu Arita, an Upper House member of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan.
    Tanigaki did not, however, suggest a future course of action, saying only, "It's a very troubling issue relating to the freedom of speech," and "I'd like to watch closely to see whether such demonstrations will intensify feelings of racial discrimination."

    ………。 Japan became a member of the United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in 1995. Article 4 of the convention sets forth provisions calling for the criminalization of hate speech.
    But the Japanese government has suspended the provisions, saying actions to spread or promote the idea of racial discrimination have not been taken in Japan to such an extent that legal action is necessary.
  • [358] mixiユーザー

    2013年06月23日 23:38

    Can`t get over。 Many higly-motivated young students tonight !
    Everybody, Thank you very much for your GELIVABLE COOPERATION to create nice conversation.

    「直感と想像力,スピード感にインパクト, 京に居ながらFrankfurtと思いきや南半球Australia(町の名前は忘れました)」 いつもながらの風変わりコンセプトに付き合っていただきながらのactiveコミュニケーション有難うございました。

    ここは英語サークルや教室とは 似ても似つかぬ「劇的の空間」。

  • [359] mixiユーザー

    2013年07月21日 11:13

  • [360] mixiユーザー

    2013年07月27日 00:39

    返事遅れて申し訳ございません。はじめまして 参加大歓迎ですよ。

    はい、7月28日 遅れても大丈夫です。

    直接店に入って お探しください。
    テーブルの上に ENGLISH DISCUSSION のサインを出しておきます。
    もし分からないときは お店のスタッフにきいて頂くと教えてくれます。 

  • [361] mixiユーザー

    2013年07月27日 08:57


    ●French cultural concerns could clog up the world’s biggest free trade agreement

    France has said it won’t join with the EU in talks over liberalizing trade between the bloc and the USA, unless movies, television and developing online media are made an exception to the free trade agreement.… 

    France insisted that state subsidies and restrictive quotas for movies and TV shows should remain unchanged. The main fear for Paris is that removing trade limitations in the sector would add to existing imbalances. The US now sells far more movies, music and video to the EU than it buys from the bloc. The US share of European cinema screens is estimated at 60%, which compares to about 3-6% that Europe has in the US. Digital and internet services in Europe are also dominated by the US companies. … 

    A trade deal, called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), would mark the world’s biggest trade agreement. It could make the world’s economic powerhouses even bigger, boosting annual output of the EU by 119 billion euros ($159 billion) and of the US by 95 billion euros according to an EU-commissioned study.

    “An EU-US agreement could potentially represent 400,000 jobs in the EU, so that’s a prize really worth working for,” the Washington Post quotes Irish Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton.


  • [362] mixiユーザー

    2013年07月29日 00:12

    Thank you for joining in the July session.

    やる気十分の日本人学生達が中心だった前回と打って変わってcompletely different from the last time 今回は参加者全員が外国人の不思議な盛り上がりとなりました。

    と言っても コンセプトは不変unchanging。

    英国田舎一人旅 途中で見つけた朽ちたPUB、来月も宜しく。



  • [363] mixiユーザー

    2013年08月24日 00:30


    ●UN calls for end to Egypt violence

    The United Nations has appealed to Egyptians to end the current violence. The Muslim Brotherhood is calling for demonstrations on Sunday, raising fear of fresh clashes.
    In an emergency statement on Saturday, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said preventing further loss of life should be Egyptians' highest priority at this dangerous moment.
    He urged those in the street and those in authority to use maximum restraint and shift immediately to de-escalation.
    More than 800 people have died in clashes between security forces and demonstrators supporting ousted president Mohamed Morsi since Wednesday.
    On Saturday, hundreds of pro-Morsi demonstrators, mainly members of the Muslim Brotherhood, holed up in a mosque in the capital, Cairo. They were forcibly removed by security troops.
    The military-backed interim government is increasingly critical of the Muslim Brotherhood, Morsi's power base, calling its members Islamic extremists. Officials are considering a continued crackdown and may make the group illegal.
    The Muslim Brotherhood said in a statement that peaceful pro-democracy demonstrations have come under attack. It criticized the military for intervening in politics and trying to take Egypt back to 30 to 40 years ago.


    ●参考にどうぞ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IE-I_6xXzQ
  • [364] mixiユーザー

    2013年08月26日 20:47

    Thank 遊ou very much for putting up with my craizy concepts.
    It was creative利y 益citing!

    いつもながら 「語SPLAYコンセプト」へのご理解と盛り上がり+多彩なアイデア



    英語より 創造力やコミュニケーション力優先。
    そんなので良ければ また来月!

  • [365] mixiユーザー

    2013年09月21日 02:49


    "Suicides Can Be Reduced"?

    Suicides in Japan exceeded 27,000 last year, making it especially high amongst industrialized nations. In response to this, Dr. Rene Duignan, an Irishman living in Japan, used interviews with people such as specialists on preventing suicide, doctors, and Buddhist priests to create a movie. We pass along his message, carrying his wish to reduce suicides even a little bit if possible.


    ●一にも二にも解決策。語学力より解決策 と言った風変わりな所です。悪しからず
  • [366] mixiユーザー

    2013年10月27日 00:18


    ●Japan to protest Fukushima-Olympics cartoons in French weekly

    Japan plans to complain to the French satirical newspaper Le Canard Enchaine after it published cartoons poking fun at Tokyo hosting the 2020 Olympics in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

    One cartoon published in the Sept. 11 edition of the paper shows two emaciated sumo wrestlers with extra limbs battling it out with nuclear reactors in the background. The caption reads: “Thanks to Fukushima, sumo has become an Olympic sport.”

    Tokyo won the right to host the games for the first time since 1964, after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe flew to Buenos Aires last weekend to give a final presentation to the International Olympic Committee. The last few days of the campaign were dogged by questions about tons of radioactive water leaking into the sea from the crippled Fukushima plant. Abe has vowed to resolve the issue before the games.

    The cartoon was “extremely regrettable,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Thursday.

    “This kind of cartoon hurts the feelings of those who suffered in the disaster and gives an incorrect impression of the problem of contaminated water at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant,” he told reporters in Tokyo.……。


  • [367] mixiユーザー

    2013年10月28日 20:28

    Thank you very much for putting up with my eccentric concepts.
    It was creatively exciting.

    秋の高雄にフランクフルト 太湖の船で月見でも と舞台は移ろい 行き着いたのはLAのCafé。


    自らを旅人に見立てるこのサロン LAからの客人を通して北米の奥を読む、

    8時頃からPUB内で始まっていたのはkyoto experiment 2013の劇的パートの一部のようです。
    いつも以上の違和感 亦楽しからずや。では

  • [368] mixiユーザー

    2013年11月22日 00:05

    11月のトピック  Nov.24 青少年のインターネット依存

    ●Japan to introduce internet 'fasting camps' for addicted kids

    Japan is planning to introduce Internet "fasting" camps staffed by education experts who will help children overcome their addiction to the online world.

    More than 500,000 Japanese children between the ages of 12 and 18 are believed to be addicted to the internet, although the ministry of education here says it is difficult to get accurate figures on the scale of the problem.

    "It's becoming more and more of a problem," Akifumi Sekine, a spokesman for the ministry, told The Daily Telegraph. "We estimate this affects around 518,000 children at middle and high schools across Japan, but that figure is rising and there could be far more cases because we don't know about them all."

    The ministry is planning a comprehensive research project into internet addiction in the next fiscal year and has asked the government to fund immersion programmes designed to get children away from their computers, mobile phones and hand-held game devices.

    "We want to get them out of the virtual world and to encourage them to have real communication with other children and adults," Mr Sekine said.


  • [369] mixiユーザー

    2013年11月25日 23:49

    Thank you for joining in and cooperating with excentric principles to create new ideas!

    並びにネット依存症撲滅への挑戦 誠に有難うございました。

    ここは英国田舎旅 偶然見つけた朽ちたPUB 

    奇を衒って且つ現実的 徒然の着想に身を任せ

  • [370] mixiユーザー

    2013年12月22日 02:11


    ●Japan’s controversial new state secrets law condemned as ‘the largest ever threat to democracy in postwar Japan’ by Nobel academics

    Japan’s controversial new state secrets law was condemned Saturday as “the largest ever threat to democracy in postwar Japan” by a group of academics, including two Nobel prize winners, reports said.
    On Friday Japan’s parliament adopted a new law handing out stiffer penalties for those who spill state secrets, despite a public outcry over fears the legislation was draconian and would impinge on press freedom and the public’s right to know.………。

    The law allows government ministers to designate as a state secret information related to defence, diplomacy, counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism.
    Abe has argued that the measure is necessary to plug a notoriously leaky government machine, which prevents its chief ally the United States from sharing intelligence. But critics say the categories are so vague that almost anything could fit the definition.

    They worry that information that is embarrassing to governing politicians or to their patrons could easily be hidden from public view. They point to the way that Tokyo withheld news of the severity of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima in 2011, and say a state that already operates largely behind closed doors will become even more secretive.

    That problem is exacerbated by a relatively weak institutional press. The bill allows for jail terms of up to 10 years for those convicted of leaking state secrets, as well as for those who acquire secrets through illegal means ‎— for example through trespass.


  • [371] mixiユーザー

    2014年01月25日 00:51

    1月のトピック    Jan.26

    ●Japan's ranking drops to 105th in global gender equality

    (男女平等指数、日本3年連続低下の105位 世界経済フォーラム)

    Japan’s ranking for female equality has fallen a further four places from 101th in 2012 to 105th this year, according to the newly released 2013 Global Gender Gap Report, ranking women's equality in 136 countries.
    The ranking is Japan’s lowest since the World Economic Forum, known for hosting its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, started releasing its annual report in 2006. The survey looks primarily at four key areas: politics, economics, health and education.

    Japan’s decline partly resulted from the Lower House elections in December, when the ratio of female lawmakers fell from 11 percent to 8 percent--dropping the nation’s political standing to 118th. Japan ranked 104th in economics, with women representing only 10 percent of company executives.

    The report, released on Oct. 25, said that Japan is failing to have women more involved in society despite their achieving a high education level.
    Iceland topped the list of the nations achieving the highest level of women's equality for the fifth consecutive year, followed by Finland, Norway, Sweden, the Philippines, Ireland and New Zealand.

    Among other major countries, Germany ranked 14th, South Africa, 17th, Britain, 18th, the United States, 23rd, France, 45th, Russia, 61st, China, 69th, and South Korea, 111th.

    Jan.26 6pm at the PIG and WHISTLE Kyoto

  • [372] mixiユーザー

    2014年02月20日 23:35

    2月のトピック 「究極のフードディフェンスは?」

    ●Police arrest factory worker over food poisoning

    Police have arrested a 49-year-old employee of Aqlifoods, a subsidiary of food distributor Maruha Nichiro Holdings, on suspicion of lacing products with a pesticide.

    Toshiki Abe is suspected of putting the pesticide malathion in frozen foods at Aqlifoods's Oizumi plant in Gunma on 4 occasions last October.

    Up to 1.5 million times the allowed limit of the substance was detected in 7 kinds of frozen foods, prompting police to investigate.

    More than 2,800 people across Japan complained of health problems after eating the products.
    Police arrested Abe on Saturday after questioning him on a voluntary basis earlier in the day.

    He went missing in the middle of the month after being interviewed by police, but he was found on Friday night in Saitama Prefecture.

    Abe became a contract worker at the Oizumi plant in October 2005 and was part of a production line to make pizzas.

    He has reportedly denied the allegations. He says he doesn't remember carrying out the acts in question.


  • [373] mixiユーザー

    2014年02月25日 22:54

    Thank you very much for your gelivable cooperation to create new ideas.

    底冷え京の2月セッション 静寂とは裏腹の刺激の展開どうも有難うございました。

    逆説に潜むリアリティ 食品ならず機器工場でのポイズニング 千円紙幣とエクアドルの謎 どんでん返しはリバプール。

    この空間 主客の逆転は当たり前 自由な旅人となって 異国の主観を体験しましょう。

  • [374] mixiユーザー

    2014年03月22日 01:03



    (Japanese: 日本放送協会 Hepburn: Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai?, official English name: Japan Broadcasting Corporation) is Japan's national public broadcasting organization.[2] NHK, which has always identified itself to its audiences by the English pronunciation of its initials,[3] is a publicly owned corporation funded by viewers' payments of a television license fee.

    NHK operates two terrestrial television services (NHK General TV and NHK Educational TV), two satellite television services (NHK BS-1 and NHK BS Premium, both now high-definition television services), and three radio networks (NHK Radio 1, NHK Radio 2, and NHK FM).

    NHK also provides an international broadcasting service, known as NHK World. NHK World is composed of NHK World TV, NHK World Premium, and the shortwave radio service NHK World Radio Japan. World Radio Japan also makes some of its programs available on the internet.

  • [375] mixiユーザー

    2014年03月23日 23:36

    Thanks very much for coming tonight.Many fresh interesting ideas,
    I had a great time,see you next time!


    旅の途中の朽ちたPUB お時間あらばまた来月!

  • [376] mixiユーザー

    2014年04月24日 23:41

    4月トピック   語学力よりアイデア優先

    ●UN urges states not to recognize Crimea annexation

    The UN General Assembly has voted for a resolution calling on the international community not to recognize any alteration in the status of Crimea.

    A special session of the 193-member assembly approved on Thursday the text submitted by Ukraine and other countries. One hundred nations, including Western countries and Japan, voted in favor while 11, including Russia and Syria, voted against. Fifty-eight, including China, abstained.

    The non-binding resolution does not mention Russia by name. But it urges an end to any action that
    would undermine Ukraine's national unity and territorial integrity through the threat or use of force. It criticizes such action as being inconsistent with the UN Charter.

    Ukrainian interim Foreign Minister Andriy Deshchytsia said he is glad that an overwhelming majority of nations supported the resolution. He added that he hopes for stronger international support to help Ukraine resist Russian aggression.

    Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin justified his country's annexation of Crimea, saying residents of the region approved of incorporation into Russia.

    The resolution echoes a draft text, which was presented to the Security Council earlier this month but vetoed by Russia.

    The General Assembly vote further highlighted the division between Western nations and Russia.


  • [377] mixiユーザー

    2014年05月03日 00:44

    April session was awesome,everyone had a great time, thanks!

    萌えの京都の4月サロン 参加と劇的な盛り上がりどうも有難うございました。

    前後に動けぬクリミア半島 固まる思考を解かしてくれたのは南からの旅人2人。自由な発想は旅に宿る?いや 雑然の京とキャンベラの違いか?

    いずれにしても旅は道連れ 奇想のアイデア来月も宜しく。

  • [378] mixiユーザー

    2014年05月24日 01:04


    「The current Internet risk, a new micro phenomenon made in USA」

    例により 語学力よりアイデア優先 斬新な対策案お待ちしております

    ●When, 4th Sunday of every month  from 6:00pm
    ●Where: the Pig & Whistle Kyoto
    ●Cost:free for gathering (one drink from 400yen)

    A good oppotunity to get an in‐depth knowledge of NIPPON culture and society

  • [379] mixiユーザー

    2014年06月22日 00:42


    Protests as Brazil stars arrive at World Cup camp

    Brazil's national squad ran a gauntlet of protesters Monday as they reported for World Cup training against a backdrop of public anger over spending on the tournament.
    "An educator is worth more than Neymar," chanted a group of 200 striking teachers, referring to Brazil's star striker, as the team bus edged through the protesters on its way from Rio de Janeiro's international airport to the base camp.

    Despite a heavy police presence, the demonstrators managed to hold up the team's convoy long enough to plant anti-World Cup stickers on their bus before it finally cleared the throng.

    At the squad's training complex, where they were met by more protests, technical director Carlos Alberto Parreira downplayed the demonstrations and said Brazilians overwhelmingly supported the team.

    "Make of it what you will, I believe the team is the cultural and sporting heritage of the Brazilian people. The people are going to support the team throughout the World Cup, I don't have the slightest doubt of that. No one is against the 'selecao,'" said Parreira, who coached Brazil's 1994 World Cup-winning team.……

  • [380] mixiユーザー

    2014年06月26日 22:44

    Thank you very much for being a part of my strange and wacky ideas!

    梅雨ただ中のリオのcafe ゴットランドからケルンからフィラデルフィアから ブラジル救うアイデアの数々?? と言うかアイデアへの砕心 誠に有難うございました。

    深く考えようとするご自身は振り切って 高速ドリブルでお越し下さい。では。
    で うわさのGOTLANDはこちら。喧騒のリオを忘れて暫しの旅を。
  • [381] mixiユーザー

    2014年07月27日 00:30

    7月トピック    例により斬新のアイデアのみで願います

    ●Tokyo assemblywoman subjected to sexist abuse from other members
    Incident widely criticised after sexist heckling by unidentified assemblymen thought to be from Liberal Democratic party.

    The incident drew criticism from across the political spectrum after unidentified male assembly members, all thought to belong to the conservative Liberal Democratic party (LDP), shouted abuse at Ayaka Shiomura as she questioned the city administration's commitment to helping pregnant women and young mothers, as Japan attempts to tackle its low birthrate.

    One shouted: "You're the one who should get married as soon as possible." Another asked if she was able to have children, prompting laughter among other male councillors.

    Colleagues of Shiomura, a 35-year-old member of the centre-right Your party, demanded that the hecklers be identified and punished. The LDP's Tokyo chapter did not deny the remarks were made but said there was insufficient evidence to punish individual councillors.

    The outbursts are an embarrassment to the prime minister and leader of the LDP, Shinzo Abe, who is pushing to increase the number of women in senior positions in business and improve Japan's poor standing in global gender equality rankings.

    The chief cabinet secretary, Yoshihide Suga, said the behaviour of LDP representatives in the Tokyo assembly was not a reflection of the party's national policies. He added: "If there were comments of a sexist nature, I would like the assembly to clean up its act."

    The health minister, Norihisa Tamura, whose portfolio includes promoting women in the workplace, said the abuse was "deeply disrespectful to women". Masako Mori, the minister responsible for tackling the low birthrate, described the comments as "totally unacceptable".

    Shiomura and her party colleagues were unable to identify the hecklers, but said the comments had originated in a section of the assembly chamber occupied by members of the LDP.……

  • [382] mixiユーザー

    2014年08月22日 00:17

    8月トピック  Aug.24  早く解決策を!

    ●Gaza Crisis: UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay Says Israeli Violations Possibly 'War Crimes'

    The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, has said there is a "strong possibility" that Israel is violating international law and may be committing war crimes in Gaza.
    "There seems to be a strong possibility that international law has been violated, in a manner that could amount to war crimes," she said, alluding to Israel's house demolitions and killing of children.
    Pillay is to open an emergency debate at the Human Rights Council in Geneva on the situation in Gaza after raising concerns about Israel's precautions in conflict and respect for proportionality.……

    The Palestinian health ministry says that 2,016 Palestinians have been killed since it began, including 541 children and 250 women.
    The Israeli authorities say 64 Israeli soldiers have been killed, along with two Israeli civilians and a Thai national.……
    Delegates from Israel and the Islamist group Hamas are continuing negotiations for a lasting truce. But informed sources say the talks are proceeding with difficulty.


    ★English Salon(京都三条英語サロン)⇒ A good oppotunity to get an in‐depth knowledge of NIPPON culture and society
    ★4th Sunday of every month, 6:00pm 〜 8:30pm
    ★at the Pig and Whistle Kyoto http://r.gnavi.co.jp/fl/en/c788200/coupon.htm
    ★Cost:free... for gathering (one drink from 400yen)
  • [383] mixiユーザー

    2014年09月11日 22:44

    August session was awesome, everyone had a great time, thanks!

    弾雨止まぬガザのCAFE 欧米アフリカアジアから 勇気の参加誠に有難うございました。人に宿る狂気や凶器 逆手にとって絶望凌ぐ。

    人道軸に 或いは 古代の戦を軸に 貴方オリジナルの対策案は如何でしたでしょうか。

    現実の逆取る大胆さ メディアを鵜呑まないしなやかさ

    で、SALONで話題になっていた DOGEZA(one of the poses of Nihon style apology: prostrating yourself on the ground) は こんな感じす。

    参考にどうぞ。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG6oT5kYI0Y
  • [384] mixiユーザー

    2014年09月25日 22:57

    ●Down's syndrome baby: Thai surrogate mother of 'abandoned' twin Gammy will keep him – and says she doesn't blame Australian couple

    Displaying a generosity of spirit in rank contrast to the apparent callousness of the Australian couple who abandoned a Down's syndrome baby born to a Thai surrogate mother, the young woman has declined offers to adopt him, announcing that she intends to bring him up herself.

    The offers – along with donations of, as of last night, more than A$164,000 (£90,780) – were made by well-wishers following publicity about the plight of six-month-old Gammy, who was spurned by his biological parents after Pattharamon Janbua, 21, gave birth to twins. The couple, who have not been named, took Gammy's healthy twin sister back to Australia.

    Their actions have sparked revulsion around the world, and prompted Thai authorities to crack down on the previously unregulated surrogacy industry. With commercial surrogacy banned at home, hundreds of Australian couples travel to Thailand each year to arrange surrogate births through local clinics and agents.……。



    ★English Salon(京都三条英語サロン)⇒ A good oppotunity to get an in‐depth knowledge of NIPPON culture and society
    ★4th Sunday of every month, 6:00pm 〜 8:30pm
    ★at the Pig and Whistle Kyoto http://r.gnavi.co.jp/fl/en/c788200/coupon.htm
    ★Cost:free... for gathering (one drink from 400yen)
  • [385] mixiユーザー

    2014年10月25日 13:57


    ●Man admits killing Kobe girl, his lawyer says   
    KOBE – The man arrested on suspicion of killing a 6-year-old girl in Kobe has confessed to the crime, his lawyer said Tuesday.

    Yasuhiro Kimino, an unemployed resident of the city who was arrested last month, had initially remained silent over the allegation that he murdered Mirei Ikuta, a first-grader at a local elementary school.

    The lawyer, who visited Kimino on Monday evening, quoted him as saying he had admitted to the crime during questioning by Kobe prosecutors. His confession is believed to have been videotaped.
    The lawyer said he did not hear details of the confession from Kimino but believes his client also admitted to the charge of abandoning the girl’s dismembered body.

    The 47-year-old was arrested Sept. 24 for allegedly abandoning the girl’s remains after body parts w
    ere found near his home. Kimino was served a fresh arrest warrant on Oct. 14 on suspicion of murder.
    Prosecutors and police are now looking into the motive behind the killing and whether there had been any previous contact between Kimino and the victim.

    The police suspect he killed Mirei at or near his home on Sept. 11, the day she went missing after school, or in the days that followed.……


  • [386] mixiユーザー

    2014年11月07日 23:45

    It was awesome night.Thank you!

    比、蘭、瑞、独、白、豪、中、台、香、摩、加納、米、NIHON 歯止めのきかぬ多国籍??多極の極みと盛り上がり誠に有難うございました。

    稚拙(ハロウィン)と紙一重の 語SPLAY空間 子供を凌ぐ発想いかに?と言っても邪魔になるのが日頃の思考。ハロウインに習って常識忘れ(と言っても格好のことではありません)稚拙を超えて創造しましょう。

  • [387] mixiユーザー

    2014年11月23日 01:51


    Japanese police nab Islamic State aspirants

    Tokyo police are questioning some Japanese men on suspicion of preparing to join the Islamic State militants in Syria. They have searched premises related to the men for evidence.
    One of them, 26 years old man, has been absent from Hokkaido University, a national university in northern Japan.

    The police say the student planned to go to Syria to become a member of the Islamic State. The Islamic extremist group has been expanding its power in Iraq and Syria.
    He is suspected of violating the penal code section that bans individuals from preparing or plotting to fight against a foreign country. Violators face imprisonment for up to 5 years.

    The student reportedly planned to get to Syria by applying for a job in the country. He reportedly told investigators that he wanted to join the Islamic State.
    This is the first time that Japanese citizens have been found to be trying to join the Islamic State.


    ★English Salon(京都三条英語サロン)⇒ A good oppotunity to get an in‐depth knowledge of NIPPON culture and society
    ★4th Sunday of every month, 6:00pm 〜 8:30pm
    ★at the Pig and Whistle Kyoto http://r.gnavi.co.jp/fl/en/c788200/coupon.htm
    ★Cost:free... for gathering (one drink from 400yen)
  • [388] mixiユーザー

    2014年12月25日 00:35


    ●I change the starting time of the Dec.session because of my business.
    Starting time is 8pm, in this December.
    I apologize for the inconvenience.

  • [389] mixiユーザー

    2015年02月22日 00:43

    ●Obama vows response to N.Korea over cyber attack

    ●It was awesome night. Thank you!

    北朝鮮化するNIHONを離れ 行き着いたのはNEWYORK そこで見たのは暗殺コメディー。他山の石と思いきや 明日は我が身の「INTERVIEW」。
    平壌 NY 京都が時代を前後して重なってしまう辛辣の盛り上がり?有難うございました。

  • [390] mixiユーザー

    2015年02月22日 00:45


    ●Shinzo Abe vs. ISIS : Japan's Military Goes Abroad?


    Japan has long advocated for a peaceful status of neutrality. The recent beheadings by ISIS might make Tokyo think twice about that.
    As the horror of the beheadings of two Japanese hostages sinks in, the debate not only about what might have been done to prevent the killings, but also what Tokyo should do moving forward is gaining momentum. For Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the lesson to be learned is that Japan needs to strengthen its capabilities to protect its citizens from hostile situations abroad, and also take on a greater role in international military operations with allied nations. For others, however, their concern is more about avoiding such situations in the future and keeping its citizens out of harm’s way to begin with.
    Bound by its 1947 constitution to mobilize troops solely for self-defense purposes, Abe has been trying to push through a legal revision that would allow the Self Defense Force to take a more active role in peacekeeping beyond its own borders……


    ★English Salon(京都三条英語サロン)⇒ A good oppotunity to get an in‐depth knowledge of NIPPON culture and society
    ★4th Sunday of every month, 6:00pm 〜 8:30pm
    ★at the Pig and Whistle Kyoto http://r.gnavi.co.jp/fl/en/c788200/coupon.htm
    ★Cost:free... for gathering (one drink from 400yen)
  • [391] mixiユーザー

    2015年03月18日 00:58

    3月トピック    女子高生、スマホ1日7時間

    ●A new survey says Japanese high school girls are on cellphones 7 hours a day 

    High school girls in Japan spend an average of seven hours a day on their mobile phones, a new survey has found, with nearly 10 percent of them putting in at least 15 hours.Boys of the same age average just over four hours mobile phone use a day, the survey by information security firm Digital Arts, published Monday, said.Teenagers tend to use their phones for social media, such as Line, a Japanese messaging and networking app, as well as smartphone games, making movies and other sharing apps like Instagram.The poll comes amid growing concern over youngsters getting addicted to their portable technology, with Chinese research showing heavy phone use provokes the same kind of neurological changes as alcohol or cocaine dependency.……



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