

³«ºÅ½ªÎ»tokyo2point0 #4


2007ǯ08·î23Æü 02:54 ¹¹¿·

tokyo2point0 #4 - artmartr; CGM for charities; & Tools, tips, and lessons learned in developing two web 2.0-inspired services

ÆüÉÕ: 2007ǯ9·î11Æü(²Ð)
»þ´Ö: £·»þ¡Á£±£°»þ
Location: Fujimamas
Includes Asian Tapas & 2 drinks


7.00-7.30 Doors open & networking
7.00-.7.15: Hawken King - artmartr
7.15-7.30: Yukako Tajee Tajima - CGM for Charities
8.00-8.30: Matthew Romaine - Tools, tips, and lessons learned in developing two Web 2.0-inspired services
8.30 + : Asian Tapas Buffet & Networking with Tokyo's Web 2.0 crowd

Thanks to this month's sponsor Amway (www.amway.co.jp) for helping us keep the door price low!
"Amway, one of Japan's biggest e-commerce companies, believes people and innovation can intersect. All it needs is you.
Amway, Helping People Live Better Lives"

Speaker Summaries

Presenter 1: Hawken King - artmartr

What is artmartr? Artmartr is for artists, galleries and the public alike to rate, buy and sell artwork. Putting art in grasp: We know that galleries and buyers are on the constant look out for new material, similarly artists are looking to get their material on show. Artmartr seperates the wheat from the chaff.

Hawken King (www.hawkenking.com) is a British designer living in Tokyo. He specialises in new-media graphics, illustration and direction, fused to coding and design solutions. For brands big and small. His accomplished commerical illustrations in a multitude of styles and disciplines, and trend setting websites, have lead him to interact with some of the most recognised clients on the planet over the past 10 years.

PRESENTER 2: Yukako Tajee Tajima (amino-tajee.com)

Yukako will talk about how charities can use customer generated media (CGM) to promote their activities.

Yukako works for a podcasting company called Voice-Bank, Inc. and in her own time makes auido/video podcasts to encourage volunteer organizations and eco activisties. She has her own songs on iTunes and proceeds are donated to orphans in Asian countires.

PRESENTER 3: Matthew Romaine - Tools, tips, and lessons learned in developing two web 2.0-inspired services

Come and hear how a two-person designer and developer combo led by Matthew built their first website, miistation.com, the wrath of comments and publicity which followed, and the types of orders which came in. Matthew will then discuss some cultural aspects in Japanese web-services as a strategy to increase users, and how these aspects were applied to their latest project -¡Ö£²¤¯¤é¤Ù¡×(www.2kurabe.com).

Matthew and his team recently began developing websites with a focus on community and user generated content. They aspire to bring a unique touch to Internet service development and design, and to better understand the benefits of interaction strategy and Internet technologies.

Pre-registration requested to help with planning. Please pre-register using the 'Sign Up' link at:

=== tokyo2point is co-organized by ====

Lauren Shannon, Fujimamas Restaurant Bar & Cafe - Global food with an Asian Twist

Ultra Super New Inc. - Interactive Creative Agency in Tokyo

Andrew Shuttleworth, Customers, Vendors, People - "Creating synergy"
www.cvp.jp / hq.andrewshuttleworth.com


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