

開催終了Int'l Friendship Sushi Party Dec. 8 (Sat.) Omotesando + Dec. Events‏


2007年12月09日 12:18 更新

Int'l Friendship Sushi Party Dec. 8 (Sat.) Omotesando + Dec. Events‏

We'll have the Year-End Sushi party this coming Saturday and expecting about 150 people. Please make your reservations by Friday evening for the lower price so that we can more efficiently prepare the food and drinks, including ordering the sushi. Hope to see you on Saturday!

Due to the Fri/Sat. calendar alignment in December the After 30's party will be on Dec. 14 (Fri.) and there will be no Friday party at Quest on the 1st Friday in December.

Then we'll have a very large Christmas Party on Dec. 22 with a large Christmas Dinner followed by two year-end hikes.

Please e-mail me for reservations by Friday night or tel. 03-3281-4303 or 090-1847-5075 for any questions on the events below.

First the Skinny (full details below)
Dec 8 (Sat) Global Village Int'l Friendship Sushi Party 6:30-9:30, Omotesando Polygon (Y3,000/Y3,500)
Dec 14 (Fri) After 30's Int'l Singles Party at YLS 7:30-10:30 (Y2,500)
Dec 15 (Sat) Speed Dating, Roppongi Quest, 6:00-9:00 (Y3,500)
Dec 15 (Sat) Int'l Dance Party with Ali-Mo, Rock Factory, 9:30-late
Dec 22 (Sat) Int'l Friendship Party 6:30-9:30, Nishi Shinjuku Hotel (Y3,000/Y3,500)
Dec 23 (Sun) Chichibu hiking (Y500)
Dec 30 (Sun) Tanzawa hiking (Y500)
Jan 5 (Sat) Speed Dating, Roppongi Quest, 6:00-9:00 (Y3,500)

Full announcement with the details:
Global Village International Friendship Sushi Party on Dec 8 (Sat.) from 6:30 to 9:30 at Omotesando/Harajuku. It's East meets West with 1,000-piece Sushi buffet at Western-style cocktail party at stylish venue Polygon(behind the Oriental Bazaar on Omotesando). Nonstop ice cold beer, wine, cocktails, soft drinks + sushi buffet, veggies, cheeses, breads, chocolates and pies for dessert. (Bar closes at 9:00, must exit room before 9:30pm.) Y3,000 with e-mail reservation by Friday before the party, Y3,500 going directly without reservation.
After 30s or Divorced Singles Party on Dec 14 (Fri.) from 7:30-10:30 at YLS in B2 of Yaesuguchi Kaikan. Meet international singles with a 70's and 80's groove in a quaint and cozy atmosphere. Y2,500 with all drinks and light food included. (bar closes at 10:15).
Tokyo Speed Dating on Dec. 15 (Sat.) from 6:00 to 9:00pm and Jan. 5(Sat.) from 6:00 to 9:00pm at Quest in Roppongi. Tired of the bar scene? Meet 15-20 people in a series low-pressure private five-minute dates. Manage your time and money efficiently by short-listing dates for your next nights out on the town. Generous hors' d'oeuvres and one drink included, Y3,500. Reservations recommended to assure a seat but walk ins okay on a standby basis. Tel. 03-3281-4303, tokyospeeddating(at)yahoo.com, www.tokyospeeddating.com

International Dance Party with live band Ali-Mo on Dec. 15(Sat.)from 9:30 - late a Rock Factory in Roppongi + Speed Dating Nijikai - Admission is free (cash bar). Tokyo's coolest live band, Ali-Mo, will be performing live on stage from 9:30ish.
Tokyo International Friendship Christmas Party on Dec 22 (Sat.) from 6:30 to 9:30 at the Nishi Shinjuku Hotel. Large international party with beer, wine, cocktails, soft drinks + a 10-turkey Christmas dinner with stuffing, candied yams, veggies, cheeses, breads, Apple pies + a large party cake from Kyle's Good Finds Bakery. A great place for Japanese and foreigners to meet under the stars on rooftop terrace or in the elegant banquet room with full up close panoramic view of the Shinjuku Skyline. Tokyo's best international party bar none! (Bar closes at 9:00, must exit room before 9:30pm.) Y3,000 with e-mail reservation by Friday before the party, Y3,500 going directly without reservation.
Chichibu Hike Dec. 23 (Sun) Average Grade (Participation Fee 500 Yen) (Canceled in case of rain). Bring your own beverages and lunch box and backpack. Please wear comfortable hiking shoes/boots. Walking time about 4 hours. Course - SECRET (come and find out)
Tanzawa Hiking on Dec. 30 (Sun)Part 1)(Easy Course) (Y500 Participation Fee) (Cancelled in case of rain). Today's hiking has two parts. Both parts are about 3 hour hikes. Feel free to do either hike, both hikes, or simply the hot springs at the end.
Tanzawa Hiking (Part 2) (Y500 Participation Fee) (Cancelled in case of rain) Hiking Course (3 hours walking): Hatano Satation- Mt. Kongen- Mt.Koubou- Mt Magotuma -Tsurumaki Hot Springs. Both hikes are appropriate for children.

Organizer's Voice:
If you are using Yahoo, Hotmail or similar e-mail accounts, please take a moment to add this address to your address book so you can be sure to receive the announcement in your in box rather than the bulk mail folder, which sometimes delete messages quickly or automatically.
Party Discounts: TMA (www.tma-marriage.com) has long sponsored our events by offering it's members a 30-33% discount (usually Y1,000) as a privilege of paid membership. Join TMA and receive the discount at all parties you attend all year long.
For further details, maps, etc. for these events, please see www.kokusaika.org, and please forward this mail message to any friends who might be interested in attending.




  • 2007年12月30日 (日)
  • 東京都
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