

開催終了2011年度のKL国際写真賞(KL PHOTOAWARDS 2011)


2010年11月29日 03:05 更新

2011年度のKL国際写真賞(KL PHOTOAWARDS 2011)の審査員を担当することになりました。応募受付開始。詳細は→で。http://www.klphotoawards.com/


Since our inception in 2009, KL Photoawards has been showcasing new and emerging photographers from many countries, We are now changing. We see change as something positive and growing. We have now become KL International Photoawards as we begin to attract a significant number of entries from many countries across the globe. This inevitably raises the standard of submissions and benefitting all photographers through a greater variety of photographic representations, concepts and creativity.


Since 2009, we have been garnering an increased following and interest throughout the world. In 2010, the finalists exhibition traveled from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore and London. We hope to continue with these destinations in 2011.

We are now Calling For Entries to the 3rd Annual KL International Photoawards 2011 for Contemporary Portrait Photography. Entries are sought for Individual and Story categories. As before, entrants may submit entries as Individual portraits or as a Story series of up to 10 images.


Stand-alone Portraits must astound, probe, reflect and question the relationship between the sitter and the viewer.We seek strong images that are beyond superficial 'aesthetics' or cliché, portraits that provoke the mind and challenge the eye.This is an open theme of photography concerned with portraying people with emphasis on their identity as individuals in relation to their surroundings, status and humanity.


For 2011, we are proud to announce our collaboration with Anti-Slavery International to present a Themed Story Category, centered on the concept of INTERCULTURALISM. The interpretation of the theme is wide open, and your image style and approach may be derived from photo-journalism, fine art or even conceptual genres in photography.

All Story entries must be accompanied by a 250-300 word narrative to highlight your submission. Remember, this is a portrait awards, so keep it tight !

Interculturalism is a general concept which covers a variety of current issues plaguing societies in our world today eg. family tension, inter-religious marriages, racial clashes, conflict, intolerance, refugees, hate-crime, ethnic divisions, worst forms of child labour, human-trafficking, forced prostitution, and all modern forms of slavery. We seek varying perspectives from the eyes of photographers to highlight these issues that are apparent due to increasing migration and globalisation.


The top three winners from each category will receive USD$3,000, USD$1,500 and USD$750 respectively plus a specially designed trophy. In addition, there will be an Anti-Slavery International Prize for the most promising photographer Under 25 in the Portrait Story category.

ENTER HERE - This link will become live from 1- 20 March 2011 for online submissions

Image Preparation

Please prepare your images as follows :

1. Save as .jpg or .jpeg format

2. Size to 1,000 pixels for the longest dimension.

3. Filenames must follow this sequence, in lowercase :


e.g.(1) : James Tan entering 3 images > tan.j.01.jpg, tan.j.02.jpg, tan.j.03.jpg

e.g.(2) : Peter Burrows entering 2 images > burrows.p.01.jpg, burrows.p.02.jpg

Please adhere to the requirements of 4.Submission of Photographs in the Rules section



The 2011 KL INTERNATIONAL PHOTOAWARDS is open to all photographers, professional and amateurs from all countries.

A. must have been 16 years of age or over on 31st March 2011

B. may submit up to eight (8) or ten (10) images (see below for category)

D. must complete the Entry Form with their name, address, daytime telephone, email address and title of work (indicating if it is part of a series if appropriate)


A. Entrants must pay the appropriate fee/s as follows

PORTRAIT INDIVIDUAL entrants may submit 1 or up to a maximum of 8 images at USD$12 per image.

PORTRAIT STORY entrants must submit a minimum of 5 up to a maximum of 10 images at USD$65 per series. [PORTRAIT STORY entries must be accompanied by a 250-300 word statement relating to the specific Theme]

B. Entrants who are using another person's credit card, must have consent from the card owner.Fees are payable by Credit Card before submitting the images online. Entry fees are non-refundable. Typical Credit Card fees will apply. The payment sites are secured sites.

C. Non Credit Card payment is also accepted. See ENTER page.

D. Entrants may enter both categories if they wish, separately.

E. Entrants will need their personal details : name, email, address for Entry.

A. The organisers of the KL INTERNATIONAL PHOTOAWARDS are explorenation.net and Anti-Slavery International in association with Time Out Kuala Lumpur.

B. Entry fees are required to cover venue hire, catalogues, printing and organisation of the event.

C. 20% of all entry fees will be donated to Anti-Slavery International to fund their awareness programs across the world. More information about Anti-Slavery International can be found here : www.antislavery.org

D. Entrants warrant to the organisers that they (the Photographer) own the work submitted, that the whole copyright in the work is vested in the Photographer or, if the copyright belongs to a third party such as an agency, that the Photographer has the right to submit the work free from encumbrances or restrictions and that if the work was commissioned for private and domestic purposes it is submitted with the permission of the person who commissioned it.

E. Entrants warrant that, if their work is selected for exhibition, they (the Photographer) have obtained the appropriate model releases from persons featured in their submitted photographs for all sales, marketing, educational and publicity uses and that no additional releases are required in respect of names, trademarks, designs or works of art depicted in the work.

F. Entrants agree that their work may be exhibited by the organisers at an appropriate venue, and subsequently at any other exhibition tour venues organised by them for 2 years from the close of the contest.

G. Entrants agree that the organisers may use any entries featured in the exhibition without any payment to the Photographer, model or any third party for any sales, marketing, educational and publicity use on, and in, all media worldwide including catalogues, posters, postcards, the Internet and within a television documentary related to the exhibition for 2 years from the close of the contest. However, such free use shall only be in connection with the KL INTERNATIONAL PHOTOAWARDS and its promotion, and the photographer, and if appropriate the agency, will receive credit for such use.

H. The Photographer retains the copyright of all submitted images at all times, except in relation to the previous provision, that is, any free use shall only be in connection with the promotion of KL INTERNATIONAL PHOTOAWARDS and the Photographer, and if appropriate the agency, will receive credit for such use.

I. All photographs must have been taken in 2010 and 2011.

J. Entries will be disqualified if any of the above criteria are not adhered to. The judges’ decision will be final. No correspondence will be entered into.

K. Employees of the organisers and sponsors may not enter the KL INTERNATIONAL PHOTOAWARDS 2011.


A. Photographs must be portraits. 'Portrait' may be interpreted in its widest sense, in relation to 'photography concerned with portraying people with emphasis on their identity as individuals in relation to their surroundings, status and humanity'.

B. Commercial and advertising images, heavy digitally manipulated, HDR (High Dynamic Range) or montaged images are not permissable. Basic darkroom techniques e.g. levels, curves, dodging, burning, minimal sharpening, colour correction are permissable. Images with branded product logos which are prominent are not allowed.

C. Photographs can be Black and White or Colour, in any format. Photographs must not have any borders, keyline or film edges, name, personal logos or watermarks. Scanned film images must be free of dust marks and borders.

D. Submission dimensions 1,000 pixel on its longest dimension, saved as .jpg at high quality, approximately 300 - 400kb in size. Submission is via online uploads from this website only.

E. File names : All photographs must follow this format of naming, in lowercase :


For example : James Tan entering 3 images > tan.j.01.jpg, tan.j.02.jpg, tan.j.03.jpg

F. The decision of the judges is final and no discussion or correspondence can be entered into. The judges reserve the right to vary the awards or not to make any award.

G. Images that have previously won major awards cannot be submitted.


A. Call for Entries : 1st December 2010.

B. Entry submission will only be open from 1st March - 20th March 2011. This website will provide a live link for submissions from the 1st March 2011. All entries must be received by 2400 hrs GMT on Sunday 20th March 2011.

C. Judging will take place during the 3rd week in March. Photographers whose entries are shortlisted will be notified by email or by post by 31st March 2011, or earlier.

D. A Shortlisted Finalists gallery will be available to view on this website from this date.

E. Shortlisted Finalists exhibition prints :

Notified finalists will be required to submit high resolution image files by ftp / email by the end March 2011. Image files not received by this date will be disqualified. High resolution files should be at least 4,800 pixels at its shortest dimension, (approx. 16'' x 20'' size), and must be of exhibition quality. (Contact the organiser if in doubt). Files may be interpolated upwards in a photo editing software to the required dimensions, but image quality must be maintained.
The organisers will prepare, print and mount all photographs from the finalists for exhibition.

F. The Top Winners will be announced at an Awards Presentation ceremony and exhibition. This will take place in April 2011 in Kuala Lumpur.

G. The sponsors, the exhibition venues or the organisers shall not be liable for any loss or damage, whether or not caused by their negligence.


The top 3 award winners from each category will be invited to attend the Awards event in Malaysia. A travel grant will be presented to confirmed attendees only.


email : info@klphotoawards.com


  • 2011年03月01日 (火) 20日まで、応募受付。
  • 海外 主催地:マレーシア
  • 2011年03月01日 (火) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
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