

開催終了6カ国7名のアーティスト&キュレーターと語り合えるスペシャルナイト! AIT+ARCUSミングリアス「インorアウト?移動すること、関わること」


2012年11月22日 12:22 更新

第5回 AIT+ARCUSミングリアス「インorアウト?移動すること、関わること」
日時:11月24日(土)18:30-21:30 *20:00よりミニ・トークあり






[ 概要 ]
日時:11月24日(土)18:30-21:30 *20:00よりミニ・トーク開始
会場:代官山AITルーム(東京都渋谷区猿楽町30-8 ツインビル代官山 B-403 http://www.a-i-t.net/ja/location.php

ARCUSのレジデンス・プログラムについては こちら http://www.arcus-project.com/jp/residence/
AITのレジデンス・プログラムついてはこちら http://www.a-i-t.net/en/residency/

アーツイニシアティヴトウキョウ[AIT/ エイト]
東京都渋谷区猿楽町30-8 ツインビル代官山 B-403
電話: 03-5489-7277 URL: http://www.a-i-t.net


MINGLIUS WITH ARCUS Part 5 "IN OR OUT? A Mingling Night with 7 Artists and Curators"

Date and Time: Saturday November 24st,18:30-21:30
*Mini Talk by ARCUS curator in residence from 20:00
Venue: AIT room Daikanyama
*Free Entry/No booking required

MINGLIUS WITH ARCUS Part 5 "IN OR OUT? A Mingling Night with 7 Artists and Curators"
*Mini Talk by ARCUS curator in residence from 20:00

We are pleased to welcome the 2012 artists and curator in residence of ARCUS for AIT's Minglius event on November 24th.
From 20:00, there will be a small talk by the curator, Livia Paldi(director of Baltic Art Center in Visby, Sweden), ARCUS Chief coordinator Gosuke Sugiyama and AIT staff Naoko Horiuchi.
The talk will be translated consecutively into Japanese from English.

ARCUS Project organizes the Artist-in-Residence Program in Moriya, Ibaraki.
Established in 1994, it aims to support promising artists from across the world to engage in creative activities. So far, more than 80 artists have beenhosted by the scheme.
In the latest open call for applications, 3 artists were selected from 337 applications from 63 different countries, which shows that ARCUS is attracting a high level of interest from overseas artists. Former resident artists of ARCUS Project are distinguishing themselves in the international art scene, supporting the ambition of ARCUS to be a gateway to the world for young artists.
Recently, ARCUS Project has been inviting curators / AIR organizers via their Visiting Curator Program since 2011.

This year's artists in residence are:
Ozgur Demirci (Turkey)
Basir Mahmood (Pakistan)
Eunju Yoo (South Korea)
Taihei Kimura (Japanese guest artist)

To know more about them, visit the ARCUS website! http://www.arcus-project.com/en/residence/

AIT's current residency artists will also be present at the event.
Simon Gardenfors (Sweden / Supported by IASPIS)
Rita Hensen (Germany / Art Scope participating artist)
Benedikt Partenheimer (Germany / Art Scope participating artist)

To know more about them, visit AIT website! http://www.a-i-t.net/ja/residency/

At the event, there will be a bar, snacks, a relaxed sitting on the floor environment and music as usual.
We look forward to seeing you!

Date: Saturday November 24th, 2012
Time: 18:30-21:30, Mini Talks begin at 20:00
Venue: AIT room Daikanyama [MAP http://www.a-i-t.net/en/location.php ]
Twin Bldg Daikanyama B403, 30-8 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0033
Organized by: Arts Initiative Tokyo [AIT]
Supported by: ARCUS Project
Admission: Free *No booking required
*The bar will be run by former MAD student Kei Asai, as part of his art project 'itohen'. There will be delicious foods and drinks inspired by the event! (there will be a charge for food/drinks)
*Minglius is a no smoking event. Thanks you for your cooperation in advance!

Arts Initiative Tokyo [AIT]
T03-5489-7277 / F03-3780-0266


  • 2012年11月24日 (土)
  • 東京都
  • 2012年11月24日 (土) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!