

開催終了ARTIST TALK ドイツより、ベネディクト・パーテンハイマーとリタ・ヘンセンを迎えて 「落下する人と、寄生する彫刻」


2012年10月22日 12:08 更新

AIT ARTIST TALK #63「落下する人と、寄生する彫刻」





リタ・ヘンセンは、ドイツで最も古い美術大学の一つであるミュンヘン美術院で学び、現在もミュンヘンを拠点に活動をしています。豊かな色彩の作品の数々は、ドローイングから彫刻、写真まで多岐にわたります。2011年の展示では、淡いペパーミント色や鮮やかなオレンジに彩色された山脈状の彫刻「デポー 1 (風)」や、板に開いた穴と球状のプラスチックが互いを支え合う、建築モデルのような「吹く」など、壁に寄生したり連鎖状に広がる作品の数々を展示しました。ところどころ残る板の地の色や、接合個所を記すメモ書きが残る作品の様子は、さながら制作過程を覗き見ているようです。そこには、「彫刻」はどのプロセスから作品になり、未完成/完成の地点はどこなのかという、アーティストの思考の痕跡が見られます。


[ 概要 ]
場所:代官山AITルーム(東京都渋谷区猿楽町30-8 ツインビル代官山 B-403)
主催:NPO法人アーツイニシアティヴ トウキョウ[AIT/エイト]
*1ドリンク付き *逐次通訳付き


[ お申し込み方法 ]
otoiawase@a-i-t.net 宛てに、タイトルを「AIT ARTIST TALK #63参加希望」とし、お名前(ふりがな)、ご連絡先を明記したお申込メールをお送りください。(@を半角にして、お使いください)

“ `Falling` People and Parasitic Sculptures”
Talk by German artists Benedikt Partenheimer and Rita Hensen

AIT will host a talk by the current artists in resident from Germany, Benedikt Partenheimer and Rita Hensen on Monday, October 29th.

Benedikt Partenheimer and Rita Hensen are currently artist in resident until November with AIT, through the support of The Daimler Foundation in Japan.Their stay is part of the supporting arts program "Art Scope" funded by the same foundation, and an exhibition will be held in 2014 at the Hara Art Museum to show works which emerge from this residency.

Benedikt Partenheimer works and lives in Berlin, mainly producing photographs and video works. Past works include a series of photographs called “Falling” which capture people floating in mid air, parallel to the ground. Another series, "Boundaries" focuses on the political and national borders that originated from the breakdown of former Yugoslavia. The photographs of this series show various “invisible” borders and thereby call attention to the general idea of demarcation. For the series "Turnaround", he takes portraits of famous artists such as Damien Hirst, Dan Graham, Frank Stella − however, all from behind. The series addresses contemporary perception within the context of portraiture and establishes new and different positions for interpretation and imagination. The series examines external appearance and inner experience − the ambivalence of space. This particular series will be continued in Tokyo.

Rita Hensen studied at the Academy of Visual Arts in Munich, and currently works and lives in Munich.
Hensen works with various media, such as drawings, sculptures, and photography. The rich variety of colours and their use have their own in painting qualities. For an exhibition in 2011, she exhibited multiple works such as "Depot 1" a colorful sculpture shaped like a mountain range, and "Ausatmen (Breathe Out)" another sculpture made of thin boards and plastic spheres, its appearance somewhat like an architects’ model. Her works are a bit like parasites; growing and extending itself within the exhibition space. On a closer look, the viewer realizes unpainted surfaces of the original material, or pencil marks of notes when building the works, allowing us to visually `see` the artist`s thinking process. From what point do the works become a `sculpture`? Where is its starting and/or ending point?

During the talk, the two artists will introduce their past works, about the creative process and concept behind them. They will also share their discoveries through their stay in Tokyo, and possible ideas for new works.

The talk will be in English with consecutive Japanese translation by AIT staff.

Date and Time: Monday, October 29th 2012, 19:00-21:00
Organized by: Arts Initiative Tokyo
Venue: AIT Room Daikanyama (Twin Bldg. Daikanyama B-403, 30-8 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku)
Capacity: 30. Booking Required.
Admission: JPY1000 (JPY800 for Students and AIT Base Members / Free for AIT House and Support Members)
Other details: Admission comes with 1 free drink, talk will be in English with consecutive Japanese translation

Send an email with its subject as "AIT ARTIST TALK #63" to otoiawase@a-i-t.net, including your name, and contact.

[ Artists Biography ]
Benedikt Partenheimer
Born in 1977 in Munich, Germany. Lives in Berlin, Germany. He studied Philosophy, History and Art History at the LMU University in Munich and Photography at the RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia and at the Parsons School for Design in New York. During his time in New York he interned and assisted for Richard Avedon. Since 2003, his work has been presented in numerous international solo and group exhibitions. In 2009 he was awarded at the Hearst 8x10 Photography Biennial, New York and the recipient of the Art Award for Photography in Berlin, Germany. In 2010 he was nominated for the Lead Awards and exhibited at the Haus der Photografie, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany. http://www.benedikt-partenheimer.com/

Rita Hensen
Born in 1960 in Bedburg, nearby Cologne, Germany. She studied at the Academy of Visual Arts in Munich, where she lives and works. She had her solo exhibitions at Artothek Munich (2011) and Galerie Gudrun Fuckner Ludwigsburg(2011) , and participated in group exhibitions such as 'Cascade' at the Rathausgalerie/Kunsthalle Munich (2012), and 'Drawing Sculpture' at the Daimler Contemporary Haus Huth Berlin (2009).


特定非営利活動法人アーツイニシアティヴ トウキョウ[AIT/ エイト]
〒150-0033 東京都渋谷区猿楽町30-8 ツインビル代官山 B-403
電話: 03-5489-7277 FAX: 03-3780-0266
URL: http://www.a-i-t.net

Left:Benedikt Partenheimer / Falling / Lars falling, Munich 2005
Right:Rita Hensen / Ausatmen(Breathe Out) / 2011 / multipartite, wood, lacquer, plastic / 140x240x45cm


  • 2012年10月29日 (月) 19:00-21:00
  • 東京都 代官山
  • 2012年10月29日 (月) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!