



2011年01月02日 05:10 更新


京都イベントでは、毎週木曜日の夕方7時から11時30分までSlug and Lettuce Pub (Leicester Square, London)というパブで国際交流パーティーを開催しています。1月にはスペシャルイベントとして同パブにてプロのバイオリニストまさくんによるバイオリン演奏会などを企画しています。エレクトリックギターでスタジオジブリの曲や坂本龍一の曲やジャズやフレンチジャズ、映画音楽などリクエストがあれば当日お知らせください。また、イベントの詳細はウエブサイトをご覧ください。





*7時半までに入場の場合; £1 女性とアジア人学生/ £3 for others
*7時半以降の入場の場合とスペシャルイベントのある日; £2 女性とアジア人学生/ £3 for others

今回のカルチャートークは上記のイベント情報やHP( www.midievents.com )参照下さい。



また、京都イベントに興味をもって頂ける方、お手伝いをして下さる方を随時募集しています。→ info@midievents.com ご連絡、お待ちしています。

We will resume scheduling Kyoto events from Thursdays,13th January at the same venue (Slug & Lettuce in Leicester square).
If you are interested in doing a presentation or any activities, please let me know. The schedule below will be regulary updated, please check my website for more information.

Thursday, from 13 January
• Social Event

Thursday, 20 January (Special Event)
• The Violin performance by Masa-Kun, an electric violinist will be entertaining you with various kinds of music using his violin. There should be one or two songs which you love from the ones listed below, please let Masa know your favourite song when you arrive.

** Studio Gibli songs: Spirited Away, My Neighbour Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Mononoke Princess etc.
** Ryuichi Sakamoto: Senjo no Merry Christmas, Energy Flow, etc.
** Game/ Anime songs: Super Mario Brothers, Final Fantasy, Dragon quest, Sailor Moon , etc.
** Classical music, jazz standards, French jazz, Irish music, Japanese songs, film songs, musicals...East Enders...

• Free Salsa lesson – still waiting to confirm details of the programme

Thursday, 3 February (Regular Event)
• Tattoo Presentation by Yasuyo

Thursday, 10 February (Regular Event)
• Olympic Wrestling Demo by Dominic Hands

Thursday, 17 February (Regular Event)
• Social event for now – still free slot for anyone to do a presentation or performance

Thursday, 24 February (Special Event)
• Belly dance performance by Asaki (Professional and teacher of Belly dance), 3 other professional Belly dancers and Asaki’s students. Belly dance start at 8.30pm, please come early for the best seats to watch the performance.

About Kyoto Event
* Kyoto Event is a weekly social & cultural event for everyone who is interested in language exchange, socialising, learning about various cultures and making new friends.

Kyoto Event is every Thursday at Slug & Lettuce, 5 Lisle St, Leicester Square, London, WC2H 7BG.

What is extra
At Kyoto event, we encourage anyone who has interested in sharing his/her skills with rest of attendees by doing a cultural presentation or performance.
More information about Kyoto Event and the agenda for the Culture Sessions, please visit: http://www.midievents.com/

If you are on FaceBook, please join my group:

*Videos of culture talks and performances at previous events:
For the videos of previous culture sessions at previous events, please visit: http://www.midievents.com/tube.php

*If you would like to give a Presentation/Performance or a Culture talks about any topic of your interest at the next events, please e-mail me on: info@midievents.com
On regular Events:
£1 for ladies & Students before 7:30pm / £3 for others
£2 for ladies and Students after 7:30pm / £3 for others

On Special Events with Performances:
£2 for ladies and Students (at anytime) / £3 for others
We welcome everyone but we do refuse admissions or memberships for the ones who do not comply with our rules


  • 2011年01月20日 (木)
  • 都道府県未定 イギリス ロンドン
  • 2011年01月20日 (木) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!