

開催終了From Inner Seed to Outer Flower


2010年04月18日 20:05 更新

All spiritual foundations are laid in accord with gravity,
with law, and with proper timing.

Awakening cannot be rushed,
it flows in a lawful sequence, and builds upon itself.

All seeds sprout in the soil of self-reflection,
growing naturally at their own pace.

Therefore, develop wisdom from the bottom up, not the top down.
Begin where you are now, in present-moment mind conditions.

Truly helpful guidance grows from understanding
& unconditional self-acceptance.

Knowing mind right now, without struggle or avoidance –
this is a true foundation.

There is no lasting joy or peace just recalling sweet spiritual words.

Soon after heard or remembered,
such words dissolve and are forgotten once again.

If in hearing we seek to avoid painful mind patterns,
the pain is only buried in mind & distorted further.

And later after all the self-avoidance ends,
painful thoughts and feeling return to awareness once again.

If you hate and seek to avoid painful thoughts and feeling,
they will never dissolve and never be fully healed.

Hate, avoidance, and mind-rejection can never make healing.

If instead, you accept painful mind elements in self-kindness,
seeking deeper understanding and taking fair responsibility --

They will then dissolve in the heart-space of unconditional love,
And release, slowly over time, by true spiritual self-healing.

I think these words are helpful...

There is no enlightenment you can purchase --
our healing and awakening is not created by teachers.

Lasting joy blossoms from your own inner working --
from your own steady, careful mind-heart cultivation.

A brilliant wisdom-speaker offers words of truth,
giving a mirror of what’s already known in deep mind.

As the greatest teacher is within,
a fine outer teacher sparks our resonance with the Inner Guide.

Yet, because we distrust ourselves and prefer outer human guides,
we rarely listen within -- remaining tone-deaf to the voice of Inner Guide.

Of course, this inner guide is Higher Self, true self, our essence --
the only source of wisdom, the awakened self-being that IS.

All we learn by hearing human teaching and reflecting on the words --
all is known by remembrance and reconnection to inner wisdom,
the wisdom already present, living, active in the deep mind.

Thus the ancients taught,

“seek within, the kingdom of heaven is within you, for all is One.”

Please be careful of what you seek,
and to whom you listen and to whom you give your trust.

There are many subtle liars and immature teachers today --

And yes, now is a time of false prophets on earth.
It is the end of the 3D cycle of selfish pride and 'ego'.

What we seek is what we are and have always been.

No teacher can give you more than this.

In 3D body and human society, we forget much,
we doubt much and grow confused -- but this is normal and not a problem.

By consistent love-wisdom focus -- listening within, welcoming awareness --
by all this work outer mind opens the veil and inner mind comes forth...

You can purchase a technique and a special spiritual skill,
but heart opening to reality in this moment is totally free.

The cultivation and revealing of wisdom is inner work --
and it is priceless, silent, and still.

The jewel of knowing is ever-shining in deep mind.


  • 2010年04月20日 (火)
  • 都道府県未定
  • 2010年04月20日 (火) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!