

開催終了2013年7月25日、時間をはずした日に 祭りを生み出しましょう!!


2013年06月13日 10:27 更新





銀河との同期、紀元2 0 1 3年。 2 6 0 0 0年のフィナーレが近づいています。
2 0 1 3年7月2 6日「黄色い銀河の種」に 新たな太陽の時代の誕生へ、と高まっていく。

地球が、銀河と同期するための 魔術飛行は、
   1 3番目の宇宙の月の最後の日と、

  2013年7月25日 時間をはずした日 KIN163 青い共振の夜
   2013年7月26日 磁気の月1日 KIN164 黄色い銀河の種

この「宇宙的な観点とまったく同じ意識」という形に進化し、精神圏というもの を迎えるためには、
人類はエゴから離れ、その宇宙的な法則とできるだけ同調し ていく必要があります。

2 0 1 3年7月2 5日が、「銀河との同期のポイント」と言うのは、この意味において なのです。
時間をはずした日の祭りの目的は、 「祭りで、地球の周波数を変える」ことです。











 (プロデューサー 柳瀬 宏秀)

祭りの名称 (できれば、「時間をはずした日の祭り」とサブタイトルでも入れてください)、内容、お名前、WEBアドレス、連絡先のメールアドレスをお書きの上、写真素材を添付して、cosmicdiary.jp@gmail.com まで、お知らせください。







Let’s hold festivals on July 25, on the Day Out of Time.

We as human species have not yet reached the stage where we can utilize cosmic consciousness in the true sense.
Human ego has not attained transcendental state of mind and people are separate and divided as individuals. We often think, “This information is mine, this knowledge is mine. It belongs to only me and I will not allow others to have it.”

This information and knowledge, however, should circulate not through the earth but other stars as well and be shared. It is universal and a common treasure for all of us. It is deeper than our individual consciousness and is consistent with the law of the cosmos.

When we talk of cosmic culture, we understand cosmic civilization as something every planet in the cosmos share, one outlook being shared by all. In order for human species to evolve to “this consciousness totally in accord with cosmic perspective” and be ready for Noosphere, we need to detach ourselves from our ego and conform to the cosmic law.

It is in this sense that July 25, 2013 is “the galactic synchronization point”.

The goal is to change the frequency of the earth by producing festivals.

Your “thoughts”,
The “festivals” you produce with your peers and friends
will contribute to the evolution of the earth.

Let us produce festivals on July 25, 2013, on the Day Out of Time!!

Let us create festivals that will help the earth’s evolution!!

This is our website for the Day Out of Time:

Jose Arguelles who spread to the world Maya’s wisdom and their calendar system through “13 Moon calendar” regarded July 25, 2013 as the galactic synchronization date.
There is a chance that Noosphere would possibly envelope the earth.

Embrace the earth with art festivals and prayer;
The festivals that will transcend three dimensional events
and embrace the earth with the spirit of festivals and prayer;
The earth will be enveloped with Noos (mind, consciousness in Greek).
Envelop the earth with Noosphere.

The earth’s planetary consciousness will synchronize with higher dimensional galactic consciousness and she will start a new journey of evolution.

Why did the festival lose its spirit and become a mere sightseeing?
It is because the people have lost touch with the “natural rhythm” in their daily lives.

Before introducing the Gregorian calendar 140 years ago, people in Japan would face the sunrise each morning and clap their hands together and bow in prayer. They would also admire the moon.

Agricultural activities at that time would involve observation of insects and weeds to predict the following day’s weather, along with sometimes prayer.
When it came time to harvest crops, they were thankful to the land, the sun, and everything being connected. At harvest time, they would hold a thanksgiving festival out of a true feeling of gratitude and appreciation. The basis of public entertainment was songs, dances, and “festivals” originating from within the spiritual climate of “appreciation” of nature.

However, when chemical fertilizers and pesticides were introduced to agriculture, people mistakenly believed that they could reap a large crop because of that year’s “good” fertilizers. They would forget that they could reap the crop thanks to the sun, the land, insects and microorganisms.
They would lose the feeling of thanksgiving and being connected. Thus the soul would be lost from the festival and it became a mere sightseeing attraction.

Those who do the farming must feel that it is because of the soil, the sun, and the air that they were able to reap a harvest, that all is connected.
The farmers in old days knew that only when all these elements came together, would it be possible to reap a harvest. To recognize this appreciation, thanksgiving festivals were held at local shrines.

At these festivals people would sing and dance and an overall spiritual balance of the village would be maintained. Also, these festivals were held annually at harvest time according to the natural dynamism.

It can also be said that art was performed according to the universal rhythm. Within the dynamism of nature and the function of society, “festivals” played the important role of elevating the spiritual level of the entire village and maintaining the spiritual balance.

Feel that everything is connected.
You can realize the nature of the universe from a flower like poets and literates.
People used to live that way.
From the days of Manyo (the oldest anthology of Japanese poetry), Japanese people would admire the moon, flowers, snow and created poetry. They didn’t do it for elegant accomplishment; they did it as a way of life. Shouldn’t it be the way of life on this earth?


If the true original form of “festival” exalted the collective spirit of the village, thus changing the consciousness of the people, then entertainment and art resulted from this…
Now if artists with the soul of the festival are serious, and this elevated spiritual level is shared by their peers and friends, then the consciousness of the people can be changed.
We should be able to create such an atmosphere as a “festival”.

The original role of “festival” is the circulation of the spiritual and the material. However, in the present Japanese society this role of the festival as art to support the society, for instance, its emotional and spiritual power to heal, is not understood at all. The heart and mind have been separated from the body.

Let’s change it. Let’s change it with the festivals on the Day Out of time. Let’s change people’s consciousness.
If the meaning of art and music is understood, not only its planetary but also its cosmic meaning, and if we can change our society we will see the regeneration of the earth in this century.

Festival, art, and entertainment exist to support the society…no, they exist for the evolution of the earth – it is time for the artists and for us to realize this fact and with its awareness, to create festivals that synchronize with galaxy.

On July 25, let’s create festivals and have galaxy, the earth and human spirit go hand in hand. Let’s hold festivals that will multiply like living cells.

Naturally, no need to force yourself.
We will evoke something in our hearts that resonates with the spirit of the festival,
And that something will spread naturally from person to person unifying them in spirit.
Let’s spread such unification throughout the earth.
For each person to have this as a concrete vision,
This is the goal of the festivals on the Day Out of Time.

The artists that take the initiative to create a rich atmosphere in the “festival” will surely become aware of “time” and “location”. They will start to feel and think what is needed more than their artistic skills to bring about a rich atmosphere and a moment that will elevate the spirit of the people. Then the people that participate in this “festival” and experience the exaltation of their spirit with the artists, will not stay receptive. They will begin to seek out such transformation of consciousness by art.

Isn’t it then that the audience will begin to feel the true meaning of art again and people will begin to seek the circulation of the spirit and phenomena?

We will embrace the earth with the soul of “festivals”. We will see this vision all over the planet and the artists and their music will see the change of consciousness; then we can foresee the earth’s galactic synchronization. People will start to feel the true meaning of art on the planetary and the invisible galactic levels. Can’t you see it?

Through the change of awareness in the people who organize traditional festivals, “festivals” will be reborn from the current tourist attractions, to something that has a soul. Can’t you hear the footsteps of this transformation along with the sounds of the sacred “kagura” music and dance?

If this festival continues, if the spirit of this festival spreads, then the festival on July 25, 2013 should become the festival to affect 130,000,000 Japanese, and eventually 7,000,000,000 people, the whole population of the earth.

While feeling the spirit of festival arising in each one of us, wouldn’t you like to begin to live leisurely in nature and in harmony with the movement of the cosmos?

If, from the feeling that people started to pick up from this “festival”, a prayer for the earth is born; if all festivals held for mere sightseeing were reborn as ceremonies of “payer” for the new earth…I cannot help feeling a grave meaning in this “festival” and the change of consciousness in the people who create this “festival” in this age when pollution on a global scale is rapidly increasing.

A great correspondence may be born from Japan.
From each and every one of the “festivals” energy will be generated to change the frequency for the galactic synchronization.

The “festival” that enables a circulation of the spirit and phenomena in the dynamism of the natural rhythm and allows a constant reformation of consciousness, that kind of “festival” will breathe life into the earth as Gaia, as a living organism. I hope I can feel it with all of you.

Let’s generate festivals on July 25, 2013, the Day Out of Time!
Let’s embrace the earth with “festivals” of art and “prayer”!

If the “qi” (life energy) to hold such a festival is born,
then let’s have a festival on July 25!

People who can gather 10 people, gather 10 people.
People who can gather 100 people, gather 100 people.
People who can gather 1,000 people, gather 1,000 people.

With a natural feeling, no need to force yourself,
It can be concerts, events, prayers, etc.,
In other words, would you like to hold a spirit raising festival?

Please let us know and what you will be doing on July 25 and at what location.

In order to revive the original spirit of festival, by creating a space that elevates our spirit, by exchanging information ― where and how the festivals are held and who is holding it, and by feeling each other, by imagination and human awareness, let’s activate Gaia! This is a call to realize it.

This is the framework of the festival on the Day Out of Time.

Let’s embrace the earth with “festivals” of art and “prayer”!

Please send information regarding your festivals.

With this mutual feeling we will connect each other through the experience of creating a rich atmosphere and a moment that is in tune with higher dimensional time. We will make three dimensional time truly “Out of Time”.

Moments “out of three dimensional time” will be born at various locations on the planet. Wouldn’t you like to be able to share this information with the elevated friends and audience?

I would like to experience the feeling of exalted souls brought together at many locations on the earth, in the moments “out of three dimensional time”.

Hirohide Yanase
March 1, 2013

Please send information about your festivals to
with Name of the festival (preferably with “the Day Out of Time Festival”)
Contents, your name, website URL, e-mail address, and pictures.

【Could you share this message !!】

The Day Out of Time Festivals held in Japan and oversea since 1999.


The proposal for the peaceful culture to the United Nations
Praising “the festivals on the Day Out of Time”
“Reviving the soul of festivals” a conversation with Shokichi Kano
“Feel the Fuji festival” a conversation with Keiko Matsui

For details
http://cosmic-diary.jp/cn14/pg162.html   English


Universal love and In Lak’ech!

Hirohide Yanase

KIN12 Yellow Crystal Human

Cooperation Dedicate Universalize

Free will Influences Wisdom

■Facebook I post almost daily.


■Facebook Mayan wisdom http://on.fb.me/OiaNNL

■Facebook Cosmic Diary/13 Moon calendar / You can have the day’s galactic signature sent to your mobile phone. http://on.fb.me/Ur2gg0


Mayan Prophecy and Cosmic Diary 2013 – now on sale. Printed in both Japanese and English. http://cosmic-diary.jp/cn4/pg167.html


  • 2013年07月25日 (木)
  • 都道府県未定
  • 2013年07月25日 (木) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!