

開催終了第五回 AYDのお知らせ


2009年07月08日 20:58 更新

第5回アジアンユースデー 5th Asian Youth Day

◆テーマ Youth Asians: Come together, Share the Word and Live the Eucharist

◆日時 2009年11月20(金)〜11月27日(金)
11月20日(金) 到着 (ホームステイ)
21日(土) 地元の小教区での交流会 (ホームステイ)
22日(日) 「王であるキリストの祭日」 小教区交流

23日(月) ホームステイ先からAYD会場へ。カテドラルでの開会ミサ、文化発表会
24日(火) 「みことば」についての司教講演、地域ごとのセッション、文化発表会準備
25日(水) 「聖体」についての司教講演、展示発表、 「聖体」についての全体セッション、テゼ(夜)
26日(木) 「宣教」についての司教講演、小グループの分かち合い、ワークショップ、交流会(夜)
27日(金) 閉会ミサ、帰国

◆場所 フィリピン(イムス教区)
◆同行司祭 櫻井尚明師
◆対象 18才〜35才。(高校生不可。多少の英語力が必要です。)
◆募集人数 25名 (人数を越えた申込があった場合は、締切り後に調整のうえお断りさせていただく場合があります。)
◆費用 参加費 US$210(4月27日現地点で\21,000前後)(自宅から現地までの旅費は自己負担)

申し込みは こちらからどうぞ。



"Young Asians, Come Together, Share the Word and Live the Eucharist."


Asian Youth Day Preparations Launched

Preparations for the 5th Asian Youth Day to be celebrated November 20-27, 2009 in the Philippines started on March 14, 2009 in Silang, Cavite, Philippines. The Episcopal Commission on Youth, the Imus Diocese, and Youth Desk of the FABC Office for Laity and Family were the organizers of the assembly. Some 1,000 young people were present at the Nuestra Senora dela Candelaria parish of Silang where the Asian Youth Day will be held in November.

The celebration began with a brief background on the Asian Youth Day. Organized by the Youth Desk of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, the AYD has been held in Thailand (1999), Taiwan (2001), India (2003) and Hong Kong (2006). Through these events, young Asian Catholics are able to celebrate their faith, deepen their love for Church and are inspired to take on their mission in the midst of realities in Asia. Youth Commissions have likewise benefited in formation in ministry and through collaboration with each other.

Part of the launching was also the presentation of the official logo and the theme song for the Asian Youth Day. The AYD Cross, which has travelled all over Asia, started its journey in the Philippines, with visits to different parishes in the Imus diocese. From there, it will go to other places in the country to unite all in prayer for the upcoming event.

The theme of this year's AYD is "Young Asians, Come Together, Share the Word and Live the Eucharist." .240309
5th ASIAN Youth Day 2009
The FABC-OLF-Youth Desk is organizing the 5th Asian Youth Day (AYD) to be held in the Philippines on November 20-27, 2009. Inspired by the Synod on the Word of God and the FABC Plenary theme on Living the Eucharist, the 8-day event hopes to:
* Renew Asian youth’s faith in and love for the Word of God and the Eucharist
* Celebrate youthfully the Word and the Eucharist in their contexts, cultures and communities
* Enable the young to become agents of transformation by living out the Word and the Eucharist in our realities in Asia

The AYD hosts aim to gather some 2,000 Asian youth delegates from the 22 countries.
Among the highlights of the event are 3-day Parish/Host Family experiences, plenary sessions on the Word and Eucharist, sub-regional reflections and deepening experiences, workshops and meaningful prayers and liturgies. There will also be post-AYD workshops.

After the AYD, the Asian Youth Ministers’ Meeting (AYMM) will be held on November 27-30, 2009 for the Episcopal Youth Commissions across the region to deepen the AYD experience in the level of ministry and to foster greater collaboration among youth ministers and leader in the region.

A preparatory meeting will be held in the Philippines on March 24-26, 2009 to formally launch the event, provide important information for delegations and finalize the program plan.

For more details please contact the FABC-OLF-Youth Desk at asianyouthdesk@gmail.com.


  • 2009年11月20日 (金) 〜11月27日(金)(8日間)
  • 海外 フィリピン
  • 2009年11月20日 (金) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!