

開催終了"Effects of Decision Support on Cardiac Telephone Consultation Process" - Cognitive Systems Engineering Consoritium


2006年05月28日 21:56 更新


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Effects of Decision Support on Cardiac Telephone Consultation Process

Yukari (Carrie) Enomoto - MASc candidate
Advanced Interface Design Lab
Department of Systems Design Engineering
University of Waterloo

Catherine M. Burns, PhD PEng
Director, Advanced Interface Design Lab
Associate Prof, Systems Design Engineering
University of Waterloo

10:00 am (EST), Wednesday, May 31
7:00 pm, (EST), Wednesday, May 31
(Times are Eastern Standard Time, USA; GMT-05:00)

The conference site is www.cognitive-systems.org/conference/

Catherine will outline a two-year project to provide flexible and mobile decision support for cardiac nursing coordinators (NCs) at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI). The project has employed used techniques from cognitive work analysis and cognitive task analysis to provide support in this complex environment. NCs require a combination of rule-based and knowledge-based support in order to develop an effective solution. The focus of this project has been a mobile (but not wirelessly connected) solution but has also revealed lessons learned about designing workflow in environments with both desktop and mobile resources.

Yukari (Carrie) will describe a specific research effort within that two-year project. The work area is that of Nursing Coordinators (NCs) at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) who field phone calls from discharged patients undergoing home care procedures on a daily basis. The CARDIO project aims to provide tools for the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) that NCs can use during the phone calls. The Ecological Interface Design (EID) approach is used to identify the information requirements to design the system. Major challenges of the telephone consultation process that are additionally identified by literature review and interviewing the NCs included visibility of patients, individual differences, and lack of standardized procedures. A combination of decision trees and visualization techniques is proposed to aid the process. Implementation of decision trees would help unload mental workload especially accesses to "knowledge in the head" as well as facilitate expert knowledge transfer to less experienced nurses. The visualization tools can be accessed at any point in the decision process and display integration of multiple-cues from patients in an abstract form. A preliminary experiment with static images showed that visualization tools helped the decision makers more when the judgment tasks were more complex. A new integrative tool was designed for the second experiment using simulated phone consultations tasks.

Keywords: Ecological Interface Design, Cognitive Engineering, Decision Support System, Information Visualization, Knowledge Visualization, Decision Strategy

Yukari is a Master's student at the Advanced Interface Design Lab in the Department of Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo. She is currently working on a decision support system for cardiac nurses. Her main focus is to design visualization tools to aid decision makers to integrate complex multi-variate information. She received a B.A.Sc. in Systems Design Engineering in May 2005 with a minor in Psychology and options in Statistics and Cognitive Science. She has worked at Defense R&D Canada for two co-op work terms, during which she investigated human perceptual biases and effects of visual momentum in Human Computer Interaction Group. Yukari is an active member of Waterloo Decision Research.


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