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Next year, the largest solar flare will occur.

100x to 1000x super flare
What if I wake up?
• All satellites fail?
• Astronauts/aircraft crew members exposed to radiation?
• Massive power outage on a global scale! ?
• An accident on the same level as the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident has occurred on earth.
Occurs at all nuclear power plants?
• Communication failure occurring on a global scale?

The mass media also started talking about the ``civilizational evolution type disaster'' that will occur from the time of the super-giant solar flare, the awakening of humanity, and changes in the biological world.

The entire Earth's sky will be covered in aurora borealis.

Things that directly use electricity, including nuclear power generation, nuclear aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, aircraft, artificial satellites, and even cars, will no longer be operationally controllable.

Life forms, including humans, that use small amounts of electricity in their bodies are likely to undergo some kind of change, including evolution.

As the solar photon particles accelerate further due to the planet's rotation, etc., there is a high possibility that a hole in another dimension will open.

The war stops.

Civilization stops.

Pollution will stop.

No light pollution.

The indigenous people, who have not come into contact with civilization, continue to live the same way as before.

I realized the danger, uncertainty, and inconvenience of relying on electric civilization.

The origin of oriental medicine and a traditional lifestyle.

It became impossible to make chemical fertilizers, and people turned to natural farming (because they realized there was no need to make them).

Yui transitions to permaculture community life.

Even so, after the effects of solar flares subside, those who will once again transition to a chemical and scientific society will probably live separately from the above.
*(This is a phenomenon that is also a process of evolution in the biological world)
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