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今昔幻想郷 〜 Flower Land./ 月に叢雲花に風.

musics. 月に叢雲花に風.
Original title. 今昔幻想郷 〜 Flower Land.
Source. 東方花映塚 〜 Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
Yuuka Kazami.

Album. 夜伽話の神隠し.
Album by Minstrel.
Comiket 80 (C80) Aug 13, 2011.
Arrangement. yuta.
Lyrics. yuta.
Vocals. LIQU@。.


欠けた 花びらの舞う夜
あなたは 今

「In this broken night, in which the petals dance,
You are, now」

星 枯れ果てた心に
爪 突き立て鉛色
時 重なり褪せていく
空 曇った鏡みたい

「The stars. In my heart, which has dried up completely.
Claws. The colour of lead, they pierce through.
Time. It piles up and starts to fade.
The sky. Like a cloudy mirror.」

戻らない 花びらは昨日へ
黄昏に よぎる影求めて
日傘に光る朝露払い 夢は続く

「Those petals will not return to tomorrow.
A single, deserted flower.
I pursue the silhouette passing by in the twilight.
I wonder if you remember?
I sweep off the morning dew on my umbrella. My dream continues…」

風 私を吹き抜けて
花 彩を湛えて
雲 絡みつく水面に
月 照らされた泡沫

「The wind. It blows through me.
The flowers. Filled to the brim with colour.
Clouds. Twining themselves around the water’s surface.
The moon. A transient bubble that has been illuminated.」

欠けた 花びらの舞う夜
目覚め よぎる影求めて
戻らない 花びらは昨日へ
あなたは 今どこへ向かうの

「In this broken night, in which the petals dance,
I stare at only you.
I wake, and pursue the silhouette passing by.
Even your lingering scent becomes hazy…
Those petals will not return to tomorrow.
I wonder where you’re heading to now?」


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