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Hey remind your stinky goddamn assholes man. lol

I tell you what. So-called "suspended sentence" is a great trap set up by
the whole JAPanese socio political economic system man. Oh yeah!
this is a great trap motherfocker. Now, you are out of jail, however,
the de facto matter dude, you are treated still damn criminal offender as
prisoner at Shaba, all authorities try to do their best to ROB your focking money,
take out all your incumming jobs, no jobs, your fundamental human right is in danger all the time you are focked up by JAPanese whole society 24 focking
hours 365 days a year, until your focking notorious Suspended Sentence period focking expire.
Man...I would say it...suspended sentence SUCKS man.
This is a great trap, you are now in should be free shaba, however,
you feel like you are detained in jail, no freedom, everybody focks with you,
put your ass into the right middle of focking goddamn HELL all the time,
your life is in danger, no money earned, always robbed money by authorites,
everybody focks you, no freedom, no pleasure, alone, just focked up.
This is what I am talking about, suspended sentence dude.
Am I about understood huh? Fine. Get lost and just fock off.
Kke. Ppe. hhhh...
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