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永遠の巫女.空飛ぶ巫女の不思議な毎日./ Perish In Polarity.

musics. Perish In Polarity.
Original. 永遠の巫女.
Source. 蓬莱人形 〜 Dolls in Pseudo Paradise.
Track 12.
Original. 空飛ぶ巫女の不思議な毎日.
Source. 蓬莱人形 〜 Dolls in Pseudo Paradise.
Track 13.

Album. Perish In Polaritia.
Comiket 90 (C90) Aug 13, 2016.
Arrangement. やーぱん.
Lyrics. やーぱん.
Vocals. WeatherH, やーぱん.


Set me free from that calling
Deviation captures and perishes all of my heart
Inflamed clouds keep on wandering
Deadly sin separated each color of us

Set me free from that calling
Deviation captures and perishes all of my heart
Inflamed clouds keep on wandering
Deadly sin separated each color of us

黒に固めた道を外れ 強く惹きつける光へと
白に染まった空を見上げ 遠く手放した日々を想う

I left the black-strengthened road and went towards the captivating light
I looked up white-stained sky and thought about the days in which our hands parted


Before long, the awaited judgment comes!
The fate I crossed paths with paints the unchangeable demise of mine inside my head

さざめく雨音 響く無情の果て

Fading memories rip through prayers
Sound of the falling rain reverbs, till the ends of ruthlessness

That day you said your wish was to weave our never ending story
To my sorrow, ‘my dream’ is like Down Under
This mortal dance could never be stopped by anyone
Even by myself, even though by ourselves

That day you said your wish was to weave our never ending story
To my sorrow, ‘my dream’ is like Down Under
This mortal dance could never be stopped by anyone
Even by myself, even though by ourselves

Still I was born to perish in polarity
Faith, love, hope all will be nothing

Still I was born to perish in polarity
Faith, love, hope all will be nothing

いつしか空は赤く染まり 白は宵闇に消えゆく
抗う決意を嘲笑うように 黄昏がこの身を包む

Before anyone noticed, the sky turned red. Whiteness faded into the dusk
In order to sneer at going against the resolution, I’ll melt into the twilight

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