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2 miracles

I could not believe this.
I went to Happy-ever-town yesterday
I found Steven in the flier of Eihuku-cho Autumn Festival on the internet before going out

He is coming and perform there.
It was about 4 years ago last time I talked with him at Narita airport when he was flying

Thanks to Hikarin I could meet Steven again yesterday in Happy-ever-town
When I was waiting for Steven to perform near Eifukucho station,Hikarin and her assistance stood next to me before I knew it

Two miracles happened on the same day
I conveyed the feeling of celebration

The man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination
Woman can double man's joy while she can reduce man's sorrow by half
Former Gun man (County man )
実朝  咲いたMAN    全菜宙裸栗鼠党 Former Naturalist
Let us convey the blue sky as it is to children.
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