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Empty nest

Most of you guys already know only staray cats visit me in my mansion .
I treat them with ordinally cat food , very occasionally chull and leftover grilled fish.

But they rearlly come these days .
I am sure they were given delicious food by neighbors.
They like chull I know .

They eat it up soon .
But they always leave ordinally cat food uneaten
Eventually I saw one empty nest カラス pecking the leftover on the narrow lavender for the first time yesterday.

That is all right
I am generous to everybody who is hungry.

Woman can double man's joy while she can reduce man's sorrow by half
Former Gun man (County man )
実朝  咲いたMAN    全菜宙裸栗鼠党 Former Naturalist
Let us convey the blue sky as it is to children.
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