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I went to Ohmiya yesterday after a long time interval
I would like to talk in chronological order
I first went to Sumitomo Mitui ( Sumitomo comes first in English) after parking Sanetomo-Go at the cycling park behind Sogo department .

I took out 15oooo yen at the bank
Then I was looking for E-cute .
I learned it was inside the station so I gave up.

Then I went to the fancy restaurant Hidakaya at 12;30 but it was crowded
I gave up and went Marui to see second hand PCs
I have 2 PCs ,one tablet and handy phone but none of them make me satisfied

The PCs displayed were inexpensive .
But Istill have some more time to consider .

I had gorgeous lunch at Hidakaya after leaving the round.

Woman can double man's joy while she can reduce man's sorrow by half
Former Gun man (County man )
実朝  咲いたMAN    全菜宙裸栗鼠党 Former Naturalist
Let us convey the blue sky as it is to children.
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