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I have 2 T-point cards , one was made at Eneos and the other was made at Welcoa recently .
The one made at Eneos long time ago was damaged and can not swipe

I made it again at Welcia .
They said it is only 20 th of every month that I can pay for my purchase with
the old one .

I do not know about other shops but anyway the welcia is nearest .
I missed 20th several times but finally I madeit yesterday .
I bought a lot and checked out but still the bill did not go over the total point .

I left the chshier and got some more again.
I have become a professional homemaker .

Woman can double man's joy while she can reduce man's sorrow by half
Former Gun man (County man )
実朝  咲いたMAN    全菜宙裸栗鼠党 Former Naturalist
Let us convey the blue sky as it is to children.
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