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Cod and happiness タラフク

As I told , I ate a lot of sushi (タラフク)for lunch at the classic sushi shop the day before yesterday .
I also drank beer , rice wife and red wine

I am always satisfied with their food .
But it cause me trouble after coming back home .
I can never know what to eat supper .

I do not want to eat heavy food .
What do you eat at night after you eat your favorite food a lot ?
Two days back I ate a cup nood and potatoes with skin.

I am nosy .

Woman can double man's joy while she can reduce man's sorrow by half
Former Gun man (County man )
実朝  咲いたMAN    全菜宙裸栗鼠党 Former Naturalist
Let us convey the blue sky as it is to children.
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