

50 view


I'm so scared about hacking
and resolve the professional operate
my PC and its almostall my life
I dont have a smart phone
and then I was learning of setting
especially security

by the way my desktop was made for most not useful

security camera is dangerous for the skimming
as the method of IP camera i made before at the factory
I was employed I have only the controoling the IP camera

tI could stop TOYOTA system
they say do not open Pandora box

and I have the forklift certification.
it is the time to change my lifestyle

all of the quit out iof the why I do not work is
its the traffic accident by the car.

delivery employe I was be
the length from my base camp to the factoctly

then the day I have a mental attack from the monster who have angered
It's the big trauma

they can useful 3View the system is Hyundai system.

factory and the database is not matched Just in time system
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