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he is the makes me to the scared to meet person
he thinks he was try to recover his past glory

I was scared of his hard rage
prison it makes the make people worth

I can not meet the people personal
the background he says the prison

at the prison it is making an evil plan
and another is abnormal

it is only the HSP of me not
the wife who lost her husband but she is normal but the another factor

she is only depression but makes the illness
I am normal but the raisist and raisist

the FB makes me raisist
and submarin crimer of my knowledge

the allmost all the it is one
PTSD is scarely the HSP of prison makes

eberyday I have the plan to vanish the prison
and all the prison makes more crime

I was the only one the character but FB makes me rasist

FB is the factor of my rasist

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