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[別紙 己号]
文書題目 [伊藤総理大臣と駐日露国公使との朝鮮問題についての対話記録]

Resumé of a conversation which took place on the 5th March 1896 between H. E. marquis Ito, President of the Council, and H, E, Mr. Hitrovo, Russian Minister, at the official residence of the President of the Council.
After a few customary compliments, H. E. the Russian Minister said to Marquis Ito that since they had their long conversation on the Corean question, regrettable events had presented themselves in Corea and that the Russian Government were very much surprised by them, the more so as, on the receipt of the telegrams sent by Mr. Hitrovo to his Government on the conversation he had with the Marquis, the Russian government had sent instructions to Seoul in order that the Russian Representative might abstain from giving rise to any new incident, in as much as Russia desired no fresh complication in the Far East. Unfortunately, the said events presented themselves before these instructions could reach Seoul in consequence of the interruption of the telegraph lines.
Marquis Ito replied that he too was very much surprised by the events that had just taken place; but that he was much pleased to know, by the latest news he had just received from Corea that calmness was reestablished at Seoul. The Marquis then expressed the satisfaction he experienced in that the two governments of Japan and Russia should be able to arrive at a certain understanding, thanks to the kind cooperation of Mr. Hitrovo.
The Russian Minister said that he also was very happy to know that the two Governments had been able to come to an understanding on the instruction to be given to their respective Representatives in Corea but that these measures were only provisional measures and that an understanding on the general question was very desirable between the two Governments, as he had already had occasion to speak of it to H. E. Marquis Ito in a former conversation and that he thought that Marshal Yamagata was charged with this mission. Mr. Hitrovo, being due in Russia at least a month in advance of the arrival of the marshal in Russia, desired to know the general points of the mission confided to the marshal, in order to be able to prepare the way before his arrival.
Marquis Ito said that in fact Marshal Yamagata was charged with a special mission to that effect and that he hoped to be able to arrive at an understanding between the two Governments when the marshal, upon arrival in Russia, shall have exchanged views with the minister for Foreign Affairs. Reminding Mr. Hitrovo of a conversation the Russian Minister had had with Marquis Saionzi, the president of the Council said to him that, like him, he thought that Corea was incapable of existing by herself and that she required to be aided by others; that consequently it was desirable that Japan and Russia should come to an understanding to that effect and that he would be very much obliged to the Russian Minister if he would be good enough to explain to him his views on the question.
The Russian Minister replied that, in his opinion, as he had already had occasion to say to Marquis Saionzi, Corea was incapable of being independent by herself and that it was desirable to find modus vivendi by an understanding between Russia and Japan, permitting Corea to subsist. As he had already declared to him several times, what Russia desires in regard to Corea is that she should not become a weapon against Russia in the hands of other powers.
Marquis Ito then said that if such were the true intentions of Russia, he thought that the understanding between the two countries could very well be made. As he had already had occasion to say to Mr. Hitrovo, Japan has no aggressive intention against Corea and desired neither to have an exclusive influence in that country. It would then be very possible for the two Governments to find a ground of understanding on the Corean question.
Mr. Hitrovo replied that he also thought that this understanding between the two countries was very possible. In his opinion, the Corean question can not be separated from the general question of the Far East and as the interests of Russia and Japan have nothing in conflict, one should be perfectly able to come to an understanding on the Corean question.
Marquis Ito said that he entirely shared the views of the Russian Minister on this point and that he thought that apart from the Corean question there is no question dividing the two countries and as on this point also there is no divergence of views on the fundamental question, one could perfectly come to an understanding on the question of detail. Marquis Ito then requests Mr. Hitrovo to be good enough to make every effort when he is at St. Petersburg, in order that Marshal Yamagata may succeed in his mission.
Mr. Hitrovo replied that he has always acted in that sense and will continue to do so. In his opinion, there are certain measures which the Russian Government as well as the Corean Government would willingly desire to see taken by the Japanese Government which so far as they are concerned would not be too ill-disposed either to take them. But those measures would offend the national feeling and would consequently be a great embarrassment for the Japanese Government. (The Russian Minister evidently wished to allude to the withdrawl of the Japanese troops from Corea). Under these circumstances these questions should be treated with much caution. The domestic situation of Japan must be known in taking account of the delicate position in which the Japanese Government are placed. Being in touch with these circumstances, he thinks he can be useful when in St. Petersburg. That is why though the Russian Government requested him to remain in Japan for some time longer, he has asked for leave to return home for this occasion. In case Mr. de Speyer should be unable to arrive in time, he has obtained authority to leave Mr. de Wollant as chargé d'affairs, But he has received a telegram saying that Mr. de Speyer arrives on the 6th in Tokio. Marquis Ito will then be able to talk with him over the questions of detail relative to the Corean affairs.
Marquis Ito thanks Mr. Hitrovo for his kindly dispositions and requests him to be good enough to acquaint his Government with the real intentions of the Japanese Government. As to certain measures spoken of by Mr. Hitrovo, Marquis Ito thinks that they can only be taken gradually, under the circumstances which the Russian Minister knows so well. As to the solution of the questions of detail, Marquis Ito will certainly be able to profit by the information which Mr. de Speyer will be able to give him on the actual situation of Corea.
Mr. Hitrovo promised to do his utmost to the end that the understanding in question might take place between the two Governments.


1896年 3月5日内閣総理大臣官舎において内閣総理大臣・伊藤侯爵閣下とロシア公使・Hitrovo閣下間の非公式会談の要約.









と答えた。彼の考えでは朝鮮政府だけでなくロシア政府で日本政府の選択を大変見たいとするある措置があるのだが、それは決して日本政府が取ることのできない程度で悪意的なことではないだろう。しかしその措置は日本の国民感情を傷つけることがありその結果日本政府は大変苦しい立場に陥るだろう。(ロシア公使ははっきり日本軍隊の朝鮮撤収が示唆されていることを願った)。 事情がこうなのでこの問題(複数)は非常に慎重に扱われなければならない。日本政府が置かれている微妙な立場を考慮する時は日本の国内事情も念頭に置かなければならない。彼は自身がこのような状況に精通しているのでセントペテルブルクで助けとなる事ができると考えている。こういうわけでロシア政府から彼に日本にもう少し停泊することを要請したのだが今回の場合彼は故国へ帰るために休暇を申請したとの事だ。万一トウ・スペイエル氏が遅れずに到着することが出来ない場合に備えて彼はトウ・スペイエルを代理公使にする許可を取って置いた。しかし彼はトウ・スペイエル氏が6日東京に到着するという電文を受けとった。だから伊藤侯爵は朝鮮事態に関する細部的な問題を彼と話合うことが出来るだろう。

伊藤侯爵は公使の親切な処理に感謝し日本政府の真正な意図を本国政府に知らせるよう彼に要請した。ヒトゥロブ氏が言及したある措置に関しては、伊藤侯爵はロシア公使が非常によく知っているので次第に選ぶ方法しかないと考えている。細部問題の解決に関して 伊藤侯爵はトウ・スペイエル氏が朝鮮の実状について彼に教えてくれる情報から間違いなく助けを得ることができる見通しだ。

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