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Script "Scent of Woman" 7/8 夢の香り

You're back too fast.
You didn't get my cigars, did you?
Get out of here, Charlie.
I thought we had a deal.
I welched. I'm a welcher.
Didn't I tell you?
No, what you told me was that you gave me all the bulltes.
I lied.
Yeah, well, you could have fooled me.
And I did.
Charlie, how you ever gonna survive in this world without me?
Why don't you just give me the gun, all right?
Wh-- What are you doing?
I'm gonna shoot you too.
Your life's finished anyway.
Your friend George's gonna sing like a canary.
And so are you.
And once you've sung, Charlie, my boy, you're gonna take your place on that long, gray line... of American manhood.
And you will be through.
I'd like to disagree with you, Colonel.
You're in no position to disagree with me, boy.
I got a loaded .45 here.
You got pimples.
I'm gonna kill you, Charlie, because I can't bear the thought... of you sellin' out!
Put the gun down, all right, Colonel?
What? You givin' me an ultimatum?
No, I'm--
I give the ultimatums!
I'm sorry.
All right?
I'm sorry.
It's all right...
You break my heart, son.
All my life I stood up... to everyone and everything... because it made me feel important.
You do it 'cause you mean it.
You got integrity, Charlie.
I don't know whether to shoot you or adopt you.
Not much of a choice, is it, sir?
Aw, don't get cute now.
Colonel, could you... please put the gun away?
I asked you a question.
Do you want me to adopt you, or don't you?
Please? I mean...
You're just in a slump right now.
No slump, Charlie.
I'm bad.
I'm not bad. No.
I'm rotten.
You're not bad.
You-- You're just in pain.
What do you know about pain?
Hmm? You little snail darter... from the Pacific Northwest.
What the fuck you know about pain?
Let me have the gun, Colonel.
No time to grow a dick, son.
just, just give me the gun, all right, Colonel?
I'm talkin' a parade ground. Ten-hut!
Solder, that was a direct order.
Give me the gun?
You can stay or you can leave.
You understand?
Either way, I'm gonna do this thing.
Now why don't you leave and spare yourself?
I want your gun, Colonel.
I'm gonna give myself a count.
You need a count for balance.
Five, four... three... two...
one. Fuck it.
Gimme! Fuck it!
Get out of here!
I'm stayin' right here!
Get outta here!
I'm stayin' right here.
I'll blow your fuckin' head off!
Then do it!
You want to do it?
Do it! Let's go.
Get outta here!
You fucked up, all right?
So what?
So everybody does it.
Get on with your life, would you?
What life?
I got no life!
I'm in the dark here!
You understand?
I'm in the dark!
So give up. You want to give up, give up...
'cause I'm givin' up too.
You said I'm through.
You're right. I am through.
We're both through.
It's all over.
So let's get on with it(ぐずぐずしないですぐやる).
Let's fuckin' do it.
Let's fuckin' pull the trigger, you miserable blind mother fucker.
Pull the trigger.
Here we go, Charlie.
I'm ready.
You don't want to die.
And neither do you.
Give me one reason not to.
I'll give you two. You can dance the tango and drive a Ferrari... better than anyone I've ever seen.
You never seen anyone do either.
Give me the gun, Colonel.
Oh, where do I go from here, Charlie?
If you're tangled up, just tango on.
You askin' me to dance, Charlie?
Did you ever have the feelin' that you wanted to go
And still had the feelin' that you wanted to stay
You like my blues, Charlie?
Yeah, they're beautiful.
I wore these for Lyndon's inauguration.
Of course, uh, we weren't the number one ball.
But he dropped by anyway.
Will you please give me the gun?
You're askin' an officer to surrender his side arm.
You don't have to surrender it.
You just put it down for a little while.
All right?
Just put it down.
Boy, I could use a drink, Charlie.
How about a cup of coffee?
Too big a leap for me right now, Charlie.
Maybe tomorrow. Hah!
No, a Mr. John Daniels would be preferred.
No water, Charlie.
No water.
Here's your drink, Colonel.
Oh. I'm so sorry.
What time do you want me to turn down the bed?
Uh, maybe later, all right?
What he means, señorita, is come right in.
Later, please?
Yes, sir.
Good afternoon.
Nice voice.
Boy, you have a one-track mind.
Mm-hmm. Is there anything else in this world, Charlie?
Not for you.
You know what's kept me goin' all these years?
The thought that one day -- Never mind.
The what?
Just the thought that maybe one day, I'd--
I could have a woman's arms wrapped around me... and her legs wrapped around me.
And what?
That I could wake up in the morning and she'd still be there.
Smell of her.
All funky and warm.
I finally gave up on it.
I don't know why you can't have that.
You know, when we get back to New Hampshire, I don't know why you can't find someone.
I mean, you're a good-lookin' guy, and you're fun to be with, and... you're a great travel companion, sensitive, compassionate.
Charlie, are you fuckin' with me?
Hey, Manny.
My God. We-- We-- We missed our plane.
Your plane, Charlie.
My ticket was one-way.
New England Thruway all the way, Colonel?
All the way, Rinaldo.

I'm gettin' that heavy feelin' again, Charlie.
I think you were right about George and his father.
Uh, I'm sorry to hear that.
When we get back, Mr. Trask is bringin' us up in fornt of the whole school.
Puttin' your feet to the fire, huh?
Special meeting of the Disciplinary Committee.
And what are you gonna tell 'em?
I don't know.
I'll think of somethin'.
Oh, Charlie, why are you all alone in this thing?
Hmm? Where's your father?
He left.
I thought it was a mom-and-pop store.
Who's the "pop"?
It's my stepfather.
Oh, yeah.
But why isn't he in on this?
Somethin' wrong with him?
No, he's okay. We just, uh--
We don't get along very well.
Why not?
'Cause he's an asshole.
Ah. Ha-ha!
Well, that's all right, Charlie.
Every family's got one nowadays.

That's it?
That's it.
Take care of yourself, kid.
All right, Manny. Thanks.
No, I'm not opening.
I hate good-byes.
So, uh, you'll be all right, huh?
I'll be fine.
All right.
What's that?
Uh, that's first bell.
Just got time to get cleaned up.
Oh. I almost forgot.
I owe you some money.
Three hundred dollars, hmm? Job well done.
You ever need any references, Charlie, I'm your man.
Thanks, Colonel.
Uh, it's 16 Water Street.
Just over the bridge.
We'll find it.
Good-bye, Charlie.
Good-bye, Colonel.
Come here, son.
Okay, Manny.

George. George!

I called an open meeting of this institution this morning... because the incident that occurred this Tuesday last... describes an issue that concerns all of us.
Not an isolated case of vandalism, what heppened... is a symptom of the sickness of a society, a sickness which runs counter to the principles... this school was founded on, a school, among whose graduates two have sat behind the desk in the Oval Office, in the White House.
Baird men have run state departments and investment houses, founded department stores and coached football teams.
Our alumni receive their bulletins in ashrams in India... and in palaces in Jordan.
We are, in fact, known around the world... as the cradle of this country's leadership.
A beacon in the nation's --
What are you doing here?
Got room for me up there, Charlie?
But today, we are bleeding from disrespect,
Yeah, I guess so.
Give us a hand.
-disrespect for our values... and a disrespect for our standards, a disrespect for the Baird tradition.
And, as the custodians of that tradition, we are here today to protect each other... from those who threaten it.
Who is this, Mr. Simms?
This is Mr. Frank Slade, Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army, retired.
I'm here in place of Charlie's parents.
Excuse me?
In loco parentis.
They could not make the trip from Oregon today.
And what is your relationship to Mr. Simms?
Is this a courtroom?
Closest thing we could manage to it.
Then if we're taking oaths, there's a few people I'd like to swear in.
There are no oaths at Baird.
We are all on our honor.
Larry and Franny Simms... are very dear, close friends of mine.
They've asked me to appear here on Charlie's behalf.
Happy to have you with us, Colonel.
Mr. Willis.
Which Mr. Willis?
George, Junior, sir.
You were in a position last Tuesday night... to see who committed this act of vandalism. Who was it?
Well, uh, I have an idea who it was.
No, no, not an idea, Mr. Willis. Did you see or did you not see?
Well... I- I didn't have my contacts in.
Come on.
I was in the library.
I'd taken my glasses off, and I was gonna put my contacts back in.
Um, I-- Then I helped Simms close up, and the next thing I know, we're outside, and I hear this sound, and I, um, didn't have any time to put my contacts in.
Whom, with your limited vision, did you see?
Like I say, it was blurry.
Uh, I can't see without my contacts.
What did you see, Mr. Willis?
What, you mean definitively?
Stop fencing with me, Mr. Willis!
Tell me what you saw!
Now, don't hold me to this, but... no contacts, it's dark... and everything, I mean --
Mr. Willis!
Maybe... Harry Havemeyer, Trent Potter and Jimmy Jameson.
Ballpark, best guess.
Could you provide us with some detail?
I mean, why don't you ask Charlie?
I really think he was closer.

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