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Twelve Monkeys

I saw the movie, "Twelve Monkeys" for the first time.
It's a sience fiction released in 1995.
Derected by Terry Gilliam, and starring Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe, and Brad Pitt, with Christopher Plummer and David Morse.
It was a big hit.
Brad Pitt won a Golden Globe Award and nominated for the
Academy Award for the Best Supporting Actor.

This story was too difficult to understand for the persons watching for the first time, not only for me,
I guess.
Really complicated like other sience stories.

Those stories of sience fiction dipict events that are
impossible to happen in reality.
That's one of the reasons why it's difficult to understand, I guess.
But that's also the reason that it gives us a lot of rich
I love sience fiction, though they are difficult to understand.

Cole (Bruce Willis)living in 2035 is sent back in 1996
where virus was released and almost all mankind on earth were dead.
For collecting sample of virus to make vaccine.
It failed at first, though.
He was sent back in 1990 by machine trouble.
Anyway, he sent back in 1996 after that and tried to kill
the criminal to prevent releasing the virus.(It wasn't his mission, though.)

But I thought if he did it successfully, the history
would be changed.
Is it possible? Or permitted?
That is often the biggest question in sience fiction.
Can we change the history already happened?
It must cause emormous disorder.
So it's better not to change things once occurred.
But that's also most interesting point that Cole tries.
Because he begins to love Dr. Kathryn Railly and hopes
to live with her in 1996 when people still can live on
the ground, not the underground.
He really wants to change the history that mankind nearly disappear.
That is human.
People hope to live safely with their family or someone
they love.
Even they force to change history not permitted.

Cassandra complex, or Cassandra metaphor, the Cassandra syndrome, is the metaphor of this story.
That's interesting.
Cassandra is from greek mythology.
She was loved by Apollo and given the gift of prophecy
by him.
But also given a curse that nobody would believe her warnings.

And cole who came back to 1996 from the future warns about the catastrophe but no one believes that.
And he is sent to a mental hospital.
It's apollo's curse, Cassandra complex.
And environmentalists living in around 1996 are also warning that human being would die out if people don't
stop to pollute the earth.
But just a few people hear their opinions--warnings.

And Jeffrey Goines (Brad Pitt) is one of the key persons
of this story.
Cole meets him in a mental hospital and tells about the
catastrophe that almost all mankind die out by viruses.
That gives Jeffrey an idea that establishes the army of the "Twelve Monkeys".
And later, he carries out the plan that steals the virus
from his virologist father aiming wiping out humanity.

When Cole was sent back to 1996, people living in 2035 think "Twelve Monkey" is the clue---perhaps suspects.
That's why they sent Cole to Philadelphia, where a hoothold of the "twelve Monkeys".

That's really complecated but funny and interesting.
Which is first?
Jeffrey establish the army?
Or sending Cole back to 1990 where he meets Jeffrey?

Anyway, Brad Pitt is acting amazingly as a mad man, Jeffrey.
I was surprised.
Acting a mad man must be very hard.
He did it perfectly.
Terrific actor.

I heard this film is one of the greatest sience fictions.
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