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18940714 NO1561 李鴻章の戦争準備に関する報告

18940714 NO1561 李鴻章の戦争準備に関する報告
駐韓日本公使館記録 4巻   二. 露日関係 二   (2) [李鴻章の戦争準備に関する報告]

文書題目 (2) [李鴻章の戦争準備に関する報告]
文書番号 電受第四二二号
発信日 Chemulpo July 14th 1894. 9. p.m. ( 1894年 07月 14日 )
発信者 Murota (*室田 義文 釜山総領事)
受信日 Rec'd July 15th 1894. 8.30. a.m. ( 1894年 07月 15日 )
受信者 Mutsu (*陸奥宗光・外務大臣)

(2) [李鴻章の戦争準備に関する報告]

15. According to the conversation which is strictly confidential held on 七月 十四日 between 村木陸軍少佐 colonel Vogack who came over with Russian Minister to Corea, it is said that both of…….
in Pekin the people displayed great courage warlike inclination while 総理衙門 李鴻章 are inclined to peace both of them proposing to bring peaceful settlement through the intervention of British Minister, German Minister; at the same time is making preparations for war so as to be ready in case he is overcome by the influence of war party but he has asserted that Japanese soldiers in Corea to be 15,000 the whole of coast has been occupied by them.
李鴻章 found that the only means by which he can dispatch more than 20,000 Chinese soldiers would be by overland route but then protection of his own Empire must be looked after; thus recruits have been raised recently land and sea, according to views of saddlery it appeared both of 総理衙門 李鴻章 rather inclined to peaceful settlement even if they may somewhat concede to Japan.
It is the fact that United States Minister in Corea is endeavoring to have the King of Corea removed to United States Legation, on that occasion fifty marines from United States man of war at 仁川 is said to be ready to 京城 to guard United States Legation but saddlery have asserted that Russian Minister to Corea will oppose to the steps above mentioned as it will only augment difficulties it is said that saddlery desired his name not mentioned.

Chemulpo July 14th 1894. 9. p.m.
Rec'd July 15th 1894. 8.30. a.m.

7月 14日 極秘裏に進められた村木・陸軍少佐*と、朝鮮駐在露国公使に同行している Vogack大佐の間の対談によると、両者は・・・という。
朝鮮駐在・アメリカ公使が朝鮮国王をアメリカ公使館へ遷そうと努力していることは事実だが、 その場合仁川の合衆国軍艦から50名の海兵隊員がアメリカ大使館を警護するために京城へ出発する体制を整えているという。

*村木 雅美・陸軍少佐 フランス留学、陸士教官、欧州出張などを経て、1887年11月、陸相秘書官心得として大山巌大臣に仕える。陸軍省副官心得、陸軍省副官兼秘書官、砲兵第1方面内砲兵本廠長、第5師団兵站監、陸軍省軍務局砲兵課長などを歴任し、1901年2月、陸軍少将に進級。

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