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The story about Seiji Yoshida and his son 後半

Seiji Yoshida said that he had been a chief at the Shanghai branch office of China Airlines for one year since 1939, but no one in the China Airlines employee society knew him. Seiji Yoshida said in his book that he was arrested for transporting a Korean terrorist named, 金九 by the military police, was tried by court martial, and served a term in Isahaya prison in Nagasaki Prefecture, in his another book in Nanking prison. And he said he was released from prison in June 1942. But in1966, Seiji Yoshida said Ikuhiko Hata that he was arrested for transporting not 金九 but a Colonel of the Republic of China Chongqing army, and for seizing the military equipment concerning smuggling opium. Seiji Yoshid told a lie that he was an ex-soldier, but actually, he was just a private citizen, so, he couldn’t have been tried by court-martial.

Seiji Yoshida said that he became the Mobilization director at Shimonoseki Branch of The labor patriotic league in September 1942, and this labor patriotic league mobilized women to serve as comfort women in his book. The labor patriotic league was an organization for the day workers and the agency established in1942, and had nothing to do with the military. Seiji Yoshida surely worked in the league, since several people there remembered him. But it was so ridiculous that the ex-convict who was in prison for 2 years was appointed the director of the league affiliated with the Department of Home Affairs immediately, soon after he was released from prison. It was just the time when Seiji Yoshida said he mobilized many women to serve as comfort women in Jeju Island, but there was also the labor patriotic league in the then Government-General of Korea, so there was no need for a director of the Japanese labor patriotic league to go all the way to Korea.

Seiji Yoshida said in his book, “How I mobilized women by force was written in my wife’s diary, since I talked about it or showed it to her. ” Seiji Yoshida mobilized women by force in1943. But he got married to his wife, Fusae on May 1944. When Ikuhiko Hata asked about discrepancy, Seiji Yoshida said that he got married maybe in1941, when he was in the prison according to his book. In 1947, Seiji Yoshida ran for the election of the Shimonoseki city assembly from The Japanese Communist Party, and was defeated in the election. In around 1970, Seiji Yoshida became an officer of Nonprofit Organization “Japan–Russia Society” in Fukuoka Prefecture.

In 1995, Seiji Yoshida admitted that his story was false, and in the interview for Shukan Shincho's May 1996 issue, he said, “It’s useless to write the truth in a book. It isn’t good to trouble the people concerned, so I perverted the truth partially. Even a newspaper suppresses a fact, and a writer sometimes asserts himself in a newspaper.” In September 1998, Ikuhiko Hata said to Seiji Yoshida on the phone, “Why don’t you declare that your book is not true story, but fiction? ” Then, Seiji Yoshida said, “My pride prevent me from saying a thing like that, and I ’m already 85 years old…, so, let ’s make the book as it is.”, and he refused.

In 2016, monthly magazine called, “Shincho 45” September issue dated on August 18th featured an interview with the eldest son of Seiji Yoshida by Miki Ohtaka, a journalist. Miki Ohtaka visited the eldest son of Seiji Yoshida who lived alone in the northern prefecture in the Kanto District. At first, the eldest son said, “As the eldest son of the Yoshida family, I apologize to all the Japanese people for my father’s false story of mobilizing many woman to serve as comfort women. I wish I would remove all the statues of Comfort Women by truck crane, if I could.” And also he said, “Though it was My father’s fault, on the other hand, he couldn’t write such a fabrication all alone. There must have been those who wanted to make Comfort Woman issue an established fact, and they must have been concerned in it.”

Seiji Yoshida didn’t have regular work in most of his life, and his sons maintained him. In spite of writing books and talking about comfort woman not only in Japan but abroad, Seiji Yoshida couldn’t get enough money, and was always very poor. For what purpose did Yoshida Seiji have action? Mr. A, an ex-detective of the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department and the Yoshidas had a family commitment for a long time. Mr. A said, “Seiji Yoshida borrowed money from a certain organization in the Korean Peninsula. ” When Mr. A saw Seiji Yoshida who was touring in South Korea to apologize to Korean people on TV, he said, “To tell the truth, I was sorry for him.( abbreviation) He became so skinny, and I thought he was frightened so much.”

In the interview with the eldest son of Seiji Yoshida by Miki Ohtaka, the son said, “My father didn’t go to Jeju Island at all. He looked at a map, while writing manuscript at home. ” The son also said, “When Father visited South Korea to apologize to Korean people, his passport wasn’t stamped. It was because…” Seiji Yoshida was a Korean! The reason why there was no stamp in Seiji Yoshida’s passport upon entering South Korea , was that he was not a Japanese but a Korean whose nationality was South Korea. The Korean who borrowed much money from a certain organization in the Korean Peninsula smuggled himself into Japan, stole the census registration of dead Yhuto Yoshida, and pretended to be Yhuto Yoshida. The way of stealing a census registration of dead Japanese, and pretending to be the person is called, “Hainori” in Japanese. Seiji Yoshida adopted his Korean brother who was 4 years younger than him as his son, and had his name entered in the census register. That makes sense. The Shukan Shincho magazine dated on March 13th said that Seiji Yoshida died in July 2000.

On May 11th in 2017, it became clear that the eldest son of Seiji Yoshida who gave false testimony that he mobilized many women forcedly from the Korean Peninsula rewrote the false inscription on the “Monument of Apology.” constructed by his father in Korea through the persons concerned. The son said, “ I can’t stand the useless confrontation between Japanese and Koreans any more. ” He told the details about it in the new book written by Miki Ohtaka ,titled “I’m gonna remove the Monument of Apology constructed by my Father”, which will be published by The Sankei Newspaper company on June 2nd.

According to the new book by Miki Ohtaka, the eldest son of Seiji Yoshida thought as the monument was constructed with his father’s private funds, it was possible for his family to remove it. In March 2017, the son commissioned an ex-soldier of Self-Defense Forces to remove the monument, which turned out to be impossible, since the monument was concreted. So, the ex-soldier stuck another inscription on it, which says, “Memorial by Yhuto Yoshida in Fukuoka Prefectre of Japan.” The Notification of change of the inscription was brought to the Facility Administrators on the spot.

In 2014, The Asahi newspaper company withdrew 18 articles relating to Seiji Yoshida, but hasn’t published the truth yet in English. The eldest son of Seiji Yoshida said to Miki Ohtaka, “The Asahi carried an article that his stories were false, so, I also have to correct the false testimony of my father according to it. Since The Asahi newspaper company won’t correct the false inscription on the monument, I 'm the only one to correct it.” The ex-soldier of Self-Defense Forces who stuck the new inscription received a call from the Korean Police three times by the beginning of May.
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