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Korea's missile test fails, US military says

Korea's missile test fails, US military says


"North Korea disrespected the wishes of China & its highly respected President when it launched, though unsuccessfully, a missile today. Bad!," US President Donald Trump tweeted.

'Continuously playing with fire'
South Korea condemned the "provocative action," saying it clearly violated UN Security Council resolutions and constituted a serious threat to peace and security.
"It demonstrates once again the regime's belligerence and recklessness of categorically disobeying the international community's resolve to achieve the denuclearization of North Korea," the foreign ministry said.

"The South Korean government solemnly warns if the regime refuses to denuclearize, while continuously playing with fire against the entire world, it will only face rigorous punitive measures, including those of the UN Security Council."
But South Korean officials said the test likely was a failure.
"We are analyzing additional information," the nation's Joint Chiefs of Staff said. "Our military is maintaining a thorough defense posture while keeping a close eye on the possibility of North Korea's further provocations."


■米空母カールビンソン、対馬海峡航行 朝鮮半島近海へ
(朝日新聞デジタル - 04月29日 10:12)
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