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18940614 NO792 出兵保留上申理由

18940614 NO792 出兵保留上申理由
駐韓日本公使館記録 3巻 二. 東学乱と清日関係 一 (45) [出兵保留上申理由]

文書題目 (45) [出兵保留上申理由]
文書番号 電送第二四三号
発信日 June 14th, 1894. 12.50. p.m. ( 1894年 06月14日 )
発信者 Otori
수신일 Rec'd. June 15, 1894. 12.25. p.m. ( 1894年 06월15일 )
受信者 Mutsu

(45) [出兵保留上申理由]

Mutsu, Tokio.
Under such situation at 全羅道 where rebels have been defeated and at 京城 where Chinese soldiers were not sent, there is not only the necessity of sending so many troops to protect our Legation and the people, but  there is grave apprehension that China, Russia and the other Powers suspecting attitude of Japan, might send their soldiers to Corea, unless therefore present situation change so as to put us in more dangerous position, I find no good reason  for entering 4,000 soldiers to 京城, I believe such act of Japanese Government is prejudicial to our foreign relations,
but it is quite out of question if the Japanese Government are determined to meet all eventualities besides to attain primary object of sending troops.
在北京臨時代理公使 telegraphed me 2,000 additional Chinese soldiers will be sent to Corea
but 袁世凱 assured me in regard to that telegram that they will not be sent in case Japanese soldiers will not be landed at 仁川.
It is rumored here that Russian troops will be sent to Corea. Ascertain as soon as possible whether it is true.
Otori, Seoul
June 14th, 1894. 12.50. p.m.
Rec'd. June 15, 1894. 12.25. p.m.


1894年 6月 14日 午後 12時 50分 発信
1894年 6月 15日 午後 12時 25分 接手
京城 大鳥 公使

東京 陸奧 外務大臣(*宛)

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