

Stuart Rome

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詳細 2016年2月25日 06:38更新

Stuart Rome was born in 1953 in Bridgeport Connecticut. Rome received his BFA from Rochester Institute of Technology in 1977, studying under noted color photographer John Pfahl. Rome’s own distinct vision was recognized early, with an exhibition in 1978 at the International Museum of Photography at the George Eastman House.

During the early 1980s, Rome considered a Masters-Ph.D. program in anthropology and archeology. He chose to continue to pursue a career in photography, but his photographic work reflects this deep interest in human cultures and their history. His affinity for anthropological research ultimately led to an extensive book project, Maya, Treasures of an Ancient Civilization, for which Rome traveled through Central America and Mexico to photograph objects as they were unearthed.

In 1985, Rome came to Philadelphia to assist in developing the photography program at Drexel University. Rome remained as co-chair of the program until 1994, when he curtailed his involvement to focus on his own work. In Philadelphia, Rome continued to be guided by an interest in anthropology, documenting the ceremonies he found in the city, from American Voodoo to the Mummers’ parade.

In 1987, Rome traveled to Haiti to photograph the practice of trance, a state that takes the individual outside of his or her conscious environment. The photographs were more than cultural or sociological study, they sought to evoke the connection being made by individuals to a natural world that is more animated and complex than we perceive. This work ultimately led to Rome’s renewed interest in landscape work. “I had a reason to look at the landscape in a new way. It came by way of seeing the spirit of the landscape as a palpable presence.” At about the same time, after twenty years of photographing in color, Rome began working in black and white, re-teaching himself the techniques of making and developing black and white prints. “My pictures were becoming more and more complicated, and they were becoming visually less exciting. I wanted to distill them somehow.” For the past fifteen years, Rome has produced a rich body of black and white landscape photography. The work stands apart from other landscape photography in the teeming vitality that emerges from the natural world that Rome captures. The images are charged with a unique sense of movement and life.

Rome has exhibited his work in galleries and museums throughout the United States, and his work is in many private and public collections, including: The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; The Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics; Yale Art Museum; and The Philadelphia Museum of Art. In Spring 2005, noted photography publisher Nazraeli Press will release a volume of Rome’s recent work.



参加メンバー 22人




