

"English Speaking People"

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詳細 2021年6月20日 19:21更新


位置情報【China Elite Club(CEC)】presented by "GLAMOROUS ASIA" is coming up!!

◆What is CEC?

CEC is a network for people who are interested or related with China.
Whatever it could be! Such as, Chinese in Tokyo, learning Chinese, working on some China project…
We have some trilingual guys who also speak English.
See some pics taken last time 
⇒ http://mixi.jp/view_album.pl?id=37060144&owner_id=1327557&mode=photo

Make business connections?
Make personal relationships?

It depends on you!

Come enjoy with us;-)

【Event Info】
■When: 10/31(Sat)19:00〜21:30
■Where: Xanadu [ザナドゥ]  / JR Shibuya Sta. 6 min from Hachiko Exit 
■Map: http://www.xanadu.ne.jp/modules/tinyd2/
■Charge: ♂4,500円 / ♀4,000円 / Student 3,500円
      All you can drink(Wine/Cocktails/Soft drinks、2 hours between 19 to 21pm)、pasta、fried chicken etc
■Programs: Bingo game to win big prizes.
■Capacity: 150 persons
■Reservation: Not needed
■Contact: china.elite.club@gmail.com / Mixi message
■Come with your name cards if you want to build up any business connections.

Meet cool people @ CEC !!

位置情報“GLAMOROUS ASIA”Night is coming up!!


“GLAMOROUS ASIA” is an international party for anyone, no matter where you are from. We are all glad that we can fortunately gather in Tokyo. Asia loves the World and the World loves Asia. There are no borders at all between us. We hope everyone at this party will find cool friends!! Just grab a drink and talk to someone!! Let it be your time!


チャペルWHEN:   Sat, Jun 13 / 7〜10pm
        (you may stay as long as you want after 10pm)

チャペルWHERE:  No.2 Rene Bldg. 3F, 5-3-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
         [Bar QUEST]

チャペルACCESS:  2 minutes from Roppongi Sta. (Hibiya-Line or Oedo-Line)
          ⇒  http://barquestroppongi.com/

チャペルCHARGE: \3,000each バーAll-You-Can-Drinkビール
         Free services also including pasta and snacks.
チャペルCAPACITY:  200 Persons

チャペルRESERVATION/ INQUIRIES: glamorous.asia@gmail.com

位置情報English Speaking Club in Tokyo.

ESP has restarted its activities over again in Tokyo!

The English Conversation meeting will be held bimonthly.

Let's meet up soon;D

See the details below.


Make a reservation with your information below if you are new.

・Cell phone No.&Email-add(連絡用):
・TOEIC/TOEFL score(or英検):
・Abroad experience (留学経験,国/期間):
・Speaking skill level(自己採点5〜1、5を最高、1を最低とする):

Thank you for your cooperation!


==============<About ESP>===============

Hi, welcome 2 "ESP"!!

You might ask what "ESP" is?!
Okay, let me explain it.

I’m a guy who came back from Vancouver in 2005. When I was there, I used to have fun with my English speaking club called “ESP”. By the way, “ESP” stands for “English Speaking People”, Does NOT mean “extrasensory perception”. lol 

Yes, we are 英語を喋る人たち.

The reason I started ESP in Canada is, that I was very serious about learning English. I met a lot of Japanese in there, but they just kept speaking Japanese after the bells. I didn't get why they were in Canada... you guys were supposed to use what you learned, or why didn't you just go back and learn in Japan!

I was very glad to meet all the members of ESP. We used English only to communicate. Even there were lots of words and expressions we didn't know, but we were okay. We even enjoyed this part as well. I guess that is what the real English lovers do.

After retuning from Canada, unfortunately I didn't really have chances to touch English for a while. I worried about nobody to talk with to keep my English skill. Recently I got a new job and I'm working on sevearl overseas projects. I'm happy since what I have done is right, and I wish I could improve my English skill even more!

Hey, are you interested in speaking English? If so, please feel free to join us! It doesn’t matter what your English level is, since nobody can improve any language without making mistakes.

Take it easy.
Let's have fun with chatting in English;D


ESPはEnglish Speaking Peopleの略で、「英語を喋る人たち」という意味です。ぼくは2004-05年にカナダのバンクーバーに滞在しました。ホームステイ、語学学校、インターンシップを経験したくさんの友達にも恵まれ、思い出が詰まった充実した日々でした。ぼくは当時、コツコツ貯めた貯金で海外に行きました。親の援助をもらって海外で遊ぶ学生気分ではなく、本当にシリアスで英語を何とかマスターしたいんだという気持ちでいっぱいでした。日本人同士になると結局日本語になったりするのが嫌で、ESPを立ち上げみんなでEnglish Onlyというポリシーで英語を楽しんでいました。







You can make it;D



参加メンバー 385人




