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詳細 2012年7月30日 07:23更新


[Biography] ※Harlem Staff Blogより抜粋 http://www.harlem.co.jp/blog/archives/2009/03/

DJ VICE は現在7カ所でレジデンスを勤める超多忙DJである。Las Vegasの有名大箱LAXやPure、NYのMarquee等でのレジデンス、LAのメジャー・ラジオ局であるPower 106 FM、そしてNYのラジオ局WKTU-FM で番組を持っている。 世界中から最も求められているDJの一人として彼は、米国国内で忙しいときには1週間で5回もプレイする週があるほどである。

彼が27歳になったとき、すでにDJ歴は14年になっていた。生まれて初めてレコードを買った時の興奮とハングリーさ、音楽を愛してやまない気持ちはいくつになっても変わらなかった。「俺がDJを始めたのは、中学2年のころさ。」彼のDJスタイルは、Kanye Westから AC/DCまでに及ぶ。「皆がスポーツやパーティやらで夢中になっている頃、俺は、すでにDJとして稼いでいたんだ。」彼は、学校のランチタイム中に自分のミックステープを$10で既に売っていた。

成功し有名になった今、彼はプレイしたい場所を自分で選択できる。その中でLas Vegasは、リストのトップに入る。「Vegasは特別さ。クラブに来る人の好みやニーズが幅広いからスキルのあるDJだけがここでプレイできるという意味でね。他では得られないエネルギーを人からもらえる。世界中、プレイしているけれど、こんな所は他にはないね。」VICEは、現在のところ毎週金曜、日曜にHard Rock's Body Englishで、毎週土曜にVegasのLAXでプレイしている。この他、木曜にはLAのLobbyで、火曜にはVegasのPureで頻繁にプレイをしている。

「DJが新しいロックスターという位置づけであるこの時代を楽しんでいるよ。」とDJ VICEは言う。「今は、DJ自体が一つの楽器と考えられている。そうリスペクトされているのはとても光栄だね。」Paris Hilton までのセレブがDJブースに入り込んでパーティをする時代である。ほとんどの都市でターンテーブルがギターと同じように売られていることにDJ VICEは誇りに思っているようだ。


[About DJ VICE]
Of all of today's top DJs that grew up listening to Los Angeles' legendary KDAY 1580 am, none have materialized into something special quite the way DJ VICE has. With that healthy helping of hip hop and a few older siblings to expose him to the rock, pop, and dance music that has ruled the dancefloors of decades past, DJ VICE has an arsenal at hand and an agenda in mind, which he delivers to nightclubs and special events all over America. And with a travel schedule that rivals a politician, chances are you have already heard him rock the house.

DJ VICE jumped onto the turntables at the age of 13, his sights then set on one day riding the radio waves. In 1995, he fell under the wing of the world-renowned BAKA BOYZ, who at the time had the most popular and respected radio show in the country. For 2 years, DJ VICE grinded on their street team, soaking in as much of the music business as he could, studying which songs worked best when, and honing his DJ skills in his bedroom in the suburbs. In 1997, DJ VICE finally got his big chance, mixing on air at POWER 106, Los Angeles' home to hip hop and R&B. His creative programming and intricate mixing made an immediate impression and his position as a POWER MIXER was secure, thus realizing his childhood dream.

As DJ VICE's popularity grew, he ventured out into Hollywood's nightlife arena with a secret weapon: his vast knowledge of all genres of music. Dancefloors had just started to become more tolerant of rock music in a DJ's set, and DJ VICE could certainly deliver. Club owners and nightlife impresarios took notice. He helped launch some of the biggest clubs in North America, with his music, including BODY ENGLISH @ the Hard Rock Hotel Las Vegas, as its Friday Night Resident DJ (throughout 2002 for celebrity promoter BRENT BOLTHOUSE), and TAO Las Vegas in the VENETIAN (throughout 2006, for NOAH TEPPENBERG and JASON STRAUSS, the gurus behind the New York hotspot MARQUEE) as its Saturday Night Resident DJ.

Now, his latest feature is as Resident DJ of Ultra-VIP Las Vegas Hotspot, LAX, inside the Luxor, where the PURE MANAGEMENT GROUP chose Vice, referring to him as "The Hottest nightclub DJ in the United States".

The status of a DJ is heavily dependent upon which markets he has a presence in, the main ones being Las Vegas, Hollywood, New York, Miami, and Chicago. DJ VICE's grasp on Sin City is evident, but he also holds residencies in these other cities: AREA and ELEMENT in Hollywood, MARQUEE in New York, MANSION in Miami, and RINO in Chicago.

Using his vast experience as a base, DJ VICE hopes to explore other areas of entertainment and media, maximizing his exposure and influence in positive ways. A certain excellence is expected at this level of the game; past that, it is personality that separates one DJ from the next. For all his successes, DJ VICE is as humble as he is talented. Oh, and he isn't scared of a shot of PATRON.

[Official Web Site]






[POWER 106]


参加メンバー 48人




