

Nina Martine

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詳細 2011年1月27日 03:25更新





In 1999 Nina Martine and her friend Mirejam created something quite rare at that moment, corresponding to what they would like to listen to themselves: Disco Punk.
They released the single "Go to the beat" in 2000, while they were musicians in the live band of the norwegian artist Påsan.
"Go to the Beat" by Martine & Mirejam was the first edition of the label "Racing Junior".
They got quite a lot of attention with this single, the main track "Go to the Beat" was played on the national youth radio "NRK p3" seven weeks every day during the summer.
They participated with Påsan in the norwegian tour project "Zoom" and went touring in all of Norway, England, Scotland and Denmark.
Martine & Mirejam also performed at music festivals in Norway such as Quartfestivalen and Øyafestivalen.
In 2003, Nina and Mirejam got separated, Nina Martine dissapeared and Mirejam was reappearing in the band"Fox n´Wolf".
In 2006 the company Telenor and "djuice" used the song "Go to the Beat" in a comercial that you can watch on this page and this created again some interest in their single.
In mai 2007 Nina made a group called "3 sko" together with her sister and 242Clones. They made two tracks, "jeg fant" and "wow".
Later, Nina did the song "En å leke med" with Zingone
( www.myspace.com/zingonelecameleon) , "en å leke med" means "someone to play with".
The norwegian radio NRK p3 played it quite a lot, as well as the song "kick it", and Zingone feat Nina was the decouverte NR1 of the year 2007 on the radio "sequences electro", Quebec, (www.myspace.com/sequenceselectro).
Other radio stations playing Zingone feat Nina: CKUM, Montreal, CA, XMU Washington US, Robo Cast Radio UK, BBC Bristol Uncovered UK, Litte Brother Radio Indiana US.
The hugest movie production in Norway in 2007 "Switch" 2007 used two of Nina´s songs, "Wow" by 3 sko and "en a leke med" by Zingone feat Nina.


"Disco punk", c'est comme ça que Nina et sa copine Mirejam définissent leur style, un genre nouveau qui détonne, qui nous viens de Norvège.
Les deux filles, originaires de là où il fait froid, à Oslo, décident de passer à l'action en 1999.
Elles ne tardent pas à se faire remarquer auprès des radios nationales, avec leur single « Go to the beat », sorti 1 an après.
Alors membres du groupe « Pasan », elles participent à la tournée norvégienne « Zoom », qui les emmène en Angleterre, en Ecosse, et au Danemark.
Les deux copines se séparent, Nina Martine disparaît et Mirejam réapparait dans le groupe "Fox n'Wolf".
Quelques années plus tard, en 2007, Nina réapparait aussi avec son producteur français Zingone et dans quelques projets divers.
Sur fond de beats breakés, quelques déhanchements et quelques paroles festives. Nina à tout compris.
Comme le montre « Kick it », au refrain punk et efficace, et dont le clip vaut le détour, Nina est un cachet de bonne humeur, idéal pour vous remonter le moral comme pour faire la fête.
Sonorités des fois discos techno, d'autres fois plus rock, plus métalliques, Nina est un flot d'énergie positive à l'état pur.
« Nina » ou l'Art de faire un son simple, efficace, positif, festif, sans se prendre au sérieux!
-écrit par Alexis www.myspace.com/6magik-


"Go to the Beat", Martine & Mirejam, Racing Junior june 2000.
"En a leke med", Nina, label2la2mer november 2007.
"Caca Bonbec", Zingone, label2la2mer, december 2007.
"Kick it", Zingone feat Nina, 303lovers february 2008.
"2076", Zingone feat Nina, label2la2mer, 2008.



Ca ne devrais pas être très compliqué: Simian Mobile Disco; Riot In Belgium, SebastiAn; Kissy Sell Out; Arctic Monkeys; Phones; Calvin Harris; Acid Jacks... Groove Armada (Grhum??); People Under The Stairs; Shy Child (Tinew funky flex spéciale dédicace); Gossip; Scratch Massive; Justice; Boards Of Canada; Gwen Stefani; Freeform Five; Para One; Metronomy; Goose; Erol Alkan...Souldout; Erik Satie; Charly FanClub; Spank Rock; Does It Offend You, Yeah?; Digitalism; Guns n' Bombs; MSTRKRFT; Punks Jump Up; Teenage Bad Girl; Benny Sings; Girls in Hawaii; Daft Punk; Chungking; The Strokes; Soulwax; Rubin Steiner; Agoria... OF Montreal; Duke Ellington; Cassius; Phoenix; Surkin; Midnight Juggernauts; The Klaxons; DJ Medhi; Jackson; Feist; LCD Soundsystem; Boys Noize; Air, and some other things like that, music that makes you happier than your personnal computer.


参加メンバー 8人




