

MacroNumerics _宙 廻 数

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詳細 2010年12月18日 14:26更新

   MacroNumerics - 宙 廻 数

For a Generation of Dreams becoming a Reality....

MacroNumerics 宙廻数(ちゅうかいすう) 

Macronumerics (宙廻数)とは…


Numerology: The Forgotten Science

“Numerology is used to analyze a person’s character; assess weaknesses, strengths and natural gifts which for many, may still be unknown; predict* one’s future and fate; help understand the past to understand the future; discover the best times to make decisions and take action; when to stay put and when to go solo.

1. To declare or tell in advance; foretell: to predict the weather; to predict the fall of a civilization.

In Life we are all consistently tested physically, mentally and spiritually and more often than not we are left to make decision with very little real information. After pondering the various possibilities and assessing strengths and weaknesses as best we may a somewhat informed decision is made. When our plans and our decisions turn into a total disaster, we are left scratching our heads, dealing with panic attacks, smoking increases, over eating, substance abuse, not being able to sleep well or consuming large quantities of alcohol in an attempt to understand why our full proof plan, our man/women on the inside, our 100% “sure thing” just fell apart in our hands.

MacroNumerics (Chu Kai Su in Japanese) is a system that has been meticulously studied and implemented by committed professionals to help make sure your well-laid plans don’t turn to dust and disappear in a breeze. MacroNumerics (Chu Kai Su) is a fusion of several different Numerological systems in attempt to retain the science and disregard the mystical. Essentially, it is the most complete and accurate approach to accessing ones untapped or misunderstood powers or gifts.

Through MacroNumerics (Chu Kai Su) we will help one reach the Pinnacle* of your life, identify the Optimum* condition of one and help you understand your Peak* via Bio-rhythm readings.

The highest degree or level attainable as of success, power, fame, etc.: the pinnacle of one’s career.
Most favorable condition or greatest degree or amount possible under any given circumstance.
The period of prosperity or productivity.

Numerology has been practiced for thousands of years in one form or another by almost every culture on the planet. The Ancient seers and mystics of Greece, China, Japan and even the Druids of ancient Scotland and the Egyptians had as understanding of the power of numbers far before today’s “science” brought us atomic energy or Speed to mass ratios. In the Human mind, a numerical system and understanding lay dormant and only need be opened and read by someone who can understand the language. Similar to script of a play with YOU as the actor/actress, the MacroNumerics (Chu Kai Su) professionals can direct you the correct location on stage, advise you about timing and approach, how to say something to someone or even what to wear or how to present your self in a manner that will be most beneficial to you. YOU are the actor/actress…The MacroNumerics (Chu Kai Su) Reader is your Director, interested in making you a star.

Numerology in the past has had ups and downs largely due to its association with the occult. Past systems or organizations have attempted to blend Numerology with witchcraft, astrology and other forms of divination to the detriment of the actual scientific approach to numerology. MacroNumerics (Chu Kai Su) disregarded the nonsense and embraced the science. Systematic observation and then interpretation is used to give sound counseling on variety of issues including…

- Financial decisions-when to invest, where, with whom etc
- Romantic issues
- Professional choices
- Life changes

The possibilities for assistance and personal growth are endless.
Going through life without MacroNumerics (Chu Kai Su) is like trying to navigate across an ocean without charts or like walking around a shopping mall blindfolded.

The Professionals at MacroNumerics (Chu Kai Su) are here to support you and after your first reading will start dispensing sound advice with which YOU can take CONTROL and change YOUR LIFE.


プリスティーンカラーは人それぞれが生まれながらにして持っている    光の色です。守護色であり、身につけるほどエネルギーUPとなり、




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