

福田晴子[Haruko Fukuda]

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詳細 2020年5月8日 19:22更新


金取引喚起へ初の女性トップ,福田 晴子氏 豊富な人脈買われ白羽の矢。
ロンドンにある世界金協会会長に、日興証券英現地法人の福田 晴子さんが就任した。



World Gold Council Appoints Haruko Fukuda as Chief Executive Officer

LONDON: 24 February 1999 - The Board of Directors of the World Gold Council (WGC) today announced the appointment of Haruko Fukuda as the new Chief Executive Officer, with effect from 22 March 1999. Miss Fukuda will be appointed a Director and join the Board of the WGC.

Miss Fukuda is 52 years old. A graduate of Cambridge University, she has lived most of her life in the UK. She has a long and distinguished career in the City of London. Until recently she was a Member of the Council of the Nikko Research Center of Japan and Vice Chairman of Nikko Europe Plc, and formerly a Partner of James Capel & Co. In her earlier career she worked in the World Bank in Washington DC and is the author of several books on international trade policy.

She is a Senior Advisor to Lazard Brothers & Co. Limited, and a Director of Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust PLC and other companies. She is also Chairman of the Japan Society in the UK.

In commenting on the appointment, Don Morley, Chairman of the World Gold Council, stated, "We are very pleased that Miss Fukuda has joined the WGC at what is an important time for both the WGC and the industry. Her background of extensive business experience makes her ideally suited to lead the implementation of key WGC strategies and to represent its interests throughout multiple gold market constituencies."

Morley added that, "We have recently refocused the Organisation’s priorities. We believe those changes, and in particular the new leadership that will be provided by Miss Fukuda, will generate the basis for increased support from the world’s gold producers."

John Willson, the WGC’s Vice Chairman who served as the Chairman of the Search Committee, added that, "The Committee was looking for a proven senior executive with a wide range of business experience who would bring a new perspective to the WGC. Both the WGC and the gold industry can benefit from new thinking, and Miss Fukuda will bring a fresh approach to the Council’s leadership."

Haruko Fukuda succeeds Mr. E. M. ("Chick") Hood who resigned from the WGC late last year to pursue other business interests.

The WGC, founded in 1987, is an international association of leading gold producers. Its primary aims are to promote gold as financial and monetary asset and to increase demand for gold worldwide. The WGC’s Headquarters is being relocated from Geneva to London. Regional Headquarters are in New York, Singapore and Dubai.


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