

なんちゃって英語・英会話コミュのThe English teaching of children

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I learned English during six years, that is to say, in a junior
high school (three years) and a high school (three years).
But the content of English teaching was only reading, writing
and grammar. There was no English conversation.

Eventually the purpose of English teaching was entrance
examinations of universities. And so many students have forgotten
English after entrance to universities.

Nowadays English is the common language in the world, that is to
say, English is the most useful communication method in the world.
And so recently it is said that English teaching should be
begun from a primary school in Japan.

I don't oppose this opinion, but I think that there are some
problems in this plan. Won't children be confused when they
learn Japanese and English at the same time?

Who teach English to children correctly? Is there the reliable
system of English teaching? Anyway English teaching for
entrance examinations should be changed. At least it is natural
that students can speak ordinary English conversation after
English teaching of six years.



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