

なんちゃって英語・英会話コミュのhow do you study English?

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How do you study English/Japanese?
Let me share it! Thank you~


Hi, kawham

The reason why I study English is my boss's order,so I attend a English conversation class during working hours once per week.

And I'm exchanging e-mails with some foreigners.
It's not only to study,if anything, it's for fun.
My pen pals teach me a lot of things - moreover it costs free!
Hello everyone!

Yes, I am looking for English conversation class,too.
How is your lesson like? How many students are there in your class?
And I am interested in pen-pals.
How did you find him/her?

Thank you for your correcting my sentence. I appreciate that!! I don't go to English school now and I don't have a teacher who correct my English so it's valuable!
Reading a magazine...OK, I will go to the book store and find it! I found the book "Peanuts"(not magazine though), do you think it's okay to study speaking English?
When it comes to watching movies, it's very difficult to understand.Maybe it's because praticing of listening and my vocabulary are not enough....


You attend English class once a week, what kind of class do you attend? Conversation or reading/writing??
Yes, as you said, it's much better than doing nothing!

My English conversation class has 6 students, and I can speak only English.
It's very hard to me,but I enjoy the class very much.

You are interested in pen pals?
I found pen pals on this page.
Let me give you a piece of advice,you should write your profile in detail.

And yes,my British penpal gives me very impressive mails.
There is many expressions which can't be used except native English speakers.

Anyway, it's very joyful.
If you are interested in exchanging e-mails with foreigners, I strongly recommend you to do!
私なんてぜんぜん勉強していない・・・と反省の限りです(;^_^A アセアセ・・・

I started to learn "English Conversation" from last Summer.
In actual fact, this lesson is once a week.
But I don't go because my work, my other schedule and so on.
My teacher always say me,
"You are very busy-ne. When will you have a lesson?"
( -_;)( ;_;)( ;_;)(>0<)
I want go lessons over twice a month.

*Reading and Writeing*
Regarding reading,I try reading books which written by English at a commuter train.
It is hard for me to read and understand the details.
So, I'm tired very much.

Recently I can read and write some comments on this community.

Hi! Did you take the TOEIC test yesterday?
I took Eiken test.

By the way, I'll show you my way of studying English below.

+++ Speaking +++
* an English conversation school
It's famous for a pink rabbit. ^^
I think it's good as a space of outputting our English.
But I don't think we can learn a lot there.
I suppose I need to input various English knowledge at the other space or by myself.

* Global Chat
It's one of Internet English learnings.
It's good for me because I can take lessons 24 hours & 365 days, I can choose my tutor and it's cheap as a private lesson. Moreover, I can mail the tutors for free so I've asked them to correct my report and asked some questions.

* making friends who are native speakers of English
I've tried it several times, but it was a little hard for me because only men contacted me and... you can guess!
That's why it may be good for men?!

* mumbling...
It's very easy and anyone can do!
I'm not sure if it's effective, actually.
But I'll keep doing it.

+++ Listening +++
* web radio in English

* CDs

+++ Reading +++
* English newspapers
Japan Times

+++ Writing +++
* pen pals
I've made pen pals but I couldn't keep in touch because I couldn't be really interested in them.
I think it's a good way if you like writing letters and mails.

* diary
I can't keep writing my diary, actually. But I sometimes write my diary and have it corrected by tutors from Global Chat.

Since it's not easy for me to keep studying, I try to take some English qualification exams about once several months. One of them was the Eiken test yesterday.

Dictation, shadowing,... I thought I should do that.
Thank you for your information about pen-pal.
I checked the web site and that seems to be interesting!!

And you are belong to English class with 6 students.
Yes, it's fun when we study together with someone else!
However I have a problem that I am very shy when I speak to Japanese in English.


I think it's nice to read a English book in the train and that's effective usage of your time!
I'm trying to a lot of sentences in English so it's good study for me! That's my favorite community. Thank you!

頭が下がりますm(_ _)m

Oh,you are going to "pink rabbit" English school^^;
I wanted to know how the school is like.
>But I don't think we can learn a lot there.
>I suppose I need to input various English knowledge at >the other space or by myself
I agree with that.
When I go to English conversation class, I felt the same thing. So during the lesson it's good opportunity of expressing yourself in English.

And I checked Global chat web site.
It's very cheap!
I am looking for English school but maybe I don't need to?!


I took TOEIC last Sunday.
I was in a hurry when I answered reading section.
I realized I need to study reading with usual speed of TOEIC test.
How was your Eiken test?
I am thinking of taking it someday...


We should keep going and try not to be afraid of making mistakes!!

Well,me too.I was ashamed at the beginning of the English conversation class.
But I noticed "Oh,we are Japanese! So if I say something strange in English, I don't need to feel ashamed!".
I give a sentence which my teacher says repeatedly, "Don't be shy!".

あえて言うならば、「to studying」は変ですね。
You should say "to study English" or "studying English".

Hi,I'm Bon. Nice to meet to you!
I watchi TV English conversation program.
And I listen to English conversation CD.
I would you like to speak English very well!!!
I study English hard wark!
Hi, Photina.

I heard that "The Carpenter"'s songs are very helpful for studying English.
Because their pronunciation is very beautiful.
Please listen to their songs if you'll get a chance.

Nice to meet you too!
What English conversation programs do you watch?
I,too, watch English conversation programs on NHK.
I watch "100語でスタート!英会話" every weekday.
I like the program.
Hello! I'm sorry reply to the mail late.
I watch “100語でスタート!英会話"too!
This TV program is very fun.
And it is very short time for ten minute.
All>I recommend “100語でスタート!英会話”.
Let's try Everybady!
You go to Korea, don't you?
It is very cool in Korea now.
Please take care not to catch cool.
I traverled Korea several times.
Food is very delicious.
Please challenge to eat many food.
Hi Photina,

You'll go to Korea? It will be great experience for you!
To tell the truth, Korean's English ability is nearly equal to Japanese...
Yes, the greater part of Korean can't speak English.

But,it's not important for you.
"You will not be able to speak Japanese language" is just important.
You will do your best and it will increase your English conversation ability.

Hang in there!
Let's RECYCLE this topic!!

I can't hear what did interviewers ask.
Can you understand this interview?

Thank you for you gave a inteseting topic.
But I can't hear voices on my pc at office.
I'll try again at my home!
Oh, NO!
It is very speedy!
I don't understand them.
Hello everyone, my name is naoki but I am not Japanese. English is my mother's tongue ans Swedish my father's. I have been very suprised to see such beautiful English written here! 頑張ってください! I am living in Canada where most people are from a foreign nation such as India or China or Italy. My family is from Sweden from long ago, but my Swedish is not nearly as good as my English. I am studying Japanese as well and very dearly wish to become proficient or at least understandable in it. Thank you
>Valhallaへ行こう! さん
Welcome and thank you for your message.
I'm very glad to join many people from all over the world.
If you have a trouble during your studying Japanese, please ask us on this community!!
And please help us to study English.
Yes of course I will be very happy to do so and of course welcome any help in Japanese. There is also the possibility that I will go to Japan next year to study, so we can say 'hello', 'hallo', こんにちは etc there! Thank you.



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