

英語★できる人&勉強してる人コミュのquick survey! i need your answers.

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Hi guys. I'm writing thesis about file sharing and copyright protection and their trade-offs. Also, i want to grasp about reality of file downloading. PLease cooperate with the survey. 4 questions and it wont take over 1 minute I hope.

1. Have you ever used the FILE sharing programs?

2. IF u have, what kind of programs you usually use or used to be? (Please name 2 of them, winMX,winny limewire torrent etc..)

3. Do you carefully read the agreement or copyright related things when you use the programs?

4. Is this more compact discs or less, than you purchased before using this program?

THanks for your cooperation...


1) yes
2) bit torrent
3) no
4) I don't understand the question.
Hi, I just sort it might help your survey.

Q1. No
Q2. N/a
Q3 Of course not! All the letters on these pages are
too many, too small and too squished.
Q4 I prefer not to use sharing programs really.
Cause it is just like you are sharing your partner
with someone else who you do not know.
Do not you think so?

Anyway,thank you for coming my country!!!
Wish I can have a chance to visit your contry too...
I wish your staying in Japan is fruitful and enjoyable!!! Cheers.
1. Yes
2. WinMX
3. no
4. I am not sure what you mean by the question, sorry...
1. Yes.
2. Napster (back when it was free), bittorrent
3. If you mean end user license agreement (EULA), no.
4. If you're asking if I used to purchase more CDs or less CDs before using file sharing software, then the answer is that I used to purchase less. That is, the number of CDs I purchase has gone up since using file sharing software.
1. Yes
2. WinMX
3. No. I don't feel like reading such long sentences except for my business.
4. This kind of programs don't affect the number of CDs I buy.
First of all, I don't like waiting to start downloading. I always not sure when the program starts downloading and I don't feel like my computers up till the files are completely downloaded. More over, I sometimes can't find the songs I want to get. It's obvious that buying CDs/DVDs from Amazon/7andY is easier and sure than downloading the MP3s with WinMX.

Secondary, it really easy to copy CDs to my mp3 player and HDD of my car GPS system. Only I have to do is just pressing a few buttons. On the contrary, it's pretty messy to copy and manage the downloaded MP3 files to/on them.

Therefore, when I want my favorite music, I usually buy a CD.

By the way, there is only one exception. In order to make a CD to use my wedding ceremony, I collect the songs with WinMX. I didn't have any idea where I can buy the song like a CM song of Zexy.

Actually, I get to buy less CDs nowadays. I think I have some reasons.
1. I have less favorite singers than ever.
2. I have less chance to go to karaoke with my colleagues than ever. I don't need to buy CDs for my karaoke practice.
3. I have less time to listen to music due to change of private/work environment, variety of entertainment other than CD/DVD, etc...

I'm afraid you should ask the age and gender as well.
Hey guys thanks very much with your coop..

to あらどんぶり: Yeah im enjoying to stay in Japan as well im student in here and WOw its already 5 years passed since i came here. Also u better go to Mongolia in some time u can find there NATURE also u can feel the real nomadic life in 21st century :)

to Escher: Yep im totally agree with you. But i want to know about "addict"ed PC users so i asked deliberatley cause mixi members are kinda "addicted" :P... I have all round survey's which made by some japanese organizations so i dont need general info but thanks again for your suggestion.

Thanks again

PS1: about 4rd question
a.Number of CDs,DVDs before using this program
b.Number of CDs,DVDs after using this program
compare a with b :)

PS2: Some ppl asked me bout their private info etc, the reply will be "I wont use your name and personnal info in my survey, just the answers", therefore dont worry about that. if u still have a problem with it u can send me your answers through the PM.
2)I used to use Napstar,WinMX,Winny,Bit torrent,limewire.
3)No.I was not concerned with those things.
4)I had not listened to music so much.
But a few years ago, I started to listen to many songs which were downloaded.
So I have purchased more discs before using these program.

I stopped using these programs when someone was arrested.
Because I did't want to be criminal,
not because it's illegal.
1. Have you ever used the FILE sharing programs?

I use it on a daily basis. So , yes! :-)

2. IF u have, what kind of programs you usually use or used to be? (Please name 2 of them, winMX,winny limewire torrent etc..)

I use ARES and WINMX.

3. Do you carefully read the agreement or copyright related things when you use the programs?

No. Even if I did read it, I doubt that I'd understand it all. :-// I'm stupid.

4. Is this more compact discs or less, than you purchased before using this program?

I used to waste so much money on CDs. But for my favourite artisits (Moriyama Naotaro, Hirai Ken), I have to buy the CD - never download.
1. yes

2. bittorrent, DC++

3. not too carefully.

4. i never buy CDs and never will.
1. yes
2. bittorrent, WinMX, KaZaa, napster
3. not really
4. i think I'm buyin more CD's now than before using file sharing programs.
buying CD = more money for my favorite band = more songs of my fav band will be released =D
so why not??
1. Yes

2. WinMX

3. To some extent, but not carefully and thoroughly.

4. No. But there has been decrease in rentals.



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