

関西オージーフットボールファンコミュのOsaka Dingoes vs Tokyo Goannas Match Report

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姫路で大阪ディンゴーズ 対 東京ゴアナーズのフットボール走る人試合が行われました。朝からすごく天気がよく晴れめちゃくちゃ気合入っていました。ゴアナーズはオール外国人乙女座チームで強いことは分かっていたので、今日の試合でどうすれば勝てるか考えたり、チームメートと一緒にラックワークについて作戦立てたり電球試合する前から頭の中がいっぱいでした衝撃ダッシュ(走り出す様)



1Qで2−3ゴールゴアナーズに先制されゴアナーズはやっぱり強いなーあせあせ(飛び散る汗)と思いつつも何とかパスを回してディンゴーズも負けずにゴール!メンバーもそろい、インターチェンジも多く取れたので皆疲れる前に交代できて動きは良かったと思う走る人。今回は岡山で一緒に頑張っているマイケルもフォワードとして試合で大活躍ぴかぴか(新しい)。どんなボールも磁石みたいに全部マーク。ディンゴーズ初試合で5ゴールも決めて大活躍していましたあっかんべー。お疲れ様、そして,ありがとう手(パー)! なんか吸い付くようなマークを見てて面白かったわーい(嬉しい顔)



途中でサムって言う選手が手の骨を折ってすぐ病院病院に送られました。3Qまでは、互角衝撃な試合をして3ポイント差で4Qに入りました。ここまできたら負けるわけにはいかない!コートに入る前にサム、今井さんそしてポールのためにも皆で絶対に勝つぞと円陣組んで、ONE TWO THREE DINGOES! 4Q最初のゴールはディンゴーズ 逆転exclamation ×2わーい(嬉しい顔)。そして次のゴールもその次もクイックゴールで差をつけ風台風もディンゴーズの味方になり4Q後半は本当に楽しくプレーできました。

大阪ディンゴーズ 107 − 東京ゴアナーズ 75

で、今回のYukiのプレーは3ゴール2ビハ。3Qまで交代なしで必死に走り回ってたし走る人、練習中から暑さでバテて、3Qはベンチスタート。身体は、ちっちゃいけど今回タックルの回数が少なかった分シェパード何度もしてたような気がします。シェパード大好き!いつも言われるんだけど身体ちっちゃいからって簡単に吹き飛んだりしません!ぷっくっくな顔やられたらやり返す!バンプやタックル怖い人もいるかもしれないけどそんな事言ってたらフッティーやってけないよ!去年のInternational Cup サモア戦参加した人には良くわかると思うんだけど ゴアナーズに勝った時は、正にその時と同じ気持ちでした!わーい(嬉しい顔)

試合終わって姫路駅に着くと病院から戻って包帯をグルグル病院腕に巻いてたサムに出会いサムのために勝ったよーって一言。サムも笑顔で喜んでいました!7時半から難波のBlue Billabong というオーストラリアンバー・カフェで送別会を含めた友好パーティービールをしました。皆新しい友達も作れてたようだったし、ゴアナーズの人達ともより仲良くなったので、良い1日になりました。ゴアナーズに勝ったからって気を抜かずに次のホークス戦に向けてリカバリーそして練習頑張って、次も勝ちましょう!ウッシッシ衝撃


Osaka Dingoes and Tokyo Goannas competed in an Australian Football match on the 30th of May in Himeji. It was a beautiful day晴れ for the boys to chase the ball and show off their skills to the crowd走る人. The Goannas, an All-Australian team 乙女座is always tough to play against. Their last loss came in 2007 against the Hawks. They brought a 15 game winning streak into this game衝撃. The boys were prepared for a tough game and made Ruck work plans. The stressげっそり put on the players in preparing a game plan caused the boys to become mentally tired before the game had started.あせあせ(飛び散る汗)

As the boys made their way onto the field, they were welcomed by the loud cheering supportersわーい(嬉しい顔). Despite the big size of the ground, we had hoped for more grass. The match we had today was specialぴかぴか(新しい), not only because it was against Goannas, but also because it was the last match Paul and Imai would play for the Dingoes, as they are leaving Osaka泣き顔. You know what? This made the boys become real samurai!パンチ

Unfortunately the match went Goannas way with the first 2-3 goals.冷や汗 The Dingoes came back with quick handball and accurate goal kicking. Dingoes had plenty of interchanges and they used it effectively走る人. Michael, who trains for Okayama Crows came along today and played full forward. His outstanding performance 指でOKgave the Dingoes something different, and kicked 5 goals for the team. His brilliant marking helped Dingoes all the way through the match. Thank you and Well Done! ウッシッシ手(パー)

As you know, communication during the match is crucial. The Dingoes didn’t communicate so much, only a few boys did, me included.バッド(下向き矢印) However the boys seemed to be working hard on their shepherding. Since we don’t have a coach人影, there wasn’t anyone giving instructions to the boys about the play, which frustrated meちっ(怒った顔). So, I shouted and told boys what they should be doing. I believe that even if you are not playing on the field, you are still a part of the team and need to support boys, communicating with them. If the boys are doing something wrong, tell them衝撃! Don’t just watch and complain afterwards, Do it now! And if someone did fine playウインク, go near them, celebrate together, and tell them well done! This is the way to go, Strong teams talk!!!電球わーい(嬉しい顔)
Dingoes player Sam broke his arm during the 2nd? 3rd Q and he was sent to the hospital病院 as soon as emergency car had arrived. Both teams fought hard 衝撃until end of the 3rd Q with a 3 point difference. There was no way that the Dingoes were going to lose. The Captain had said, “There is no way we are going to let them winexclamation ×2, we trained hard for this day, play 4 quarter footy and win the game for Paul, Imai and Sam, Lets Go”! “ONE TWO THREE DINGOES!!!”ダッシュ(走り出す様)

Dingoes kicked the first goal in the 4th Q, then 2 more quick goals later on! The wind 台風also helped us and the boys were able to play comfortably towards the end of the match. あっかんべー

The Final score was
Osaka Dingoes 107 – Tokyo Goannas 75
Mighty Dingoes defeated Goannas, which hadn’t lost a game against the Dingoes for the last 15 matches by 32 points. Thanks to all the supporters手(パー), I hope you all enjoyed watching our matchぴかぴか(新しい). Also, a big Thanks to Paul and Imai for playing for the Dingoesプレゼント. We hope you guys had fun and have made some great memoriesぴかぴか(新しい)! I am sure you guys will succeed in whatever you do. Be sure to say hi手(パー) and come back to kick the footy again when you return to Osaka! You are always welcome!ウッシッシ

Anyway, Yuki kicked 3 goals and 2 behinds, he run 走る人hard for the first half of the match without having any interchanges. The heat and hard run killed ふらふらme and I had to start from the bench in the 3rd Q. I am small, and didn’t tackle many times on this game, instead I sheppered many times. I love tackling and shepperding! I often hear from my mates that you are gona fly when I get tackled/ bumped etc, but I DON’Tぷっくっくな顔. I pay backパンチ. If you are scared of bumps and tackles you can’t play Football. I had the same feeling as when samurais won against Samoa in the last International cup, after the siren.あっかんべー It was just as awesome!!!手(チョキ)

When the boys arrived at Himeji station新幹線, we saw Sam, wrapped with his arm in a bandage. We just left him words “we won for you mate!” We had an after match partyビール at Nanba, Blue Billabong, which is an Australian bar/café. Many people attended and they made new friends乙女座. It was a fantastic day for the boys! Well done!ぴかぴか(新しい)

I am sure the boys have more confidence電球 after wining against the Goannas, but in saying this, I don’t think the next few matches will be easy. Make sure you recover well and train hard走る人! There are many things to learn still電球. Another tough match is coming, against Eastern Hawks in 2 weeks, Let’s win again! Come On Dingoesexclamation ×2 わーい(嬉しい顔)



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