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2010年04月28日 (水曜日)

So the time is drawing ever so close ! Halloween to be exact ( well that's in the record companies hands) to unleash horror hell ! So here's a little run down of the record ( yes I still call them records )

"Bleeding Eyes of the Etenally Damned" .. It's very much a tribute to Lucio Fulci's masterpiece "City of the Living Dead" heavy,up tempo opening riff and finnishing off with real horror atmosphere to say the least

"Suffering Comes in Sixes" An origanl story about me completing a cycle of murder with inspiration being two very special girls ( victims ??? naw I love em to much to reallly kill them ??? ) who die horribly ! Prob the heaviest song on DT69

"Kyra" a short catchy number thats a homage to my dear friend Kyra Schon aka Karen Cooper from Night of the Living Dead

"A Funeral for Solange" very,very different by Necrophagia's standards, moody and dark with a horror meets neo folk feel reminscent of early Death in June musically composed by my good friend Kim from Of the Wand & the Moon ( one of my favorite bands ever )

"Trick r' Treat ( The Last Halloween )" Heavy and creepy song inspired by Michael Dougherty's brilliant film

"Beast with Feral Claws" mid paced crushingly heavy and sick song about a werewolf

"Naturan Demonto" more of an epic song that builds slowly, it's the final installment of my own "Evil Dead" trilogy ( I love the first film but not so much for the sequels no offense Sam and please never remake the original ) The first two songs were "Ancient Slumber" and "It Lives in the Woods"

"Tomb with a View" Based on the amazing Mario Bava film "Black Sunday" and written for the woman who broke all molds "Barbara Steel" ( Been in love with her since I was eight ) This song oozes atmosphere and dread" with a haunting opening riff that might even make Tony Iommi a little green ( just kidding he's the god of the metal riff ) but it is HEAVY.

Deathtrip 69/ Death Valley 69 ... Title track about the Manson Family, brutal track !! Death Valley 69 is a light hearted attempt at folk akin to what the real Manson Family where jamming in the 1960's. Boris did a really great job capturing the feel of that era and it'll have female vox courtesy of Pixie Randall and Lady Killjoy.

So that's a look into the madness that has taken six years to finally unearth itself ( see I'm blaming DT69 as if it's an entity godforbid I take any blame ) But thanks to everyone who never lost faith in Necrophagia, we might not be punctual but we make original and interesting records ( in my opinion anyway )
I'd like to thank my bandmates ( past and present ) for helping Necrophagia unleash our brand of audio horror for over 25 years ! See you on tour at the end of the year and in 2011 !

Gore Forever,
Anno April 28th,2010
Fuck Oath


読んでお分かりの通りw新譜「DEATHTRIP 69」の曲解説ですよね〜〜〜







> YOGさん







